What Does It Mean To Be Intentional

What Does It Mean To Be Intentional

Intentional living is the talk all “around town”, but what does it mean to be intentional and how can you create an intentional life for yourself?


Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions of daily life without a real purpose? Or that you’re a ping pong ball pinging around without really going anywhere purposeful? What about when you feel stuck and don’t know how to get out of it? 


If you feel that way or have ever felt that way, you are not alone! At some point in their lives, many people (including me) experience periods of living out of habit, following the same thoughtless daily routines, or living in reaction to the things going on in their lives. It could be one area or all areas of your life that feel stuck.


It’s no wonder that so many people feel so empty and lost on the inside, which in turn prevents them from being their authentic selves.


“Intentional living” is a big buzzword these days, but have you given much thought to what it really means? Or why it even matters? Why intentional living and not something else? 

What Does It Mean To Be Intentional

So many people – me included – live life according to what everyone else is doing: going to school, getting married, building a career, having children, buying a house, etc. And at some point, some of them may wonder why they’re so exhausted all the time and if what they’re doing is even what they want. 

This also overlaps into when you become a parent or spouse and then become consumed with your children’s and spouse’s schedules instead of setting goals for yourself outside of what your family is doing.

After all, does it really make sense to be working 60 hours a week climbing the corporate ladder and paying off a mortgage if all you want to do is travel the world and experience new cultures?


That’s why I am passionate about intentional living. But what does living an intentional life really mean?

What is Intentional Living?

When we’re so busy just keeping our heads above water, it may feel like it takes too much time and energy to stop and think about what we really want.


Simply put, intentional living means to live your life with purpose, according to your individualmustard maxi skirt | What Does It Mean To Be Intentional values and goals.


Does that mean you need to have everything figured out? Nope. Does that mean that you can’t climb the corporate ladder and pay off a mortgage? Not at all!

Does that mean you can’t invest your time in things you want to do and have to forget about everyone else’s goals and schedules in your home? Nope!

But it does mean that you consciously make choices about what you want to do and know why you’re doing it. The “why” doesn’t need to match anyone else’s why; however, you do need to know what it is for you.


Unfortunately, not taking the time to know that will have major consequences because one day you’ll feel that life has passed you by and you didn’t do anything meaningful with it.

How do You Do it?

Living intentional every day means that you spend your time living the life you want most. That doesn’t mean that you’re going to have every single thing you want everyday, because that’s entitlement, not intentional living.


What it does mean is that you get to make decisions every day about what you want. Some of those decisions may involve taking small steps to get you closer to your bigger goals, and that’s okay! It’s fine to start small and gradually work your way into bigger goals and dreams! It means you get to be intentional with your habits and routines, by spending time doing things you want to do instead of things you have to do. You schedule in the intentional moment every day instead of skipping them and going to bed or something you have to do. It’s about making the intentional decision to live day to day with more purpose and a more positive mindset.

How to Live Intentionally

How do you spend your time and energy? Do those actions align with your values and goals? I would argue that if you aren’t putting your energy into working to create a life you want, then you aren’t living with purpose.


And if that’s the case, then I have good news for you, you can change that right now! Here are 5 ways to help you live more mindfully and add productivity tips to all areas of your life. 

wall art exhibitStop to Ask “Why”

The whole purpose of living intentionally is to know the “why” behind everything you do, right? You may find, however, that it takes practice to put it into practice. Before you say “yes” to anything, consider these questions:

  • How will this add value to your life?
  • Who are you doing this for?
  • What do you hope to accomplish?

You don’t necessarily need to know the answers to all of these questions, as they are designed simply to increase your awareness in your decision-making. 


Over time, you’ll likely find that you do know the answers to these questions more than you did at first, and they’ll help steer you toward making the best decision.

Listen Intentionally

Mindful living isn’t just about doing what you want, it’s also about nurturing the important relationships in your life.


Feeling connected to other people is essential to finding joy in life, and one of the best ways to feel connected to others is to practice intentional listening. In other words, practice the art of listening to understand rather than listening to respond.

Goal Setting

Working towards goals has been scientifically proven to make people feel happier and more fulfilled. 


But there’s the challenge: if your goals in the past have all been around things that don’t make you feel fulfilled, then it’s time to start incorporating your true wants into your goal setting, which in turn will help you stay focused on achieving those goals.

Ditch Social Media

Spending your time on social media isn’t all bad. After all, it can be a great way to waste time in theDo Something that Brings You Joy dentist’s waiting room. 


If you don’t want to completely ditch social media, just take a short break from it and be mindful about the media you consume. Doing that will help you realign your life to your goals without the influence of all the voices from other people. Those voices don’t matter and will only hinder your own efforts.

Do Something that Brings You Joy

This sounds very simple, but it’s really one of the key tenets of living an intentional life – and can be extremely challenging for people who are first starting on the journey toward intentional living.


It doesn’t need to be anything big and can, instead, be something very small such as reading a good book. But this simple act is powerful in that it adds value to your life in ways that we often overlook. It can also work wonders for your mental health.


An intentional life isn’t necessarily a perfect life, but it is a life filled with purpose. It’s about taking the steps to let go of the things that hold you back in order to seek those that make you feel alive.

More Inspiration:

Good Habits For Clear Skin: Unlocking the Secrets to Radiant Complexion

Good Habits For Clear Skin: Unlocking the Secrets to Radiant Complexion

Taking care of our skin is not just a matter of vanity; it is a vital aspect of overall well-being. By diligently maintaining a skin care routine and adopting good habits, we can positively impact the quality and clarity of our skin. While genetics do play a role, the cumulative effect of small steps taken regularly can significantly improve your skin’s complexion. In this post, we’ll share a roundup of good habits that you can incorporate into your daily life to achieve healthy, clear, and glowing skin.

Good Habits For Clear Skin: Unlocking the Secrets to Radiant Complexion

1. Drink Plenty of Water:

Staying hydrated is essential for skin health. Water helps flush out toxins, hydrates the skin, and promotes a clear complexion. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water each day, and consider incorporating herbal teas and hydrating foods like watermelon and cucumber into your diet.

2. Apply Sunscreen:

Shielding your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial for maintaining its clarity and preventing signs of aging. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it generously to all exposed areas, including your face, neck, and hands. Reapply every two hours,Good Habits For Clear Skin especially when spending extended time outdoors.

To make sure you have applied your sunscreen evenly, make sure to check out this L&L Skin tool that helps make sure every inch of your skin is protected. It’s easy to use, and will help keep the burn away even on the hottest days!

3. Wash Your Face Twice a Day:

Cleansing your face in the morning and evening helps remove impurities, excess oil, and dead skin cells that can clog pores and contribute to breakouts. Choose a gentle facial cleanser suitable for your skin type and follow it up with a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

One of my favorite no water cleansing balms is the Elemis Pro Collagen Cleansing Balm. You grab a little out of the container and rub it on your dry face and rinse off with a wet towel and some warm water. Watch all the dirt, makeup, oil, and gunk melt away!

4. Follow a Balanced Diet:

What you eat directly impacts your skin. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats in your diet. These nutrient-rich foods provide antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support skin health and combat inflammation.

5. Change Pillowcases and Bed Sheets Regularly:

Your pillowcases and bed sheets can accumulate dirt, oils, and bacteria, which can transfer to your face and potentially lead to breakouts. Aim to change them at least once a week to maintain a clean sleeping environment for your skin.

6. Exfoliate Once a Week:

Regular exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and promote cell turnover, resulting in a smoother complexion. Choose a gentle exfoliator suited for your skin type and use it once a week to avoid over-exfoliating and damaging your skin.

7. Moisturize Daily:

Keeping your skin well-hydrated is essential for maintaining its elasticity and preventing dryness. Use a moisturizer suitable for your skinElemis skincare type to lock in moisture and create a protective barrier against environmental aggressors.

One of my favorites for keeping in and also adding moisture without being too greasy is the Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream. It’s labeled as a day cream, but I also like it for nighttime.

8. Consider Beauty Supplements:

Supplements enriched with skin-loving nutrients like collagen, vitamins C and E, and omega-3 fatty acids can complement your diet and support healthy skin. Consult with a healthcare professional to find supplements that suit your needs.

9. Prioritize Sleep:

Quality sleep allows your skin to repair and regenerate. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, ensure a comfortable sleep environment, and limit exposure to electronic devices before bed to optimize your sleep quality.

10. Manage Stress:

Chronic stress can take a toll on your skin, leading to breakouts and exacerbating skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Practice stress management techniques such as exercise, meditation, deep breathing, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy to promote overall well-being and healthy skin.

11. Engage in Regular Exercise:

Physical activity improves blood circulation, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, giving you a radiantFollow a Balanced Diet glow. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, whether it’s jogging, yoga, or any activity that gets you moving and sweating.

12. Add Face Masks to Your Routine:

Face masks provide targeted treatments and nourishment for your skin. Choose masks suitable for your skin type and concerns, such as hydrating masks for dry skin or clay masks for oily skin. Apply them once or twice a week to enhance your skincare routine.

13. Opt for Natural Skincare Products:

Many conventional skincare products contain toxic chemicals that can irritate and damage the skin. Consider switching to products made with natural ingredients and avoid harsh chemicals like parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances.

14. Regular Facial Treatments:

Professional facial treatments offer deep cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration, addressing specific skin concerns. Schedule regular appointments with a trusted esthetician who can tailor treatments to your skin type and needs.

Achieving clear and radiant skin is a journey that involves adopting good habits and maintaining a consistent skincare routine. By drinking enough water, protecting your skin from UV rays, following a balanced diet, practicing good hygiene, and incorporating other healthy habits discussed in this post, you can enhance your skin’s health and unlock its natural glow. Remember, consistency and patience are key when it comes to achieving and maintaining clear skin. Embrace these good habits, and your skin will thank you with its renewed vitality and radiance.

4 Pillars Of Self Care

4 Pillars Of Self Care

Are you looking to make a change in the coming year? We all have our goals and resolutions that we want to accomplish, but sometimes it can be hard for us to stay on track with them. The key to lasting success is having strong foundations under your feet – which is why we’re going over the pillars of self care today! By understanding what self care is, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and how important it is in its entirety, you’ll have a unique approach towards making that resolution a lasting reality. The International Self-Care Foundation has created the various components of self-care to make it easier for you to understand and adopt into your life. With a better understanding of what self-care entails, you can incorporate its practices more effectively into your daily routine. Self care may seem like an overly complex topic at first glance – luckily today we break down this complicated concept into easy steps so that you can become well versed in creating healthier habits!

4 of Pillars of Self Care

What is Self-Care and How the World Health Organization Defines It

Self-care is a term that we hear a lot these days, but what does it really mean? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), self-care is defined asPillars Of Self Care the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider. In simpler terms, it’s all about taking care of oneself in all aspects of life, such as physical, emotional, and social well-being. It’s important to prioritize self-care as it helps us recharge, reduce stress, and improve our overall quality of life. Whether it’s getting enough sleep, eating healthy, or taking time to relax, self-care is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Practicing Self Care and Why It’s Important

Hey there! Have you heard about the benefits of practicing self care? It’s an important aspect of maintaining your overall health and well-being. Taking time to care for yourself can help reduce stress and boost your mood. It can also improve your physical health by allowing you to rest and recharge your body. Practicing self care can take many forms, from soaking in a bath to going for a walk or meditating. Whatever it is that helps you unwind and relax, make time for it regularly. Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity!

The Four Pillars of Self Care – Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual

Hey there! Let’s talk about the four pillars of self care. Taking care of yourself is crucial in leading a happy and healthy life. The four pillars include physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Physical self care includes things like exercise, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep. Emotional self care involves managing stress, practicing relaxation techniques, and spending time with loved ones. Mental self care means engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, such as reading or learning a new skill. Lastly, spiritual self care can mean different things to different people, but generally involves connecting with something greater than yourself, whether it be through prayer, meditation, or nature. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s necessary!Pillars Of Self Care

How to Incorporate Self-Care Practices into Your Daily Life

Hey there! Let’s talk about self-care practices and how to incorporate them into your daily routine. We all have busy lives, and it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everything going on around us. But taking care of yourself both physically and mentally is crucial for a happy and healthy life. One way to start incorporating self-care practices into your day is by waking up 10 minutes earlier to do some stretching or meditation. Another great way is to schedule in some “me time” every week, whether it’s getting a massage or taking a relaxing bath. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary! So take the time to prioritize yourself and your well-being.

Understand the Complexities of Self Care and Taking Care of Yourself

Self care is more than just taking a bubble bath or treating yourself to your favorite dessert. It involves understanding the complexities of our well-being and taking the necessary steps to nurture our mind, body, and soul. It’s about listening to our bodies when it tells us to slow down, and giving ourselves the time and space to heal. When we neglect self care, we risk burning out and ultimately not being able to take care of ourselves or those around us. So, take a deep breath and consider what self care means to you. Maybe it’s carving out time for a hobby or simply saying no to obligations that don’t bring you joy. Whatever it is, prioritize it and watch as it transforms your overall well-being.

How to Create a Self Care Plan That Fits Your Lifestyle

Hey there, friend! Are you feeling like you could use a little more self-care in your life? Don’t worry, you’re definitely not alone. With our fast-paced lifestylesself love and endless to-do lists, it can be challenging to carve out time for yourself. But you deserve it! Creating a self-care plan that fits your lifestyle might seem overwhelming at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by thinking about the activities that bring you joy and make you feel refreshed. Maybe it’s taking a walk outside, practicing yoga, or indulging in a bubble bath. Whatever it is, make it a priority to incorporate those activities into your daily routine. Remember, self-care is not selfish – it’s necessary for your overall well-being. So take some time for yourself, and start living your best life!

Self-care is more than just taking a day off or scheduling a spa appointment. It’s essential to focus on our wellness in order to ensure we are the best version of ourselves. By taking the time and effort to learn what self-care is, understand the four pillars, generate ideas for daily practices, and create a personalized plan, we can begin to make meaningful changes in our lives that will help us maintain our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. We owe it to ourselves to make self-care a priority each day as it will provide benefits both short and long term. The next time you feel overwhelmed by life, take a few moments for yourself to practice self-care – you’ll be glad you did!

Healthy Ways to Manage Stress and Improve Work-Life Balance

Healthy Ways to Manage Stress and Improve Work-Life Balance

Are you struggling to find a work-life balance? Do you feel like you’re always stressed out and don’t have enough time for yourself? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people are struggling with this issue. However, there are some things that you can do to manage stress and improve your work-life balance. 9 to 5 life and peace don’t go hand in hand for some people.

There’s a load on your shoulders, hectic commuting, and no time for yourself. On top of that, the stress is so much that every day you’d either wish to go to the mountains or just quit your job altogether. But neither of them is feasible for individuals who do not have the livelihood, or for those who do not want to give up just yet. 

So the only option left in the scenario is to manage your stress in healthy ways and improve your work-life balance.

But how do you do that? Is it even possible? Why not! This article is going to brief you on all the know-how. 

Healthy Ways to Manage Stress and Improve Work-Life Balance

Benefits Of Managing Stress In A Healthy Way

Keeping your personal life separate from your work life is no easy task. Work and personal duties can easily pile up and cause high stress levels, and even chronic stress. Although it might take some adjusting to achieve a work-life balance and to learn how to manage stress healthily, here are the benefits you will enjoy when you do:

  • Better sleep, focus, mental strength, attention span, and productivity
  • Improved relationships with friends, family, and coworkers
  • Better work/home balance and improved problem-solving skills
  • Less muscle tension and stress build up throughout the body
  • Improved mood and outlook on life
  • Lower blood pressure, better digestion, and improved immune system

10 healthy ways to manage stress and improve work-life balance

1. Exercise

Healthy Ways to Manage Stress and Improve Work-Life BalanceThis might be your least favorite option if you are a couch potato, yet it is one of the most effective ones.

Exercising releases happy hormones like Dopamine which keeps your mood in balance by drastically reducing stress and anxiety. This past year, my saving grace has been exercised. I wouldn’t have maintained my sanity with everything going on, and all the stresses of the world. If you are part of the Peloton family, make sure to find me on the leaderboard, #bettercauseLnF.

In addition to that, exercising can fill you with energy. Your focus will improve, and you will be able to do your work much faster, not to mention the quality of output will also improve. It is my “me time,” my personal time that everyone knows not to bug me. Sometimes that’s all I get in the hectic day of work and home life.

2. Take regular breaks from work

If you drag yourself to work for hours at a stretch then, stress would be inevitable for you. Thus create a balance, including regular breaks to catch up on life. This includes throughout the regular work day, and by taking advantage of your vacation days & PTO.

Even a 15-20 minute break after 2 hours of continuous work is enough is enough to clear that mental clutter. Catch up with colleagues, take a short walk, or play pool if your workplace is blessed with it. Do whatever that diminishes your stress. But don’t spend these minutes on your phone because apart from your mind, your eyes need rest too.

A good work-life balance helps to ensure you don’t burn out too quickly as well. When you have a poor work life balance, you can tire more easily, get stressed even more, and get angry at the people you care most about. Your mental health and your support system will both suffer. 

The best tip for ensuring I work efficiently as well as taking a break is by using a timer. I set it for a specific time and then when the timer goes off I know it’s time to get up. My favorite way to take a break is to go outside to get some fresh air and some sun on my face.

3. Have your me-time

When was the last time you spent time with yourself? If it has been a while, then what are you waitingHealthy Ways to Manage Stress and Improve Work-Life Balance for? Me-time is the best way when it comes to restoring your lost peace.

You might have your idea of me-time, be it reading a book or simply eating your favorite delicacy while watching Netflix. It could also be as simple as spending a few minutes in the bath by yourself or spending a little extra time meditating or being quiet before bed.

To start with it, you can use your weekends or when you come back home. As I said above, physical activity is my me-time, but I also meal prep foods and like to make chocolate molds and arts and crafts in the morning hours before anyone else is awake. It’s all about having a healthy lifestyle for me because balance is so important to keeping a healthy work-life balance. 

4. Disconnect from technology

Nowadays, technology can be both a blessing and a curse. While it allows us to work remotely and stay connected with our colleagues, it can also make it challenging to create boundaries. It can feel like we need to be available and online 24/7, leading to feelings of burnout and exhaustion. Taking some time to unplug from technology, even if it’s just for a short while, can be an excellent strategy for reducing stress and improving your physical health. By disconnecting, you can better focus on the present moment and recharge for whatever lies ahead.

5. Be more social

We have friends and family who are our happy pills. When you feel that work stress would be the death of you, dial them up or go to meet them. You would feel much better. It also goes the other way – if you have people who are bringing you down, make sure to consider this when you look at how much time you spend with them. If they don’t bring you happiness but only stress, it’s really not helping you. 

If work keeps you bonded, then you can talk to them on the phone during your break times. Keeping in touch with them would help you create a firm balance between work and life, so make sure you don’t skip this. If you are meeting people in person, be sure to be present. Don’t check your emails when they are speaking or when you are out with friends and family. Quality time is more important than just going through the motions. Manage your time efficiently so you can enjoy the time between work and family. 

6. Connect with loved ones

When working remotely or spending long hours a week at work, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and even isolated. Connecting with loved ones can be a great way to reduce stress and improve your mental health. Taking time to interact with your family, friends, or significant other can help you feel grounded and supported. This connection can also help you achieve a healthy work-life balance by reminding you of the importance of stepping away from work and prioritizing relationships.

7. Manage your workload

When there’s a heavy workload, one is bound to get stressed. So the key to managing your stress is to manage your workload. You can do so by making every day count. What I mean is, start today instead of just getting started when your deadlines are at an arm’s length. 

In other words, set daily targets. Make a list of the tasks, divide them by the number of days you got, and what you would have your daily targets. In this regard, prioritizing can help too. Start with the most demanding tasks first, and go all the way down to the less demanding ones. Your time and energy are some of the only things you have that aren’t renewable (energy is but it takes time to get there) so be mindful of things you say “YES” to doing, especially if they may not bring you happiness. 

8. Learn to say no

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s crucial to identify what’s causing these feelings and determine what elements of your job are draining you. You may find that you’re taking on too much and spreading yourself too thin. Learning to say no can help you prioritize your workload and manage your stress. It can be challenging to turn down opportunities or delegate tasks, but it’s necessary to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Saying no allows you to focus on the most critical areas of your life and avoid burnout.

9. Take up your hobbies

Did you have some hobbies that you were forced to abandon due to work? If yes, then pleaseHow to Improve Work-Life Balance consider getting started with them again. 

Your hobbies are your #1 stress busters. They bring you peace and solace and make you feel that you have a life other than work. You need that the most right now. If you are thinking you don’t have time, or they are a waste of time, start small. If you start with small increments each day, you can gradually increase as you make more time and notice how your stress falls away. 

10. Set boundaries

Your colleagues and boss will keep on piling files at your desk if you don’t speak your mind. Tell them that you cannot take up more work because you have tons of it already. While you are at it, be more polite. If your employer and colleagues are understanding enough they will understand.

It’s also important to have the boundaries at home. You don’t want to have all of the boundaries at work and then come home and be expected to do all of the work and take care of the kids. Be upfront and honest with your spouse and your kids and let them know you need space and where you can and can’t do things. 

I hope these ways help you manage the stress and achieve a healthy work-life balance. Let us know how these tips work for you in our comment section.

21 Sustainable Lifestyle Habits

21 Sustainable Lifestyle Habits

Do you want to live a more sustainable lifestyle and make a positive impact on the environment while also saving money? It all starts with everyday habits. From using public transportation to conserving water, there are easy actions that anyone can take to start living sustainably right away! In this blog post we’ll be discussing 21 of these simple habits – from small changes like switching off appliances when not in use to bigger steps such as investing in solar energy or energy-saving lamps. Today’s individual actions have the potential to create tremendous impacts towards social justice and environmental sustainability in the future. It is possible for us all to do our part by implementing practical and sustainable lifestyle habits that nurture Mother Nature. So if you’re ready to kickstart your journey towards sustainability, let’s get started!

21 Sustainable Lifestyle Habits

1. Reduce your food waste – plan ahead and buy only what you will useSustainable Lifestyle Habits with kids

If you’re trying to reduce your food waste, one of the best things you can do is to plan ahead and only buy what you know you’ll use. It’s tempting to buy in bulk or stock up on deals, but oftentimes we end up throwing away a ton of food that goes bad before we can eat it. So next time you’re at the grocery store, take a moment to think about what you really need and how much of it you’ll realistically eat within the next few days or week. Your wallet (and the planet) will thank you!

2. Invest in reusable containers for food storage and travel

Are you tired of constantly throwing away empty plastic containers from your packed lunches? Or maybe you’re always worried about finding a leaky, disposable container in your travel bag? Investing in reusable containers for food storage and travel might just be the solution you need. Not only is it an environmentally friendly choice, but it saves you money in the long run since you won’t have to constantly replace plastic containers. Plus, many reusable containers these days come in stylish designs and colors, making your meals on-the-go even more fun and enjoyable. So next time you pack a lunch or plan a trip, consider the benefits of investing in some durable and reliable reusable containers.

3. Shop for second-hand items to reduce your carbon footprint

Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint and make more sustainable choices? Well, shopping for second-hand items is a great way to start! Not onlySustainable Lifestyle Habits are you helping to reduce waste and save resources, but you can also find unique and affordable items that are not typically found in stores. Whether you’re searching for clothing, furniture, or electronics, there are many online marketplaces and local thrift stores where you can find exactly what you’re looking for. So why not give it a try and shop second-hand? You might just be surprised at what you can find while also making a positive impact on the environment.

4. Buy local produce so you know where your food comes from

Have you ever thought about buying local produce? It’s a great way to support your community and get fresh, tasty food. Plus, you’ll know exactly where your food is coming from – no more wondering about the origin of your fruits and veggies. By buying local, you’ll also be reducing your carbon footprint, since your food won’t have to travel as far to get to you. And on top of all that, local produce is often more affordable than the imported stuff. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at just how much you enjoy those local tomatoes or cucumbers. Happy eating!Sustainable packaging

5. Make a conscious effort to purchase items with minimal packaging

Have you ever noticed how much unnecessary packaging is used when you buy everyday items? It’s crazy, right? From plastic wrap to outer boxes, it seems like everything we buy comes with a surplus of packaging that just gets thrown away. That’s why it’s important to make a conscious effort to purchase items with minimal packaging. Not only will this help reduce waste, but it can also save you money in the long run. Plus, you’ll be doing your part to help the environment. So why not make a small change in your shopping habits and start choosing products with minimal packaging? Trust me, it’s a small change that can make a big impact.

6. Turn off lights and electronics when they’re not in use

Let’s chat real quick about something that we all know we should be doing but sometimes forget: turning off lights and electronics when they’re not in use. Sure, it may seem like a small thing that doesn’t make much of a difference, but did you know that leaving electronics plugged in when you’re not using them can still use up to 25 percent of the energy they would use when you actually are using them? Crazy, right? Plus, it can save you some serious money on your power bills in the long run. So, next time you step out of the room or finish using a device, be sure to give that switch a quick flick. Your wallet (and the planet) will thank you!

7. Conserving Water

We all know that conserving water is important for the environment, but did you know that it can also save you some serious cash? That’s right, by reducinginvest in quality products your water consumption each day – through things like taking shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing your teeth – you can cut down on your utility costs significantly. Plus , you’ll be helping the planet too! So why not make a conscious effort to conserve water whenever possible? It’s a small step that can go a long way.

8. Invest in Quality Products

Look no further than investing in quality products that are built to last! Quality items not only provide superior performance, but they also reduce the amount of waste generated from lower-quality disposable items. Not only that, but investing in better products can save you money in the long run since they will last much longer than their cheaper counterparts. So why not make a conscious effort to invest in quality products and make a positive impact on the environment?

9. Choose Reusable Over Disposable

We all know that reducing waste is important for the environment, so why not choose reusable over disposable items wherever possible? From grocery bags to water bottles, choosing a reusable version of something that would normally be disposable can help you save money and reduce your impact on the planet. Plus, most reusable products are made from quality materials that will last for years, meaning you’ll get your money’s worth in no time!

10. Solar Panels

Are you looking for an easy way to reduce your power bills and help the environment? Look no further than solar panels! By investing in a quality set of solar panels, you can generate your own free electricity from the sun. Not only that, but it’s possible to even make some money off selling excess energy back to the grid. So why not make a small change and invest in solar panels? Trust me, it’s an investment that will pay dividends for years to come. We love having ours on our house, the energy bill is so low each month and we feel good about saving the environment! If you are in the market, make sure to visit Volt Solar because we loved working with them on our home!

11. Energy Efficient Appliances

Let’s talk real quick about energy efficient appliances. By investing in energy efficient models, you can reduce your power bills significantly! Plus, you’ll be doing your part to help the environment too. Not only that, but many energy efficient appliances come with a variety of features that standard models may not have – such as temperature sensors and timers – making them even more appealing.

12. Carpool

Are you looking for an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint while also having some fun? Look no further than carpooling! Not only will it help you savecarpool for sustainability money on gas and reduce your environmental impact, but it can also be a great way to socialize with friends and colleagues. So why not make a conscious effort to carpool whenever possible? It’s a small step that can make a huge difference!

13. Composting

Did you know that composting is an excellent way to reduce your environmental impact? Not only will it help to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, but composting can also provide a great source of organic fertilizer for your garden. Plus, you could even sell your compost and make some extra cash!

14. Using Natural Cleaning Products

Are you looking for an easy way to help the planet and save money? Look no further than using natural cleaning products! Not only will they be gentle on your skin, but they’re also much better for the environment. Plus, many of them are cheaper than standard chemical-based cleaners too! Some of our favorite brands include doTERRA, Mrs. Meyer’s, Zevo for flying insects that Polite Pest doesn’t always get with their chemical free bug spray.

15. Spending your Money Wisely

Let’s talk about spending your money wisely. By making conscious choices when it comes to where you put your hard-earned cash, you can help to support businesses that prioritize the environment and sustainability. Plus, look out for companies that offer eco-friendly products too – they’re always a great choice!

16. Practicing Reduce, Reusing, and Recycling

One of the most important tips for helping the environment – practicing reduce, reuse, and recycle. By implementing these three R’s in your daily life, you can make a huge difference to the planet. So why not make a conscious effort to incorporate them into your lifestyle? After all, every small step counts!

17. Reduce Animal Product Consumption

Finally, let’s talk about reducing animal product consumption. Not only will it help to reduce your environmental footprint, but it can also be an excellent way to improve your health and wellbeing too. So why not make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of animal products you consume? Trust me – you won’tcolorful trash bins regret it!

18. Air Dry your Clothes

Another easy way to reduce your environmental impact is by air drying your clothes. This simple yet effective technique can help you save money on energy bills while also reducing the amount of energy used in the laundry process. Plus, it’s much better for the environment too! So why not give it a try?

19. Install Low-Flow Showerheads

Are you looking for an easy way to help the environment? Look no further than installing low-flow showerheads! Not only will they help to reduce your water consumption, but they can also significantly reduce your water bills. Plus, many of them come with a variety of features such as temperature sensors and timers – making them even more appealing!

20. Choose Eco-Friendly Building Materials

Why not make a conscious effort to choose eco-friendly building materials when renovating or constructing? Not only will it help you save money on energy bills, but it can also reduce your environmental impact too. Plus, many of these materials come with a variety of features – such as temperature sensors, energy-saving coatings, and much more – making them even more appealing!

21. Opt for Slow Fashion

Finally, let’s talk about slow fashion. Not only will it help you save money in the long run, but it can also be an excellent way to reduce your environmentaleco-friendly coffee cup impact too. By opting for eco-friendly materials and sustainable production processes, you’ll be making a huge difference to the planet. Places to avoid with fast fashion include: Asos, Chicwish, Zara, H&M, GAP, Forever 21, Topshop, Esprit, Fashion Nova, and even more mainstream brands like Adidas, Nike, and Walmart.

Living sustainably may seem daunting at first, but the truth is it only takes a few small steps to make a big difference. If you commit to reducing your food waste, investing in reusable containers, shopping second-hand items, buying local produce, and seeking out minimal packaging items when possible – you will be well on your way to living a more sustainable lifestyle. Additionally, being mindful about turning off lights and electronics when they’re not being used will only support your journey. Remember: no one is perfect. You can always challenge yourself to do better and do more as you become aware of new ways to help the environment. Small changes add up over time, so anytime you make an effort – however seemingly small – to reduce your environmental impact is a step in the right direction!

How to Implement a Daily Self Care Routine

How to Implement a Daily Self Care Routine

Being the best version of yourself means taking care of your body, mind, and soul. Practicing a daily self-care routine gives you the fuel you need to feel your best every day. Use these tips and ideas to form a daily routine you can effortlessly stick to.

Have you found yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or unfulfilled lately? If so, it might be because you aren’t practicing (enough) self-care.

Most of us have heard about how important it is to practice self-care, but it’s really more than just a buzzword. 

Healthy living involves more than getting the optimal number of fruit and veggie servings or 30 minutes of cardio each day. Healthy living isn’t just about your physical and emotional health. It’s about your social, emotional, and mental health too.

How to Implement a Daily Self Care RoutineThat’s where self-care comes into play. Self-care is vital to our overall health and well-being. Whether you realize it or not, a daily routine can help with incorporating self-care into your day. By devoting just a little time each day to take care of ourselves, we are able to feel our best on many levels.

But we struggle to actually implement it in our daily lives. We all juggle many different things at any given time, which often means that we tend to put ourselves at the bottom of the priority list. 

How to Implement a Daily Self-Care Routine You’ll Stick to

We don’t have time for “indulging” in self-care, right? Wrong.

How to Implement a Daily Self Care RoutineGoing to the gym or the salon or having girls’ nights can definitely be forms of self-care but today I’m talking about little, regular things you can do on a daily basis to help you recharge and feel good.

While self-care does include taking care of yourself physically, the most effective forms of self-care involve implementing a collection of everyday habits that help you nurture your well-being and overall health, and you’ll start to feel good too.

First and foremost, it’s important to cover what is self-care…and what isn’t.

Most people think that self-care is about taking care of yourself physically such as working out a lot. 

Or another belief is that some people think that only Hollywood stars in Los Angeles have the time to pamper themselves with self-care activities (probably because that’s what lots of their social media posts show).

However, both of those ideas couldn’t be more wrong. Just because an activity is good for you doesn’t automatically make it self-care And everyone needs to pamper themselves regularly.

The qualifying distinction is that you need to be able to gain some sense of gratification from spending time doing your chosen self-care activities. If you find fulfillment from meditating or running, then they may be able to be considered self-care 

However, if you do them because they’re “good for you” (even if they help you feel great) but you really hate every second you spend doing them, they can’t be considered self-care.

Our lives are so busy with so many moving pieces that we need activities in our days that allow us to slow down and really relax. Take some time to choose activities that help you feel centered and relaxed and try to incorporate them into your day. 

Maybe you do some of them as part of your morning routine, and maybe some of them are part of your evening. I highly recommend sprinkling them throughout your entire day!

Daily Self-Care Routine Examples

Here are some examples of types of self-care activities you might want to adopt as part of a daily self-care routine that can improve your daily life. Try and set realistic goals… you could even utilize your phone’s alarm clock to stay on track.

The key to doing them daily (or regularly) is to make them a natural part of your day so that they fit in seamlessly, almost without you needing to think about it. 

Reading a Book

First up on the list of self-care ideas is to read a book – or listen to an audiobook. Reading can not only be relaxing but very fun and offer some respite from the stresses of everyday life. 

No, I’m not talking about reading textbooks or work briefs. I’m talking about reading a mystery, an interesting biography, or even a romance novel.

Do it while you’re taking a bath, enjoying your morning coffee, or before you go to bed so it’s a natural part of your day. For example, I read for about 20 minutes every night before turning off the light, and it’s one of my favorite parts of the day.

Take a Leisurely Walk

Taking a walk can be a great way to wake up in the morning or get centered after a day of work. Just being outside breathing the fresh air and moving your legs can be not only enjoyable but rejuvenating as well.


yoga classIf you enjoy the mind-body practice of being in the moment and focusing on your breathing while also stretching, yoga might be a great addition to your daily self-care routine. Just 30 minutes of yoga and some deep breaths can make a huge difference in how you feel.

Take a Nap

There’s nothing like a quick power nap to help reenergize you and freshen you up for the rest of the day. A solid 10-15 minutes is all you really need.

Journalingessential oils

Journaling can be an amazing outlet. If putting your thoughts and feelings on paper is enjoyable and cathartic, you can easily incorporate a few minutes of journaling into your daily self-care routine.

Diffuse Essential OilsDiffuse Essential Oils

Essential oils can bring a sense of serenity and calm to an area. By the same token, they also have the ability to energize you. If you enjoy scents, try diffusing essential oils any time of the day that you want. Try choosing a citrus scent in the morning to energize you and some lavender in the evening to help you unwind.

Cook Your Own Breakfast

Many people find cooking to be therapeutic and enjoyable. If that’s you, pick one meal (breakfast, perhaps?) that you can cook daily. It doesn’t need to be extravagant – the act of cooking is the important part.

Listening to Podcastsself care ideas

Podcasts are wildly popular for a good reason: they are entertaining and interesting nuggets of media that don’t take up too much of your time. Since they’re relatively short, you can listen to them at practically any time of the day: while you put on your makeup, driving to or from work, while you take a bath, etc. 


Whether you’re just starting to implement a daily self-care routine for the first time or you’re wanting to begin one that you’ll actually stick with, it’s important to remember to make it a seamless part of your day so that you don’t need to think about it or make time for it (which can mean that you don’t do it at all).

I hope these tips help inspire you as you choose daily self-care activities that will bring long-term relaxation, joy, and peace into your life!