Life isn’t always kind to most people. It throws challenges and bad days at you only to make you vulnerable. Nevertheless, you can’t stop life from doing what it does to everyone, but you can certainly be at your own defense by being a mentally strong person. 

Having said that. A strong mind doesn’t only help you survive but also gives you the courage to walk with your head held high. And in some ways, being mentally stronger is more important than physical strength. 

Therefore, if you want to toughen up, this article is just what you need.

Ways to be a Mentally Strong Person

What does it mean to be mentally strong

Being mentally tough is about more than just being a tough-cookie though. Mental strength shows your ability to cope with stress, pressures, and challenges, etc. All of which are a normal part of life, making mental-toughness a important skill to have. Especially when it comes to navigating adulthood with careers, spouses, and children.

Benefits of mental strength

  • Improves overall mental health and outlook on life
  • Increases your overall problem-solving skills, especially in difficult situations
  • Helps you not care what other people think (as much, at least)
  • Allows you to better cope with some mental illness
  • Encourages you to react less with anger, and more with grace
  • Reduces negative thoughts about yourself and the world
  • Improves your ability to bounce back from failure
  • Encourages you to step out of your comfort zone w/o fear
  • Helps you better face your fears
  • Motivates you to learn from your mistakes, rather than repeating them
  • Helps you learn to accept responsibility for your own actions and thoughts

7 ways to be a mentally strong person

1. Taking everything as a challenge

When we find ourselves challenged, we do everything we have to do to win. Therefore, do the same

Ways to be a Mentally Strong Person
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here. Only this time, be the person who is challenging you.

For instance- every time you think it is too hard for you to get out of a problem, challenge yourself that you have to find a solution no matter what.

2. Prove yourself wrong

Our minds force us to believe the negative. It makes you doubt your capabilities. But consider your mind as another person who is trying to bully you into believing what’s false.

The next course of action then would be to prove this another person wrong. But how would you do that? By believing in yourself and giving all you got. 

3. Learn to say NO

Even this small two-letter word can be the toughest to utter for some people. Perhaps because it involves standing up for yourself while running the risk of disappointing others.

Well, I understand how difficult it is. But you have to acknowledge that there’s only so much you can take. You have to say no. And if it strains your relationship with people, then your relations were too weak, to begin with. 

4. Be comfortable in your discomforts

Life doesn’t hand you pretty things on a platter. Therefore, to be a strong person is to do stuff that you

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are most uncomfortable doing. The task can be highly challenging, something new, and may involve a lot of risks as well. But if you know this is what it would take, go ahead with it. 

If we’ve learned anything lately, this is one of the top ones on this list. I have personally had a ton of tough conversations with people I love about topics I couldn’t even imagine yet it is important that I had the conversations to help myself as well as them understand the issues at hand. It helped me understand I could be both strong and vulnerable equally at the same time.

5. Control your emotions

You might feel as if you are cracking and crumbling down, but sometimes the wisest thing you can do is control yourself in the worst situations.

This does not mean you have to suppress your feelings, you just have to keep them to yourself for the moment and be out with it when you feel it is the best time. Also, you can have a good cry for a while only to be back at your feet and finish what you started. What is pivotal here is that you do not have to give up no matter what.

Trust me, when you think you cannot do it anymore or you aren’t strong enough, your mind is just fooling you into believing it. You are stronger than that, and you can hold on longer than you think.

6. Complain less

When things don’t go in our favor or we find something hard, we do nothing pragmatic but complain

how to have a strong mind
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about it.

This is not to be done. Instead, you have to accept challenges as they come. Imagine this to be like a question paper instead. The questions can be highly difficult, but instead of whining over the difficulty level for three hours, you have to apply your mind to try to solve it.

It’s important to remember if you have little ears around, they will pick up on your complaining and habits when things don’t go right, and start expressing them in ways you may not imagine. I learned really quick when my oldest was little to take a different approach as I didn’t want her to develop the bad habit.

7. Celebrate others’ accomplishments

It is easier to envy others’ growth and achievement than to celebrate them. But this is what toxicity is and a strong-minded person ought to stay away from it. Having a strong mind is to acknowledge that it’s not always about you. You just have to focus on yourself because life is just too short to be jealous of others.

8. But don’t forget to celebrate yourself as well

A huge part of being mentally strong is having confidence in yourself. Self-esteem is essential, because if you don’t respect and honour yourself, how will expect anyone else to? That might sound kind-of harsh, but my point is, you have to remember to celebrate yourself as well. When you achieve something – small or big – treat yourself, take time to reflect on all you’ve accomplished, do something special for yourself, share the good news. Celebrate yourself.

By giving yourself a big ol’ pat on the back, you’re reinforcing your confidence in yourself. And in turn, you’re showing the world you’re confident in yourself as well. Further building that mental fortitude.

9. Exercise your mind

Being mentally strong isn’t all about how other’s perceive you. It’s also about how quickly and accurately your mind can come to the right conclusion and handle everything that life throws at it.

So, if you’re ready to build mental strength and reach your goals, start by exercising your mind. It might sound silly, but things as simple as completing mind-bending puzzles, watching educational documentaries, listening to self-improvement podcasts, and reading self-help books, can drastically sharpen your mind. As well as teach you a plethora of other useful life skills.

10. Be aware of your self-talk

Even though this one is last on my list today, it’s certainly not the least important. In fact, it’s super important. In order to be mentally strong, you have to be good to yourself. You need to hold yourself in high-esteem. If you’re constantly talking down to yourself, by the way you speak about yourself to others or by the negative thoughts you have in your head, you’re crushing your mental toughness. And not crushing it in the good way.

With self-confidence and high self-esteem comes mental toughness. Really, mental strength doesn’t exist without confidence in oneself. You can’t have one without the other. As you develop your mental strength, work on developing confidence and self-esteem as well. I know, I know easier said than done. But still so important.

Well, my job here is done. But before bidding farewell, I would like you to remember that it won’t be easy to be mentally strong. And not all mentally strong people are as strong as they seem. But you will get there if you try hard and keep steadfast in your determination. One small step at a time. 

Hey, feel you have some ideas to share? Are you someone that possesses mental strength? What are your tips? I’m here to listen. Feel free to drop by the comment section.

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