Fear of the unknown or sometimes known is always our worst enemy. But those who are mentally strong can easily overcome fear and clear their path for themselves.

How to become mentally strong and control your life

So, how do you become mentally strong?

Is it something that’s innate or something developed over time? It is indeed, the latter because mental strength, just like physical strength, has to be developed over time. There are techniques and habits using which you can strengthen your mind so that you never fall prey to anxiety, insecurities or depression.

Either it is losing a loved one, being bored with your job, or being uninspired, as long as you are mentally strong, you can cross any hurdle that comes your way.

So, if you’re struggling to acquire such mental strength and take control of your life,

Here are some ways –

1)     Challenge yourself

Always keep challenging yourself to do things beyond your comfort zone.

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You are selling yourself short if you don’t use your capabilities to attain your true potential. Be confident in your abilities and challenge yourself constantly to pursue aims beyond your reach. Who knows, you might find something new that you mentally love and challenges you at the same time. This is a sure-fire way to positive growth.

2)     Embrace hardships

When you are mentally strong, you don’t break down at the sight of difficulty, for you know that hardships are meant to strengthen you, not break you down. When you realize that every hardship is a stepping stone to success, you become strong enough to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. It does take some time to see the hardships as stepping stones, so don’t be surprised if it takes a few times to see it that way. 

3)     Overcome fear

 Do not let fear and anxiety choke you to death. When you realize that fear is only a window for you to grow, you stop being fearful of the unknown. You take life as a challenge, and you become determined to overcome any fear that comes in your way.

4)     Be mindful

Practicing mindfulness means focusing your attention on something deeply and being very mindful of what you give your energy to. Go through life in an unhurried manner, taking pauses to truly focus on the things you want. Practice mindfulness in everything you see, feel, hear or register. If you need help with mindfulness, check out my blog post here

5)     Positive self-talk

When it comes to encouraging others, there’s no one who can do it better

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than us, but when it comes to motivating your own self, you fail. This is what happens when you don’t practice positive self-talk with yourself. You deserve to be treated with the same generosity with which you treat others. Be compassionate, supportive, and optimistic while cheering yourself up.

6)     Be grateful

In our busy lives, it’s easy to focus on all the things we lack and forget all the things we do possess. Along with practicing mindfulness, practice the art of being grateful. Practice affirmations expressing your gratitude for all the blessings in your life, at least once every day.

7)     Get rid of can’t

When you feel like you can’t possibly do something, always retrain your focus to optimism and develop a ‘Can-Do’ attitude. Mentally delete words like can’t, never, unable and replace them with positive phrases like Will, Shall and When. Everything is easier than you think, and it’s only a matter of time when you accomplish your goals, no ifs and buts.

8)     Exercise your mind

Just like exercising your muscles is an important step in building up your physical strength, exercising the gears of your mind are important in building up mental strength and endurance. Constantly push yourself to do more than you can. Tackle a task daily that challenges your mental stamina and leads to positive mental growth.

9)     Search for answers

All problems have some kind of a solution. Get yourself to believe in this

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ideology and then look for answers to your problems. Look back on your past and learn from it. Has there ever been a situation where you were not successful in making your peace with it? No, right? You have always made it through, and you are doing okay at the moment.

So, what makes you think you will be faced with such problems in the future that have no solutions? Everything has a solution, and you need to focus on looking for it instead of wasting time on the difficulty.

Final words

Perseverance, positivity, willpower and focus will all be key elements in building up your mental strength. Stretch your mind and challenge yourself constantly, and see how enduring and tough you can be, both mentally and spiritually.

That’s all from my side, I hope these tips help you to become strong mentally. Let me know what you think? Do you find these tips worthy? Drop your answers in the comments below, I’ll love to read them.

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