How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

To achieve your goals and live the life you want to live, you need to learn how to set intentions for manifestation. Use these tips to help.

Goals…intentions…manifestations. Chances are you’ve heard these words, but do you know what they mean and how to apply them to your lives?

Think of that goal that excites you as your “what”. Then take it a step further and think about what the feeling is that you hope that goal will bring into your life – that’s your “why”.

And we’re not done yet. Take it one step further to manifesting. The manifestation process is the act of making your wants into a reality.

Our intentions are the driving force behind manifesting the things we desire in life.

Also read: What Does it Mean to Be Intentional

How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

If our intentions are the driving force behind manifesting the things we want in our lives, then intention setting is the first step in the process of manifesting. Creating intentions should be fun and exciting because they are things you want to do. And it’s far more than simply thinking about a goal. 

Here are 5 helpful tips for setting intentions, staying positive, and turning your mindset into a reality.

Create a Mantra

Take a moment to think about what you want. How are you subconsciously stopping yourself from achieving it? Push all those negative thoughts away and create a positive mantra that you can repeat to yourself and help you continue to work towards manifesting.

Examples Of Intentions For Manifestation

Here are some examples of what a simple intention/mantra may look like on paper:

  • I intend to process my emotions before responding.
  • I will strive to have a productive day.
  • I intend to forgive myself and others.
  • I intend to love myself and others.
  • I will make self-care a priority.

Share Your Intention With Someone Else

Sharing your intentions with another person will help you stay focused and accountable to your goals. Setting powerful intentions and sharing them with someone else can also make that a more real and spoken word instead of simply keeping it in your head and not feeling real. 

Create a Ritual

This one is really important because everyone can falter in their work towards an intention from time to time. Make your intentions part of your morning routine. The routine should make you feel good, as you want the good feelings to give you more in achieving the good vibrations and emotions and relate that to your manifestations. 

For example, if you like to enjoy a cup of coffee each morning, make it a point to visualize your intentions and manifestation as you sip your coffee. Maybe you feel extra powerful meditating under full moons each month. Focus your thoughts and intentions on manifesting what you want even more so then.

manifesting tips and advice

Ask for What You Want

As your day begins, take a moment to ask for what you want. Then let it go so that you aren’t trying to control every bit of your day to match your desire. Trust the process and let the law of attraction work in your life. It might be helpful to create a vision board to help you organize what you want.

Part of the intention-setting process is about trusting and knowing that what you ask for is coming to you. Let the law of attraction support you in achieving what you ask for, and not worrying it will happen.

Without financial abundance, this one part can be really hard. We all worry about money sometimes. But the key to manifestation is knowing that if you’re meant to manifest your desire, you will. It will just come. 

The best way to do this is to write out your intentions so that you can practice manifestation + visualizing it. You can do this while you’re doing your daily journal entry, or separately. Either way, writing out your intentions will attract them to you.

How To Write Intentions for Manifestation

Intentions for manifestation are simple sentences that are harmonious with your desires/wants. When writing your intentions, you’ll want to write in the present tense or future tense, because you are currently striving to achieve them. By writing them down, reading them over and over, and even stating them out loud, you are using the power of attraction to manifest the highest good for your life. In a way, you are also motivating and inspiring yourself to achieve these intentions.

Writing an intention statement looks different for everyone. And there is no perfect intention. So, feel free to try a few different sets of intention statements until you find the ones that work best for you. Good intention statements, similar to affirmations, focus on the feelings of positive energy, motivation, and your deepest desires. See examples of intention statements above!

Practice Gratitude

It’s important to be grateful for everything you have at this moment. Once you do that, take it a step further by practicing gratitude for what you deeply desire. Because that act of repeatedly focusing on your intention will keep you working towards manifestation.

Benefits of Setting Intentions

Manifesting your intentions which you deeply desire may sound a little “out there” to some people, but there are real benefits to participating in this practice. Just remember to keep your mind wide open, and the inspiration and manifestation will come. 

Encourages Positivity

Starting your day with setting intentions sets the tone for the day, increases self-awareness, and can transform it by creating a positive mindset. Be sure to frame your intentions in a positive way to set a positive tone for the day. 

For example, “I will take calming breaths when stressful things arise today” rather than “I want to avoid stressful situations today.” This will help you keep moving forward productively even when challenges arise.

how to set intentions

Improves Your Productivity

Just as setting positive intentions sets the mental mind space for the day, it also affects your productivity. 

Positive intentions can discourage procrastination and encourage productivity toward manifestation.

Taking Aligned Action

Even if you employ the law of attraction to the greatest degree possible, you still have to take action to achieve your goals. Taking action is what propels you forward toward success in achieving your goals.

Use your daily intentions to break your larger goal up into small chunks so you can systematically and logically move forward toward manifestation in a non-overwhelming way.

Make You More Focused

By setting just a few intentions each day, you can work on taking aligned action in small, manageable chunks to avoid procrastination and be more mindful and focused on accomplishing those small tasks.

Examples Of Daily Intentions

Daily intentions are a powerful tool for setting the tone of your day and guiding your actions. Some examples of daily intentions include setting a goal to be more present and mindful throughout the day, practicing gratitude by reflecting on things you are thankful for, prioritizing self-care by taking breaks when needed, committing to making healthy choices with your diet and exercise and focusing on positive self-talk to boost your confidence and self-esteem. By setting daily intentions, you can cultivate a positive mindset and take steps towards achieving your goals and living a happier, more fulfilling life.

Here are six examples of daily intentions:

  • Start the day with a positive attitude and mindset.
  • Practice gratitude by reflecting on things you are thankful for.
  • Prioritize self-care by taking breaks when needed and doing things that make you feel good.
  • Be present and mindful throughout the day.
  • Set specific goals for the day and take action towards achieving them.
  • Cultivate a sense of inner peace and calmness through meditation or other mindfulness practices.
Harness the power of setting intentions for manifestation and start manifesting your dream today!

Setting intentions may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but learning how to set intentions for manifestation is a powerful tool that longer serves you in achieving your goals. And for living a more fulfilled and intentional life every day.

10 Best Places To Own An Airbnb: A Guide to Profitable Short-Term Rentals

10 Best Places To Own An Airbnb: A Guide to Profitable Short-Term Rentals

Are you considering entering the world of real estate investment, particularly in the lucrative realm of Airbnb hosting? Congratulations! You’re on the right path to an exciting venture. Choosing the perfect location for your Airbnb investment is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your success. After all, not all cities offer the same opportunities for short-term rentals, and some are more profitable than others.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the top 10 places to own an Airbnb. We’ve categorized these destinations into two main groups: the most profitable Airbnb cities in the United States and the most profitable Airbnb cities worldwide. Whether you’re a newcomer to the short-term rental market or looking to expand your existing portfolio, we’ve got you covered.

Best Places To Own An Airbnb in the US

10 Best Places To Own An Airbnb

Most Profitable Airbnb Cities in the United States

1. Nashville, Tennessee

– Known as “Music City,” Nashville is a magnet for travelers and tourists. With a reasonable median property price and a high demand for short-term rentals,this city offers an ideal opportunity for Airbnb investors. Consider cozy apartments or charming homes to cater to the constant influx of visitors.

2. Austin, Texas

– Austin is not just the Texas capital; it’s also a hub for tech, music, and culture. The city’s booming economy and vibrant atmosphere make it a hotspot for short-term rentals. Look for properties near popular event venues or downtown for the best returns.

3. Orlando, Floridahome rentals in the US

– Orlando’s world-renowned theme parks attract millions of visitors annually, ensuring a steady stream of potential guests. The median property price is reasonable, and you can capitalize on the demand by offering vacation rental properties close to Disney and Universal Studios.

4. Denver, Colorado

– Denver’s thriving tourism industry, coupled with its natural beauty, makes it an attractive destination for Airbnb investors. Properties in close proximity to hiking trails and ski resorts tend to perform exceptionally well here.

5. New Orleans, Louisiana

– The lively and culturally rich city of New Orleans never fails to draw visitors throughout the year. Airbnb occupancy rates are generally high, especiallyduring festivals and Mardi Gras. Historic homes or unique properties are popular among travelers.

Most Profitable Airbnb Cities in the World

6. Barcelona, SpainProfitable Airbnb Cities

– Barcelona’s Mediterranean charm and diverse culture make it a top choice for international travelers. While regulations exist, owning an Airbnb here can be rewarding. Consider investing in apartments in popular neighborhoods like Eixample or Gothic Quarter.

7. Bali, Indonesia

– The picturesque island of Bali is a dream destination for many. It offers great potential for Airbnb hosts, with various property types, from beachfront villas to jungle retreats. Ensure compliance with local regulations for foreigners owning property.

8. Lisbon, Portugal

– Lisbon’s affordability, stunning architecture, and year-round pleasant weather attract tourists from around the world. The city’s regulations are Airbnb-friendly, and investing in historic districts or overlooking the Tagus River can yield fantastic results.

9. Kyoto, Japan

– Kyoto’s rich cultural heritage and historical landmarks make it a sought-after destination for travelers. Owning an Airbnb here can be a unique experience, with traditional machiya houses and ryokans being popular choices.

10. Dubai, United Arab Emiratesprofitable Airbnb places

– Dubai’s opulence and futuristic skyline make it a luxury Airbnb destination. High-end apartments and villas with breathtaking views of the city and the Arabian Gulf are particularly attractive to well-heeled travelers.

No matter where you decide to invest, it’s essential to thoroughly research local regulations, understand the market dynamics, and assess potential returns. Remember that becoming an Airbnb host involves more than just buying a property; it’s about providing excellent guest experiences and managing your investments effectively.

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming an Airbnb co-host, check out our guide on How to Become an Airbnb Co-Host. Additionally, for those looking to start their journey as an Airbnb host, our guide on How to be a Host on Airbnb and crafting the ultimate Airbnb Guidebook can provide invaluable insights and tips.

Investing in Airbnb properties can be a rewarding venture, and these 10 best places are excellent starting points for your real estate investment journey. Keep an eye on rental rates, cash on cash returns, and the overall demand for short-term rentals to make informed decisions and expand your Airbnb business.

21 Sustainable Lifestyle Habits

21 Sustainable Lifestyle Habits

Do you want to live a more sustainable lifestyle and make a positive impact on the environment while also saving money? It all starts with everyday habits. From using public transportation to conserving water, there are easy actions that anyone can take to start living sustainably right away! In this blog post we’ll be discussing 21 of these simple habits – from small changes like switching off appliances when not in use to bigger steps such as investing in solar energy or energy-saving lamps. Today’s individual actions have the potential to create tremendous impacts towards social justice and environmental sustainability in the future. It is possible for us all to do our part by implementing practical and sustainable lifestyle habits that nurture Mother Nature. So if you’re ready to kickstart your journey towards sustainability, let’s get started!

21 Sustainable Lifestyle Habits

1. Reduce your food waste – plan ahead and buy only what you will useSustainable Lifestyle Habits with kids

If you’re trying to reduce your food waste, one of the best things you can do is to plan ahead and only buy what you know you’ll use. It’s tempting to buy in bulk or stock up on deals, but oftentimes we end up throwing away a ton of food that goes bad before we can eat it. So next time you’re at the grocery store, take a moment to think about what you really need and how much of it you’ll realistically eat within the next few days or week. Your wallet (and the planet) will thank you!

2. Invest in reusable containers for food storage and travel

Are you tired of constantly throwing away empty plastic containers from your packed lunches? Or maybe you’re always worried about finding a leaky, disposable container in your travel bag? Investing in reusable containers for food storage and travel might just be the solution you need. Not only is it an environmentally friendly choice, but it saves you money in the long run since you won’t have to constantly replace plastic containers. Plus, many reusable containers these days come in stylish designs and colors, making your meals on-the-go even more fun and enjoyable. So next time you pack a lunch or plan a trip, consider the benefits of investing in some durable and reliable reusable containers.

3. Shop for second-hand items to reduce your carbon footprint

Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint and make more sustainable choices? Well, shopping for second-hand items is a great way to start! Not onlySustainable Lifestyle Habits are you helping to reduce waste and save resources, but you can also find unique and affordable items that are not typically found in stores. Whether you’re searching for clothing, furniture, or electronics, there are many online marketplaces and local thrift stores where you can find exactly what you’re looking for. So why not give it a try and shop second-hand? You might just be surprised at what you can find while also making a positive impact on the environment.

4. Buy local produce so you know where your food comes from

Have you ever thought about buying local produce? It’s a great way to support your community and get fresh, tasty food. Plus, you’ll know exactly where your food is coming from – no more wondering about the origin of your fruits and veggies. By buying local, you’ll also be reducing your carbon footprint, since your food won’t have to travel as far to get to you. And on top of all that, local produce is often more affordable than the imported stuff. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at just how much you enjoy those local tomatoes or cucumbers. Happy eating!Sustainable packaging

5. Make a conscious effort to purchase items with minimal packaging

Have you ever noticed how much unnecessary packaging is used when you buy everyday items? It’s crazy, right? From plastic wrap to outer boxes, it seems like everything we buy comes with a surplus of packaging that just gets thrown away. That’s why it’s important to make a conscious effort to purchase items with minimal packaging. Not only will this help reduce waste, but it can also save you money in the long run. Plus, you’ll be doing your part to help the environment. So why not make a small change in your shopping habits and start choosing products with minimal packaging? Trust me, it’s a small change that can make a big impact.

6. Turn off lights and electronics when they’re not in use

Let’s chat real quick about something that we all know we should be doing but sometimes forget: turning off lights and electronics when they’re not in use. Sure, it may seem like a small thing that doesn’t make much of a difference, but did you know that leaving electronics plugged in when you’re not using them can still use up to 25 percent of the energy they would use when you actually are using them? Crazy, right? Plus, it can save you some serious money on your power bills in the long run. So, next time you step out of the room or finish using a device, be sure to give that switch a quick flick. Your wallet (and the planet) will thank you!

7. Conserving Water

We all know that conserving water is important for the environment, but did you know that it can also save you some serious cash? That’s right, by reducinginvest in quality products your water consumption each day – through things like taking shorter showers and turning off the tap while brushing your teeth – you can cut down on your utility costs significantly. Plus , you’ll be helping the planet too! So why not make a conscious effort to conserve water whenever possible? It’s a small step that can go a long way.

8. Invest in Quality Products

Look no further than investing in quality products that are built to last! Quality items not only provide superior performance, but they also reduce the amount of waste generated from lower-quality disposable items. Not only that, but investing in better products can save you money in the long run since they will last much longer than their cheaper counterparts. So why not make a conscious effort to invest in quality products and make a positive impact on the environment?

9. Choose Reusable Over Disposable

We all know that reducing waste is important for the environment, so why not choose reusable over disposable items wherever possible? From grocery bags to water bottles, choosing a reusable version of something that would normally be disposable can help you save money and reduce your impact on the planet. Plus, most reusable products are made from quality materials that will last for years, meaning you’ll get your money’s worth in no time!

10. Solar Panels

Are you looking for an easy way to reduce your power bills and help the environment? Look no further than solar panels! By investing in a quality set of solar panels, you can generate your own free electricity from the sun. Not only that, but it’s possible to even make some money off selling excess energy back to the grid. So why not make a small change and invest in solar panels? Trust me, it’s an investment that will pay dividends for years to come. We love having ours on our house, the energy bill is so low each month and we feel good about saving the environment! If you are in the market, make sure to visit Volt Solar because we loved working with them on our home!

11. Energy Efficient Appliances

Let’s talk real quick about energy efficient appliances. By investing in energy efficient models, you can reduce your power bills significantly! Plus, you’ll be doing your part to help the environment too. Not only that, but many energy efficient appliances come with a variety of features that standard models may not have – such as temperature sensors and timers – making them even more appealing.

12. Carpool

Are you looking for an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint while also having some fun? Look no further than carpooling! Not only will it help you savecarpool for sustainability money on gas and reduce your environmental impact, but it can also be a great way to socialize with friends and colleagues. So why not make a conscious effort to carpool whenever possible? It’s a small step that can make a huge difference!

13. Composting

Did you know that composting is an excellent way to reduce your environmental impact? Not only will it help to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, but composting can also provide a great source of organic fertilizer for your garden. Plus, you could even sell your compost and make some extra cash!

14. Using Natural Cleaning Products

Are you looking for an easy way to help the planet and save money? Look no further than using natural cleaning products! Not only will they be gentle on your skin, but they’re also much better for the environment. Plus, many of them are cheaper than standard chemical-based cleaners too! Some of our favorite brands include doTERRA, Mrs. Meyer’s, Zevo for flying insects that Polite Pest doesn’t always get with their chemical free bug spray.

15. Spending your Money Wisely

Let’s talk about spending your money wisely. By making conscious choices when it comes to where you put your hard-earned cash, you can help to support businesses that prioritize the environment and sustainability. Plus, look out for companies that offer eco-friendly products too – they’re always a great choice!

16. Practicing Reduce, Reusing, and Recycling

One of the most important tips for helping the environment – practicing reduce, reuse, and recycle. By implementing these three R’s in your daily life, you can make a huge difference to the planet. So why not make a conscious effort to incorporate them into your lifestyle? After all, every small step counts!

17. Reduce Animal Product Consumption

Finally, let’s talk about reducing animal product consumption. Not only will it help to reduce your environmental footprint, but it can also be an excellent way to improve your health and wellbeing too. So why not make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of animal products you consume? Trust me – you won’tcolorful trash bins regret it!

18. Air Dry your Clothes

Another easy way to reduce your environmental impact is by air drying your clothes. This simple yet effective technique can help you save money on energy bills while also reducing the amount of energy used in the laundry process. Plus, it’s much better for the environment too! So why not give it a try?

19. Install Low-Flow Showerheads

Are you looking for an easy way to help the environment? Look no further than installing low-flow showerheads! Not only will they help to reduce your water consumption, but they can also significantly reduce your water bills. Plus, many of them come with a variety of features such as temperature sensors and timers – making them even more appealing!

20. Choose Eco-Friendly Building Materials

Why not make a conscious effort to choose eco-friendly building materials when renovating or constructing? Not only will it help you save money on energy bills, but it can also reduce your environmental impact too. Plus, many of these materials come with a variety of features – such as temperature sensors, energy-saving coatings, and much more – making them even more appealing!

21. Opt for Slow Fashion

Finally, let’s talk about slow fashion. Not only will it help you save money in the long run, but it can also be an excellent way to reduce your environmentaleco-friendly coffee cup impact too. By opting for eco-friendly materials and sustainable production processes, you’ll be making a huge difference to the planet. Places to avoid with fast fashion include: Asos, Chicwish, Zara, H&M, GAP, Forever 21, Topshop, Esprit, Fashion Nova, and even more mainstream brands like Adidas, Nike, and Walmart.

Living sustainably may seem daunting at first, but the truth is it only takes a few small steps to make a big difference. If you commit to reducing your food waste, investing in reusable containers, shopping second-hand items, buying local produce, and seeking out minimal packaging items when possible – you will be well on your way to living a more sustainable lifestyle. Additionally, being mindful about turning off lights and electronics when they’re not being used will only support your journey. Remember: no one is perfect. You can always challenge yourself to do better and do more as you become aware of new ways to help the environment. Small changes add up over time, so anytime you make an effort – however seemingly small – to reduce your environmental impact is a step in the right direction!

Boho Chic Style Guide

Boho Chic Style Guide

If you’ve been around here long, you know I’m a big fan of the loose, flowy, and boho fashion trend. I also like to dress up and be fancy, but I’m wearing something boho whenever I can if I have the choice.

I enjoy the relaxed feel of a Boho outfit and how it can be chic yet trendy. It lets me express my earthy personality with a touch of glam. I can’t get enough colorful flower prints or neutral-colored skirts with fringes, white peasant tops, and cute brown leather sandals. 

I love that it can be essential, straightforward, and at the same time add a layer to your fashion expression. It’s worn to absolutely every occasion, just with a few style tweaks. Whether you’re going on a date, a family dinner, or a mimosa day with girlfriends, there’s always something in the boho-chic fashion that fits the occasion. 

Here’s a guide that covers the boho-chic style manifesto. It’s to give you more fashionable options and more outfit ideas that you can use on your next shopping spree.

Boho Chic Style Guide

Today, we’re gonna unleash our inner free spirit and dive into some awesome Boho Chic ideas that’ll have you looking effortlessly stylish in no time. Want to take a trip down memory lane and dive into the fascinating history of boho chic style? 

Let’s dive in:

What is Boho Chic Style?

Boho comes from the word bohemian which describes the fashion style of the hippies and the free-spirited from the ’60s and ’70s era. This style is identified with peasant blouses, flowy dresses, tiered skirts, and wood-based accessories, with beads and fringes. Usually, it’s colorful, but there’s also the neutral-colored ensemble.

Chic accentuates style and elegance and is borrowed from French in the late 19th century.

In the early and mid-2000s, the Olsen twins, Sienna Miller and Kate Moss, were all about the elegant hippie fashion style while donning the natural look.

The core of the boho-chic style is a balance between neutral basics and hippie-inspired.  

Boho Chic Fashion Essentials

Nowadays, fashion houses, models, and influencers are still including boho-chic in their styling. Let’s see what are considered boho-chic fashion essentials to achieve that hippie luxe look. When I think of boho chic, I instantly think of anything from Free People, and for a more glam and more mature look, I think of Johnny Was

DressesBoho Chic Style Guide

Maxi dresses are totally boho chic, with their loose fit and A-line cut. It sure ticks the box. To add romance and feminity, choose an off-shoulder with a prairie design or an eyelet fabric with half-length sleeves. The floral dress is another staple.


Go for peasant tops; whether it’s white, lace, solid-colored, printed, or embroidered, it’s a must-have forBoho Chic tops your bohemian wardrobe.

The fit should be loose and relaxed. It could be three-quarter, half-length, bishop style, bell, or trumpet for the sleeves.


This variety comprises flared pants, cutoff shorts, or a flowy printed skirt; then, you’re in on an excellentBoho Chic Style Guide boho vibe. Boho chic bottoms emphasize flouncy skirts with flared silhouettes and mixed prints. They range from paisley, floral, Aztec, and any variety of bold, colorful patterns. 

If you think something is too much to be boho, think again. If it’s flowy and has a relaxed vibe, it’s boho and probably super comfy too! I love boho chic because I can be very comfy and still look put together and nice when I don’t want to put in much effort or wear restricting clothing.


Suede ankle boots are a big boho-chic hit, along with gladiator sandals. Usual options for this are those withBoho boots wood accents, and neutral earthy colors like beige and brown.

If you know me, you know footwear is one of my favorite ways to accessorize, and I spare no expense when I see a pair of shoes I love. Lately, I’ve been loving everything MOMO New York has been making, and I get so many compliments when I wear them too! These boots are in my cart right now! –>

Boho Chic Outfit Ideas

So, you’re all about that bohemian dressing, right? Well, get ready for some serious inspo! We’ve got everything you need to create the perfect bohemian outfit. From flowy bohemian clothing that makes you feel like you’re floating on a cloud, to those oh-so-fabulous accessories that add that extra touch of bohemian fashion flair, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, relax, and get ready to amp up your boho game with these fantastic Boho Chic ideas that are sure to make heads turn!

Showcase the Funky PrintsBoho Chic Outfit Ideas

Since boho chic is about expressing your earthy and artistic fashion style, have fun with the free-flowing and colorful outfit. Choose garments and accessories that are eye-catching and in a variety of colors. To make it more boho-chic, pair it with dangling earrings, leather sandals, and a pretty clutch.

Wear Those Well-Fitting Pair of Flared Jeans

So, you’ve got the perfect pair of white or soft denim jeans, but you’re looking for that extra touch to make it pop? Well, have no fear, because boho clothing is the answer to all your problems! Nothing screams boho-chic more than pairing those jeans with a cute peasant top or flowy tunic. And the best part? You can make it your own and unleash your personal style in the process! Whether you opt for bold prints or stick to a more neutral palette, boho clothing allows you to create a look that’s uniquely you.

Strut that Maxi Dressred maxi dress

A mixed-print pretty maxi dress is the epitome of boho-chic fashion. Make it off-shoulder with bell sleeves, and it’s a sure winner. An elegant neutral-colored bag goes so well with this. This is the best one-and-done outfit around and you will be sure to be comfortable and stylish!

If you get chilly, you can always throw on a kimono or jacket which will also tie the look together very effortlessly.

Flaunt those Flowy FabricsBoho Chic Style Guide

If you’re a fan of Vanessa Hudgens, you might know that she’s a fan of music festivals, and her festival style is always on point. When it comes to dressing for a music festival, floral print is always a good idea. Try incorporating a floral print scarf top into your festival outfit for a boho, yet chic, look.

Whether you go for a flowy and loose-fitting silhouette or a more structured silk or linen option, a scarf top is a versatile piece that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Plus, it’s perfect for those hot summer days when you need to stay cool and comfortable while still looking cute. So next time you’re getting ready for a music festival or just a fun day out in the sun, don’t forget to add a floral scarf top to your wardrobe!

Wear them Ankle Boots

While wearing maxi dresses, maxi skirts, or skinnies, wear ankle boots to partner up during fall and winter. Not only do ankle boots give your outfit an extra stylish edge, but they also keep your feet warm and cozy when the temperature drops! Pair your favorite maxi dress with some sleek ankle boots and you’ll be ready for those chilly autumn nights or even a casual winter brunch date.

When it comes to rocking a maxi skirt, ankle boots are the perfect choice to add a touch of effortless coolness to your look. And if you’re a fan of skinnies, ankle boots help to balance out the proportions and create a chic and streamlined appearance, making you feel like a fashion superstar!

Style with Sweaters and Cardiganssummer outfits

So, we’re talking about loose-fit knitwear here, which is like the ultimate boho-chic addition to your wardrobe. Seriously, it’s the perfect combo of comfort and style. Anyway, let’s talk about outfit ideas. Picture this: you start with your trusty white top (can’t go wrong with a classic), then you add on that fabulous loose-fit knitwear. Now, here’s where it gets fun. Pair it with a colorful or mixed-print maxi skirt or even a cute mini skirt. You do you, girl! To complete the look, don’t forget to grab a fringed bag because, let’s be real, fringe makes everything better. Now you’re totally ready to conquer the world with your effortless style.

Don’t Forget the Floppy Hats

Floppy hats are a for-all-season boho chic styling. You can pair it up with a sundress with cute strappy sandals. It’s also a go-to for jeans and peasant tops, and throw in a cardigan to your arsenal. 

Speaking of hats, have you ever tried wearing a wide-brimmed hat? They’re perfect for adding some extra flair to your boho chic outfits! Pairing a wide-brimmed hat with a sundress and strappy sandals is an effortless way to create a fashion statement while staying comfortable. For a more casual look, try throwing on a floppy hat with your favorite jeans and peasant top, and add a cardigan for those chilly days.

Don’t forget, the wider the brim, the better the shade! Adding a wide-brimmed hat to your wardrobe will not only keep you fashionable but also protect you from the sun’s harmful rays.

Get your boho on and try these outfit ideas now!

The boho-chic style can be difficult to pull off, but you can start filling your wardrobe with the essentials with this style guide. Don’t forget to be versatile with your interpretation of this aesthetics. What should always matter is that you’re comfortable, you feel good about how you look, and add a smile to that boho-chic dazzle

10 Best Airbnb Host Tips

10 Best Airbnb Host Tips

Airbnb, VRBO,, and other online travel agents have revolutionized the way people travel. They allow both travelers and hosts to discover new destinations, experience different cultures, and make money along the way. Short-term rentals have become increasingly popular over the years, but being an Airbnb host is more than just landing a booking. It takes time, patience, and a lot of effort to give your guests a top-notch experience. There are plenty of horror stories out there, but don’t let that discourage you. By following the 10 Best Airbnb Host Tips, you can create an attractive listing, increase bookings, and give your guests an amazing experience that will keep them coming back. From optimizing your traffic sources to responding promptly to inquiries, this post is dedicated to guiding you on your journey to becoming an exceptional Airbnb host.

10 Best Airbnb Host Tips

Airbnb Hosting Tips

Hosting on Airbnb can be a lucrative venture for many homeowners looking to share their space with travelers. Ensuring a memorable and positiveBest Airbnb Host Tips experience for your guests is essential in receiving positive feedback and increasing bookings. One of the top Airbnb host tips is to prioritize communication with your guests, both before their stay and during their visit. This includes providing clear instructions on how to access the property and responding promptly to any questions or concerns. Additionally, personal touches such as a welcome note or small gift can go a long way in making potential guests feel welcomed. Another important tip is to keep your home clean and well-stocked with the essentials, such as toiletries and towels. By following these tips and others, you can provide a top-notch Airbnb experience for your guests and ensure repeat bookings.

How to greet your guests

As an Airbnb host, it’s important to make a great first impression on your guests when they arrive. Greeting your guests in a warm and friendly manner can go a long way towards setting the tone for their entire stay with you. Try to be flexible with your check-in and check-out times if possible, and always make sure your guests have clear instructions on how to access your home. If you’re unable to meet guests in person, consider leaving a thoughtful note or small welcome gift to make them feel special. Remember, your guests will be more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend your listing to others if they feel like they’ve been warmly welcomed into your space. So take the time to greet your guests with a smile, and make their stay as enjoyable as possible!

How to Make Them Feel Welcome

When you open your home to strangers on Airbnb, it’s important to make them feel welcome from the moment they arrive. Providing stylish but comfortablefurniture can set the tone for their stay and make them feel like they’re in a home away from home. But it’s not just about the physical space; you also want them to feel welcomed into your community. Create a welcome packet that includes information about nearby attractions, restaurants, and events. Consider leaving a personalized note or welcome gift for your guests, letting them know you’re happy to have them stay with you. Remember, a little hospitality goes a long way in making someone feel comfortable and at ease in a new environment.

Offering a Shopping Service to Fill the Refrigerator

One of the most thoughtful things an Airbnb host can do is offer a shopping service to fill the refrigerator for their guests. After a long day of traveling, there’s nothing worse than arriving at your Airbnb only to realize you still have to find a grocery store and stock up on the essentials. But, if your host has already done the shopping for you, it’s an instant stress reliever. Not only does this show your guests that you went the extra mile, but it also saves them time and energy that they can instead use to explore the local area.

Additionally, if you’re in a remote or rural location where grocery stores may be few and far between, providing a shopping service is even more appreciated. You can charge a small fee on top of the groceries to accommodate for your time and effort as well. Overall, offering this service can improve the guest experience and make them feel at home from the minute they arrive.Airbnb listing tips

Airbnb Listing Tips


When listing your property on Airbnb, it’s important to create an attractive listing to entice potential guests. One way to do this is by creating a solid marketing campaign. Utilizing UTM parameters in your marketing efforts can help you track where your traffic is coming from and adjust your strategies accordingly. Another tip is to offer instant bookings, which appeals to those who want a quick and hassle-free booking process. Finally, be mindful of spikes in direct traffic to your listing and adjust your pricing or availability accordingly to capitalize on the increased interest.

Are you struggling to make your property stand out on vacation rental sites?

Look no further than these tips for crafting a killer listing description. It’s not just about providing the basic information – guests want to be wowed by your space and amenities. Use descriptive keywords to create an evocative image of your property. And don’t forget to have fun with it! Highlight some unique amenities in a creative way. Beyond that, it’s important to make sure the booking process is as easy as possible, and to harness the power of social media and affiliates to increase visibility. Make sure you’ve posted plenty of high-quality photos, and don’t be afraid to make your profile relatable. Above all, be honest about what guests can expect during their stay, and leave plenty of information around the property itself. With these tips, you can make your property the talk of the town!

With an Airbnb listing that has all the key elements in place, you can be sure to attract more guests and increase your bookings. Use attractive photos, offer discounts for longer stays and provide detailed descriptions about what makes your property special. Also consider offering additional amenities such as free Wi-Fi, free parking or even a welcome basket. Finally, it’s important to create an attractive and engaging profile page that reflects your personality and character. With this, you can create a connection with guests before they even arrive and make sure that they feel comfortable in their stay.

Airbnb Decorating Tips

When it comes to decorating your Airbnb space, it’s important to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that guests will love. One way to do this is by addingAirbnb food interesting pieces like unique artwork or vintage decor. Another way to add a pop of color is by leaving fresh flowers around the house. Investing in good ambient lighting can also make a big impact on the overall feel of the space. If you’re hosting during the holidays, consider adding festive touches like a Christmas tree or string lights.

Setting clear house rules can also make a guest’s stay more enjoyable, and it’s always a good idea to provide information on how to use any amenities like a pool or hot tub. Don’t forget to make the most of any outdoor space by adding comfortable seating and outdoor decor. With these tips, you can create a warm and inviting space that guests will love. With a little effort, you can make your Airbnb space stand out from the rest.

You should also consider stocking up on some basic amenities for guests to use. Providing things like fresh towels, toiletries, extra toilet paper, and cleaning supplies will help ensure that your guests have a comfortable stay. You can go above and beyond by providing snacks or other items that will make your guests feel welcome.

Airbnb Bedding Tips

When it comes to hosting on Airbnb, your guests’ comfort should be your top priority. This means creating a cozy and inviting sleeping space. Choosing the right bedding is a crucial factor in achieving this goal. When it comes to the type of bed, opt for a sturdy and comfortable mattress that is compatible wit

Airbnb safety tips

h the bedding you plan to use. Making the bed as comfortable as possible is just as important. Use soft and fluffy pillows, add a cozy throw blanket, and make sure the sheets are clean and wrinkle-free. In terms of materials, stick to high-quality fabrics that will withstand multiple washes and use. For duvet covers, consider investing in a hypoallergenic option for a fresh and clean feel. Lastly, nothing beats the classic white sheets and fitted sheets. They’re versatile, easy to clean, and provide a crisp and inviting look for your guests. Adding a few decorative pillows and throws can help create a more luxurious look. With the right bedding, you can ensure your guests have an enjoyable and comfortable stay!

You should also pay close attention to the other elements in the bedroom that contribute to comfort. Invest in blackout curtains or window shades to keep out bright lights at night, add a fan or air conditioning to keep the room cool, and consider investing in some noise-cancelling headphones. All of these small touches will ensure your guests have a peaceful and relaxing stay. A little attention to detail goes a long way in creating a wonderful Airbnb experience for your guests.

Airbnb Safety Tips

If you’re in the business of hosting on Airbnb, the safety of your property as well as your guests should always be a top priority. But let’s face it, we can’t always predict what’s going to happen during a guest’s stay. However, there are a few tips on how to keep yourself, your property, and your guests safe while hosting on Airbnb. For starters, do a thorough background check on potential guests before accepting their booking. Additionally, make sure to keep any valuables safely hidden away and provide your guests with clear instructions on how to use any appliances or equipment in the house. Lastly, be sure to have a first-aid kit on hand and keep emergency numbers handy, just in case something unexpected occurs. Taking these precautions can go a long way in ensuring that everyone has a safe and enjoyable stay.

Hosting on Airbnb can be a rewarding experience, both financially and socially. However, it’s important to have a few tricks up your sleeve to make your listing stand out and ensure a positive guest experience. From responding promptly to inquiries and showcasing your unique space with great photos, to providing thoughtful amenities and local recommendations, there are many things you can do to improve your hosting game. By following these 10 best Airbnb hosting tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a 5-star host and receiving glowing reviews from happy guests. Remember, a little effort can go a long way in the world of Airbnb hosting!