Every experience can teach you a lot. Whether it is working a job, or going on a trip, there are always lessons you can learn to become better individuals and make wise life choices. Surprisingly, even in little instances, little experiences have their own significance when they can give you a lot of takeaways – both big and small.

One such little moment for me, was when I decluttered my wardrobe. I learned a lot more than just facts that decluttering is tough, and I owned a huge wardrobe.

Here are the ten lessons that will stay with me, all carrying trivial and big revelations.

10 Lessons I learned from decluttering my wardrobe

1. I have wasted a lot of money

When you are decluttering your wardrobe, there are not just one or two pieces of clothing you discard, there’s a bunch full of them – including

10 Lessons I Learned from Decluttering my Wardrobe
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the clothes that we bought but only wore once or twice. Now imagine how much we could have saved, had we made better purchasing decisions. Sounds relatable enough? If yes, then learn from my mistakes. Buy only those clothes that you know you would wear certainly.

2. What I thought I wanted, was what I merely needed

“I want it.”, that’s the constant thought I get whenever I find a dress captivating. There’s a desperate urge to buy clothes even when I am trying to save money. Well, I don’t know if that’s your weak spot, but it’s definitely mine.

Nonetheless, it was only after decluttering, I realized that what I thought I wanted, was just my urge. And when it comes to that, it’s not difficult to control once you realize that the world won’t collapse if your wardrobe doesn’t have that attire.

3. We can never be satisfied

I have heard from the saints, from the legends that we humans can never be satisfied. It is not some kind of epiphany but it definitely felt like it while I was decluttering. I owned so many clothes – only because I was never satisfied with what I had. Satisfaction comes from gratitude. We need to be more grateful for the things we have.

4. Less is Better

When it came to shopping fashion, I always believed having less is worse. I didn’t see the bigger picture back then. But now I do; ever since I got rid of a stack full of clothes – I don’t have less, I have more. And somehow, having less feels better. I realized it when I saw my closet emptier than before – it feels light. It’s as if a heavy load has been dropped off my chest. I also realize how much shopping was emotional for me and not in a good way. It was a coping mechanism verses an actual need of things. 

5. Going with the trend and comparing is not important

Life is too short to worry about trivial things. Things like – “I have to keep up with the trend” “People might judge me if I dress shabbily.” “I

10 Lessons I Learned from Decluttering my Wardrobe
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want people to like me, even if that involves doing an expensive, and unaffordable wardrobe makeover”

Now that I think about it, it doesn’t matter – you don’t have to keep up with the fashion – the world won’t be affected. Moreover, you belong with the people who like you for being you – not your wardrobe.

6. We must strive to be in the present – even when picking a wardrobe

How often do you find yourself buying outfits for a future party that hasn’t been decided yet? I bet it happens all the time. But trust me, when it comes to wardrobe picking, never shop from a future perspective unless you know the event is certain to happen. Moreover, don’t shop for too many categories of clothes you know you wouldn’t wear frequently.

7. Material things only give temporary joy

This was something I already know, but it hit me only after decluttering. I remember how happy I was after buying a dress I liked. One week later, and after constant wear, it didn’t even matter.

8. “What-if” items are just a waste of space

Go back to the last time you were decluttering – you kept a few things wondering, “What if you’ll need it later?” Now, where are those things? Do you use them or are they still lying as they were back then?

I bet it’s the latter. But you’re not alone, it’s a universal story. Nonetheless, there’s no point in keeping “What-if things” because if you didn’t use it until now, you are not going to use it later – as simple as that.

9. Decluttering can significantly reduce stress

Are you finding the magic potion to manage stress? Trust me, decluttering can help a lot. It can reduce stress significantly – including the

Wardrobe organization
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decluttering stress, the morning rush, and most importantly, I-cannot-find-the-dress-I-want-to-wear stress.

10. Decluttering is not a one-time process

You may get rid of some things, but things will be the same. I mean, over time you will buy new things and at the same time, you’ll find a lot of things that you wouldn’t need. So, decluttering is not a one-time process, it should be a regular practice that you must involve yourself in at least once a month.

Hey there, are there some lessons you learned too while decluttering? If yes, feel free to share them with us in the comment section. 

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