How To Declutter Your Mind

How To Declutter Your Mind

When it comes to clutter, your home is not the only place where you can find it. When you are juggling between life and work, or when you work like a robot at home, you are bound to accumulate mental clutter. Mental clutter refers to all that stuff going on inside your head.

How do you know you have mental clutter? Well, you would be stressed, you would be anxious, you would be exhausted. In short, life would seem unbearable to you. I know the feeling and I’m here to help!

However, quitting your job or running away to the mountains long term might not be the best alternative for everyone. What you can do is start decluttering your mind.

How? Just swear by these 10 routines, and you’d be good to go. But first, let’s go over some common causes of mental clutter.

How To Declutter Your Mind

Causes of Mental Clutter

There are many factors that can come into play when it comes to the build-up of brain clutter. To name just a few, anxiety/depression, physical and mental stress, ADHD, mom life, a new job, a new relationship, a new baby, procrastination, bad habits, and leading a generally unhealthy life can all lead to mental clutter. Especially if you are experiencing more than one of these factors at once. All of this can make our minds feel so crazy, so remember throughout all of this, you’re not alone.

Routines to Clear Your Mental Clutter

Here are 10 routines to clear your mental clutter:

1. Exercise

Starting with the least favorite yet most effective. It has been proven by science that exercising drasticallyRoutines to Clear your Mental Clutter reduces stress levels. It stimulates the release of endorphins, what you call happy hormones to keep your mood in check.

However, if exercising seems overwhelming to you, you can start with the ones that you enjoy. If you enjoy dancing, ditch the push-ups and indulge in a 20 min Zumba session to wave goodbye to stress and anxiety. 

You don’t have to pay for gym memberships; it’s perfectly fine if you do workouts at home. You can find plenty of guidance videos on YouTube for the same.

2. Have a morning routine

If you feel trapped inside the 9 to 5 culture or all-day working-home-maker, your daytime routine would be most stressful. You would not find time to do things that you like, and that would make work much more frustrating than it ought to be. 

However, if you consider adhering to a morning routine every day, you can spend some time with yourself, drink coffee in quiet & peace, and do things you enjoy. Things you really enjoy, not scrolling on social media all morning. 

Thus, create a morning routine for yourself, and include all those activities that provide you peace. Make sure you follow the routine before you leave for work (Wake up earlier if you have to and try and reduce your social media intake).

3. Use a planner

When you don’t use a planner, things can get overwhelming for you. Your daily tasks might look like aRoutines to Clear your Mental Clutter mess. But if you function using a planner, and have the day well planned and scheduled, it will all feel easy. Moreover, with the systematic organization of your daily tasks, you would be equally motivated to get them over with. Stop feeling behind all the time, grab a planner

4. Read a book in peace

Those people who enjoy reading books can easily reduce their stress levels. Reading allows peace and quiet that your work life does not. All the more, reading a book is no less than an escape. It takes you to the work of fiction, and you are no more concerned about chaotic work-life outside.

Even when you are in your office, spend at most 15 minutes reading. However, if you cannot do it there, use your commuting time.

5. Write it down

Feeling you are on the edge because there’s so much in your head? Work stress, home stress, career stress, financial burden, and whatnot.

I know how frustrating it can be. But you are just human to feel overwhelmed, irritated, and exhausted. However, there is still something that you can do about it.

LET IT ALL OUT on a piece of paper. Write down everything you feel. Even the negative thoughts. Organize your thoughts however you want. Be raw, be vulnerable, feel free to clench your teeth, and tear the paper into two. Time spent doing this exercise will never be wasted. For a more tailored way of journaling, try bullet journaling!

6. Set priorities while you work

People say multitasking can be beneficial, but the truth is, it only makes you stress more. And it can actually increase stress throughout the day, on into the night. Thus, when youLife and work balance for the mind have piles full of work, do not stress instead prioritize your tasks, and deal with them one by one.

Those with earlier deadlines, or those that are most demanding, prioritize them.

7. Clean up your surrounding area

Your mind might not work best if you are surrounded by clutter. So to clear mental clutter, you might as well need to clear the clutter around you. So fold the blankets, tidy up your bed, and desk, and then start with work. An untidy workstation would only add to your stress, deal with it first.

I know personally when my office or kitchen is cluttered or messy, I can’t think. I have to stop what I’m doing and clean up. When I’m done, and only then, can I get back to work or think straight.

8. Set aside time to actively reduce mental clutter.

So, how do you clear your mental clutter? It’s actually quite simple. You just need to create some daily routines and stick to them.

The first thing you need to do is take a brain dump. Write down all of the thoughts and feelings that are cluttering your mind. Get them all out in the open so you can deal with them one at a time. Kind of like a mental to-do list.

Then, start by focusing on the most important tasks. Don’t try to do everything at once. Just stay focused on one single task at a time and pay attention to what you’re doing. This will help clear your mind and make space for new thoughts and ideas.

9. Develop a mental health-focused routine.

You also need to create some regular routines for your mental health. This could include things like yoga, practice meditation, or journaling. These activities will help clear your mind and keep it healthy on a regular basis. This might also include developing a way to set boundaries at work and with family that gives you much-needed time to declutter the mind.

10. Address your physical clutter.

Finally, you need to address your physical clutter as well. But not just your immediate surroundings this time. This can be anything from a cluttered desk to a messy bedroom to a messy car. Start by clearing off one surface at a time and focus on organizing one drawer or shelf each week. It may take some time, but eventually, your physical space will reflect your mental space.

By creating some simple daily routines and sticking to them, you can clear your mental clutter and improve your mental health. So don’t wait any longer, get started today!

When clutter fills your mind, it is a sign that you have to do something about it. You need to de-stress and focus on regaining your mental energy. We sincerely hope that these tips help you do just that. JUST RELAX.

I hope these tips are helpful and bite-sized enough to help you remember that mental clutter is possible to remove and will help you to get things done more efficiently when you take the time to clear them out instead of piling them on!

Toxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life

Toxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life

When we talk of happiness, we usually base it around a condition or circumstance in the future. We often tend to forget that happiness can be found in the present moment as well.

For achieving happiness and being content with what you already have, you have to make changes at the grassroots level. The small things that we do every day – habits, beliefs, and thought processes matter a lot. The change must be made at the micro level to see results in the macro view. If you are struggling, remember it’s all about the long run, not the short gain. 

By letting go of certain practices which have become a die-hard habits for us, we can achieve peace of mind and happiness. With New Year’s approaching quickly, leaving these habits in 2022 will help you achieve your goals, and get you want you want in the new year. 

Toxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life

Read on to find out what those habits are and how to quit them.

10 habits you need to get rid of to attain a positive mindset and lead a happier life

1. Negative Thought Patterns

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Negative thought patterns stemming from self-doubt, insecurities, anxiety, criticisms, etc. are immensely harmful to our mental well-being.

People who harbor these negative thought patterns often project low self-esteem and a glum state of mind.

These negative notions eat into us until we lose sleep at night and start obsessing over them. To lead a happier life, we must accept ourselves as we are and quit spending too much time on these harmful thought patterns.

Personal growth happens when you are willing to stop the negative feedback first between your own two ears, and then you can start removing the toxic people and patterns from your life. Change those negative emotions to positive emotions starting from within.

2. Blaming Oneself

No human being is infallible in this world. We all make innumerable mistakes in the span of our lives, and it is easy to get caught up in a cycle of guilt and self-loathing, thinking of them as a punishment for what you did. It’s so easy to talk and feel bad for yourself because you live in your mind and body. 

Forgiving yourself is harder than forgiving others. But it is indeed one of the most important habits you should form. It is essential to acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them, and equally important to forgive yourself and move forward with the lessons you have learned.

Wallowing in guilt and self-pity does not right your wrongs, instead makes them worse. You owe it to yourself to forgive and speak kindly for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Then, practice gratitude for all your body and mind do for you. 

3. Procrastination

This is one of the most common negative habits that we harbor. Putting off work or responsibilities until theToxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life very last minute is a trap we get into often. And it never makes us feel good, even when we do get everything done. 

However, procrastination has a very negative impact on your well-being. It leaves you feeling stressed and more often, it leaves you feeling frustrated with yourself for doing it again. Not to mention that it affects the quality of your work and creates a bad impression on others. Being more proactive and productive is essential to leading a happier life.

Starting today, spend those extra few minutes to take care of and check off the list of things you don’t want to do. Or even start thinking more about starting a morning routine. Either way, it will help you have a happy life in the long term and have less stress.

4. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle

When we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, we put our physical as well as mental health at stake. Spending money too much, eating too much sugar, not drinking enough water, smoking, bad dieting for weight loss, and consuming intoxicants are just some of the bad habits to break in our lifestyle. 

Fast food is one of the modern conveniences which has gotten us into so much trouble as a society. Not only does it cause unneeded stress for our digestive system and contribute to high blood pressure, but also added weight and fat onto our already heavily strained bodies. The more you can eliminate fast food from your diet, the better off you will be overall. Especially when it comes to preventing sickness and heart disease as we age.

5. Comparisons

Another poison we drink too often. Constantly comparing yourself to others means waiting for others to fail to realize your self-worth.

It’s easy enough to get caught up in this day-to-day cycle of compare and contrast and to forget that each of us isplants shopping unique and valuable in our ways. Being secure in yourself and confident of your capabilities irrespective of where others stand is a deciding factor for your happiness and peace of mind.

In the day and age of social media, this is one of the ways to fall into this trap so easily. Studies show if you can take days or spend time off the platforms it will be best for your mental health. So, take a social media break and get into your comfort zone. The crazy will world will be there waiting for you.

6. People Pleasing

When the only standard you have to meet is your own, and not someone else’s, you truly achieve peace of mind. Happy people are not happy because of other’s opinions, they are happy from within. 

We often become too dependent on what others are thinking of us, so much so that we often trade our health for their approval. This can lead to some real negative emotions. However, who ends up losing each time we fight for someone else’s approval? No one but ourselves!

7. Being Lazy

woman stretching outdoors

Like procrastination, laziness also hampers our productivity. A whole day of doing nothing will leave you feeling more tired and sick than a day of too much work.

And at the end of the day, we sit to blame ourselves for it. Laziness is a disease that can only be cured by fruitful work done on your part. Much like procrastination, a daily routine can help you break this habit.

But, to be honest, there might be days when you don’t want to do anything, and your body and mind want to fall asleep. And that’s ok. It can’t be every day or every week though because that’s where being lazy comes in.

8. Perfectionism

Perfectionism asks you to do the best in all aspects of your life, but that is not beneficial to your state of mind, though it might seem so.

When you try too hard to be too perfect for some external standard, you sell yourself short. Your confidence level takes a hit and you are unsure of your capabilities and potential. Treat yourself with the same compassion with which you treat others.

9. Giving Excuses

Making excuses is just another bad habit you might be struggling to get rid of. There is always an excuse not to do something, not to act in the present moment. It could be as simple as giving excuses not to perform your daily physical activity.

Excuses prevent positive change and stop you from being a better version of yourself. Stop making excuses and start being more proactive.

10. Holding Grudges

When you work on forgiving yourself, you must work on forgiving others as well. Forgiveness and acceptance are the keys to attaining daily happiness.

And whether you believe it or not, what goes around comes around, like karma. You don’t want to hold the grudge so long that it manifests or creates disharmony in your own body and world. It’s better to forgive and forget for yourself and others.

Final thoughts

Accepting that certain situations are beyond our control, and learning to let go can lead to a better life. Remind yourself through affirmations that everything happens for a reason, and try to see the silver lining to every cloud.

These habits are difficult to give up, as they are embedded deep in our personalities, sometimes working more like a reflex action. However, when you learn to retrain your mind and identify the problems in your thinking pattern, you can slowly relinquish these ill habits and attain a positive mindset, ultimately living a healthier, happier life. 

Was this helpful? What are your tips to live a happy life? Do you have any good habits to share? Let me know in the comments below.

9 Success Habits Of Great Leaders

Great leaders aren’t that way by accident. They share common and effective habits that help them become successful. Find out the top 9 success habits of great leaders that you can implement in your own life.


Successful leaders recognize that their success doesn’t stem from one or two decisions or events. But rather a succession of decisions that are cultivated over time. It’s a journey, a grind if you will, that requires daily commitment. In other words, good leaders understand that success is the result of highly effective daily habits that become part of your routine.

Habits are acquired behavior patterns that are repeated so frequently that they become almost involuntary. They’re powerful subconscious behaviors that operate in the background of our lives and yet they dictate how we think, act, and move through life. Habits, if not reviewed, molded, or reshaped can run amok. However, for those who make the effort to review, understand, and change their habits, these behaviors can form great character and be the driving force that leads to productivity and success.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that great leaders form and share certain good habits that help ensure their success.

9 Success Habits Of Great Leaders

The best, most effective leaders learn and share a variety of key habits that contribute to their success. If you search, you can find long lists of these habits, but I feel these 9 are really the key driving force to success in leadership. 

Starting Each Day Offline

In today’s world, we live online. Whether it’s email, social media, television, or internet surfing, these avenues can help form bad habits, increase stress levels, and waste time, when not used in an effective way.

In order to help find that necessary balance, put that device down and be intentional with your time. The best way to keep an intentional mindset with regard to your time is to start your day offline. Meditating, exercising, doing yoga, and reading are all great habits to help jump-start your day in a positive and centered way. Arianna Huffington, the founder of The Huffington Post, practices yoga and meditation every day to keep her stress levels low.

Establishing a Morning Routine

The way you start your day sets the tone for the entire rest of your day. Great leaders focus on establishing healthy morning routines that fuel their minds, bodies, and spirits. Waking up on the right and bright side of the bed makes a huge difference. 

Doing this helps them get centered for the day so they can stay calm and make good decisions no matter what the day brings their way. Morning habits of highly effective leaders might include:

  • Wake up at the same time each morning
  • Get some exercise
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Dedicate a few minutes to meditation
  • Practice daily gratitude

This positive habit will help to develop your emotional intelligence so that you can manage your emotions as well as the people on your team. Fast Company has a few other ideas to help develop your emotional intelligence too.

Taking Time to Reconnect with Yourself

When people work hard toward making goals, they can sometimes get lost in that effort and lose themselves in the process. When that happens, other aspects of life suffer. If leaders avoid taking time to themselves, it can cause inefficiencies all the way down the line. 

Great leaders who want to be successful in the long term will take time to occasionally step away from the work, the goals, and the company. In order to reconnect with themselves, reevaluate their goals and decide on a path forward. Effective and confident leaders know that success means needing to pivot or change focus on occasion, and that can only happen by taking time to reconnect with yourself and your “why”. 

Implementing Reading Time

One of the best ways to relax, learn, and grow is by reading. Books share ideas, inspire our creativity, and teach us about the lessons that other people learned. The best leaders have wisdom that they received from reading books.

If you think reading isn’t your thing, that might change once you know that reading:

  • Reduces stress
  • Makes you smarter
  • Increases your knowledge
  • Improves memory
  • Grows your vocabulary
  • Improves your reasoning skills
  • Is fun

Not sure where to start? Try asking others what they’re reading. Or search for the top self-development or business books. The more you can learn about yourself, your business, and your strategy, the more successful you will be as a leader.

Practicing What You Preach

Good leaders will preach about having values such as following the Golden Rule. As any founder and CEO of a company knows, if you preach about certain values, you need to really live by them on a daily basis. Consistency is key. 

Being More Organized & Accountable

In order to be an effective leader, you have to stay organized so that you know what’s going on and are able to strategically make the right changes when needed. You also need to be accountable for those necessary changes when things don’t go well so that those same issues don’t repeat in the future.

Take ownership of your organizational habits as well as your accountability with your team, and they will trust you and appreciate your honesty.

Nurturing Relationships

Great leaders don’t find success on their own. It takes a team working with them, and it takes support from family and friends. 

The best leaders know that relationships in all facets of their lives are integral to their success. Working toward a goal shouldn’t be done at the expense of personal relationships. In the same vein, business relationships can be extremely beneficial when it comes to solving problems. People are motivated by a leader who is in the trenches with them. Additionally, if you spend all your time focusing on business or your goals and not enjoying life, you’re completely missing the point of what success really is. 

Take time to nurture your relationship-building skills. And while it may seem counterintuitive that playing with your kids can lead to more success, finding a balance between business and pleasure leads to more enjoyment and relaxation which makes for more effective leadership. Former President Barack Obama made it a point to have breakfast and dinner with his wife and daughters every day to keep those relationships strong.

They Credit Their Team With the Win

Leaders are just that – the person in charge. While they may make some important and key decisions, they rarely do all the brainstorming or the grunt work on a project. Highly successful leaders don’t need the limelight and take the time to evaluate what went well – and what didn’t. 

Then, they take it a step further by owning the contributions of the big-picture effort and effectively communicate that by giving credit to those team members who made the success possible. And this is one of the best ways to breed long-term sustainable success. 

Have Healthy Food and Exercise Routines

Really good leaders know that in order to operate at optimum capacity, you need to take care of your body physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. And great health starts with taking good care of your body physically. 

A good diet, good sleep habits, and plenty of exercise will help you have focus, energy, and endurance to get through your day. Evan Williams, the founder of Twitter, takes time out of his workday every day to get in a strenuous workout which helps improve his energy levels and mental clarity for an afternoon of work. If you have goals you want to strive toward, try implementing these success habits of great leaders and see the difference they make in your life and in accomplishing your goals.

What Do All Leaders Have In Common?

Leaders are people who get things done and make a positive impact on the world. In order to do that, they must be able to listen and build relationships with others. They must also be willing to have their opinions expressed clearly, even if it’s unpopular, in order to positively impact their chances of success.

Stephen Covey identified four practices that highly effective people practice: active listening, building trust through transparency, building a team around you, and acting with integrity. He also believed that leaders should have a vision for where they want to go and then work together with others to achieve it.


How To Raise Good Kids

How To Raise Good Kids

The family is the core element of community building, and a parenting style nourishes a child’s socialization values. It includes compassion, ethics, respect, and a sense of responsibility. When it comes to my daughters and precarious situations, I take that precious 5 seconds of deep thinking. It’s both a struggle and an opportunity to learn.

As a parent, the task of raising decent human beings with good character is on your shoulders from the second you find out you’re pregnant. You do your best so they’ll become better members of society. The idea of positive parenting is daunting but it’s not without fun moments and golden opportunities.

I’ll share with you some of the tips and tricks I learned along the way on how to raise good kids!

How To Raise Good Kids

Whether they’re inside or outside your home, teach kids the power of having positive thoughts and aHow To Raise Positive Kids healthy mindset. Forge it by focusing on building a solid relationship with your kids, one that thrives on trust and mutual respect. Understand their thoughts and learn how to help them flourish. And by doing this, you won’t just raise positive kids, but you’ll raise happy kids.

Create a Sense of Certainty

Your children learn when you set boundaries for them. They need to have a sense of certainty to think their actions through and mindfulness when making decisions. If there’s an opportunity, include them in the decision-making.

One example is delegating household chores. Huddle with them while creating a list, and discuss every part of the process. Explain to them why these rules are in place or what will happen if they fail to do their tasks. Raising emotionally capable kids includes encouraging them to be patient, compassionate, resourceful, and gritty.

A child learns through what they see in their environment, and it’s up to us, their parents, to help them mold their logic and ethics. Society is not without laws and structure, and in your home, make them follow a set of rules and guide them in understanding the consequences of their actions.

Encourage Learning

Kids have different learning motivations, the same way that their personalities vary. Show them that anywhere is a place for learning, it is not limited to traditional educational environments such as school. By giving them the right motivation, you are helping them enhance their passion, abilities, and desire to learn. Here are some ways that help them discover the fun of learning:

1. Let your child explore instead of imposing control.

Guide them through the process. Learning is a positive experience,How To Raise Good Kids and they must feel supported while making choices through activities and in an environment conducive to their learning. When teaching your child to read, let them select the books, or if they’re not proactive enough, choose them based on their interest.

2. Encourage your child to explore their favorite topics.

Let them enjoy the learning journey by focusing on what they consider a fun lesson. Listen actively to what they have to say, and learn about what things they pay attention to more than the others. In doing this, you are bringing joy to their idea of learning.

If you show interest in their interests, they might perform better. Research has shown that successful kids who grow up with adults that encourage them to pursue what they are most passionate about, tend to do better in school and develop good socializing values.

3. Encourage questions.

When kids develop curiosity, you allow them to explore their surroundings. As it is essential in their learning, it’s also crucial in personality development. When you are nurturing a curious child, you are raising happiness in their lives.

Be Present

To raise good kids, spending time together as a family and allotting one-on-one time with each child is key! Maybe, make a Friday tradition ofpositive parenting tips watching movies, and as they grow older, ask them to set a special time and eat dinner together. Research shows that family meals (either around the dinner table or at least all together somewhere else) promote healthy eating habits thus preventing kids from developing an eating disorder in the long term.

University of Minnesota researcher Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Ph.D., MPH, RD, said that “It doesn’t have to be a home-cooked meal. The idea is to bring people together”. Through her research, she found out that those who experience eating meals regularly in a positive atmosphere are less likely to show signs of eating disorders like vomiting, diet pills, and chronic dieting.

Allow Them To Express Their Opinion

Encourage sincere and open communication, they’ll feel comfortable expressing their thoughts. It fosters trust and minimizes negative thoughts. It will be easy for them to tell you if uncomfortable situations overwhelm or confuse them.

According to Judith Smetana, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester who studies the development and family relationships, one of the common challenges in most families is the ability to “balance teen’s need for autonomy with other concerns.” In her study published in 2016, she and her colleagues found that disagreement regarding the bounds and limits of parental authority can cause bad behavior problems. It’s usually the source of adolescent-parent conflicts. As well as the use of drugs and alcohol at a young age.

Be Consistent

If you want to raise good kids, then help then become fully functioning adults. Your children will remember how you connect with them emotionally, the activities you did as a family, and the frequency of sharing a meal. It’s where consistency comes in and it matters because it indicates how you sincerely and mindfully engage. Model positive behavior and keep a positive attitude – be a role model.

If in every instance of agood parenting tips tantrum at the grocery store, they see you helping them process their big feelings, then you are showing them stability. During their learning process, it helps them get better at internalization.

Consistency comes with expectations, and children see the world through patterns. I constantly struggle with it because parenting could be so frustrating and alienating at times, but every time I try, I also feel better that I did. If you’re like me and patience is not your strongest suit, take time to reflect and remind yourself that you are creating the blueprint of your child’s emotional well-being.

Raising good kids isn’t an easy task, but it certainly is doable.

Positive parenting solutions work wonders when it comes to parent-child relationships. The influence of happier parents strengthens the emotional intelligence and mental resilience of their young children. Kids learn positive behaviors from their parents – you!

Parenting is the most critical public health issue faced by societies across the world. Young children need to have a nurturing relationship with their parents or guardians. Another published study claims that if children have their parents’ social support coupled with an open and positive parent-child interaction, they will most likely do better in the community.

So, next time when you’re on vacation, about to enjoy an exquisite steak, and your child suddenly decides that it’s the best time to throw a fit, give yourself a chance to pause. Think things through. Remind yourself that kids feel with big emotions, it’s up to you how you will help them navigate them. With all the resources available on positive parenting, look at your role holistically. In essence, you are a teacher, a nurse, a transformational leader, an inspiration, and an ultimate supporter.

How Does Responsible Parenting Affect a Child’s Physical Health?

Studies have shown that responsible parenting has a positive impact on the physical health of children, including improved sleep and fewer behavioral problems. Responsible parents are able to spend more time with their children, which may help them regulate their emotions. Furthermore, responsible parents who help their children with good behavior are also raising kids who will be successful as adults and feel like they can succeed in life.

Responsible parents are also better able to help their children learn how to control their emotions and understand how other people feel. Helicopter parents tend to hover over their children too much, but if you can strike a balance between being present for your child and giving them space when they need it, then you’ll be teaching your kids how to take responsibility for themselves—which is arguably one of the most important things you can do as a parent.

Being a parent is a commitment.

You set the foundation so your kids will have a positive outlook on life and healthy emotional well-being. You are their provision of support – give them positive affirmations, provide them with respect, protect them, and convey your love to them. As they grow, you should develop that depth of knowledge on how to best support them in every milestone of their lives. And it’s never too early to start developing that positive psychology.

While they’re little, time seems to be so slow and their dependence too high. However, that could all change. In a blink of an eye, you are releasing them to the world, and hopefully, with the innate pride that you’ve raised a good person who will do positive and great things.

How to Create an Athleisure Capsule Wardrobe: Tips for Building a Sustainable and Stylish Collection of Activewear

How to Create an Athleisure Capsule Wardrobe: Tips for Building a Sustainable and Stylish Collection of Activewear

An athleisure capsule wardrobe is a great way to create a foundation of athleisure items that you can mix and match to create different casual outfits. It’s also a great way to get dressed easily and helps you save time and money. So today, I’m sharing my athleisure capsule wardrobe to give you an idea of what items to add and how to build a sustainable yet stylish athleisure capsule wardrobe.

The key to creating an effective athleisure capsule wardrobe is to choose versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched together. My favorite pieces for my athleisure capsule are simple T-shirts, leggings, and jackets. I also like to add a few statement pieces. Like printed pants or a colorful jacket, to add some interest.

How to Create a Sustainable Athleisure Capsule Wardrobe

To put together your athleisure capsule wardrobe, start by choosing a few key pieces you love that make you feel good. Then, mix and match those pieces with other items in your closet to create different outfits. Be sure to choose versatile items that can be worn both at the gym and out on the town. And most importantly, have fun with it!

What is a capsule wardrobe and why should you create one

Maybe you’ve heard the term first coined by Susie Faux and made popular by designer Donna Karan, “capsule wardrobe” before, but what is it? A capsule wardrobe is a small group of clothing that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of different looks. The key to creating a capsule wardrobe is to choose versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down. And that works well with other items in your collection. When it comes to athleisure, there are a few key pieces that every capsule should include. First, you’ll need a few basic tops, like tanks and tees, that can be layered under jackets or worn on their own.

Next, you’ll want to add some bottoms, like leggings or joggers, that are comfortable enough for a workout but also look great when paired with a stylish top. Finally, don’t forget to add a few accessories, like a pair of sunglasses or a hat, to help complete your look. With these essential pieces in your capsule wardrobe, you’ll be able to create endless athleisure outfits that are both sustainable and stylish.

Benefits Of A Capsule Wardrobe

  • Saves time getting ready in the morning
  • Less worry about what to wear
  • Easily mix and match pieces for versatility
  • Packing for vacations and getaways is quick and easy
  • Saves money on creating new outfits
  • Allows you to show off your style
  • Reduces impact on the environment
  • Promotes slow, rather than fast fashion

How to create a capsule wardrobe for athleisure

It’s no secret that athleisure has taken over the fashion world in recent years. Comfortable, stylish, and versatile. It’s no wonder that activewear has become a staple in many people’s wardrobes. However, with the vast array of choices available, it can be difficult to know where to start when building an athleisure capsule wardrobe. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Tips for Building a Sustainable and Stylish Collection of Activewear:

Stick to a neutral color palette.

Black, white, and gray are always in style and go with everything. This will make it easy to mix and match pieces without having to think too much about it.

Choose versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down.

A good pair of black leggings can be worn with a dressy top for a night out or with a casual tee for running errands. Black leggings make building a capsule wardrobe easy and open the door to tons of different outfit ideas.

Invest in quality over quantity.

Cheap activewear may fall apart quickly or not hold up well during your workouts. It’s better to have a few well-made pieces that will last than a closet full of cheap clothes that you’ll have to replace often.

Shop secondhand whenever possible.

Secondhand stores are a great source of high-quality activewear at a fraction of the cost of retail prices. You can also check online resale sites or even swap clothes with friends. I know several secondhand stores carry a wide variety of gently used athleisure at good prices here in Arizona.

Don’t forget the basics!

A good sports bra, pair of sneakers, and cozy sweater are essential for any athleisure capsule wardrobe. With these basics in place, you’ll be able to put together endless outfit combinations that are both stylish and comfortable.

How many items should be in a capsule wardrobe?

The number of items you choose to include in your capsule wardrobe is up to you. But remember, the idea is to have a set of clothes that all match each other, so having too large of a capsule wardrobe could reduce the efficiency gained by creating the capsule in the first place. The point is to make every piece of clothing count. Capsule wardrobes (not counting accessories) can range in size from 5-7 pieces, to up to around 15-20 pieces, depending on your wardrobe needs and wants.

What to include in a capsule wardrobe for athleisure

Athleisure wear has surged in popularity in recent years. As more and more people are looking for clothing that is both comfortable and stylish. If you’re interested in creating your athleisure capsule wardrobe, there are a few key pieces you’ll need to include. First, you’ll need a pair of leggings that can be dressed up or down. Second, you’ll need a few tops that mix and match well with your leggings. Third, you’ll need a versatile jacket/sweater or two that can be worn over your athleisure outfits. Finally, you’ll need a pair of comfortable shoes that can be worn with all of your different looks.

It’s always good to throw in a sports bra or two into this capsule wardrobe to ensure you can use the athleisure wear to work out if you want. And sometimes you can wear the bra as a top under the jacket or sweater. With these key pieces in place, you’ll be able to create endless outfit combinations that are both sustainable and stylish.

Athleisure Outfits

For Spring

Spring is a great time to start wearing athleisure while you’re out and about. In the cooler parts of spring, you can wear a pair of joggers, a short-sleeve shirt, and a light coat. And in the warmer parts, a pair of bike shorts can be substituted for leggings or yoga pants.

For Summer

I love summer athleisure, especially because it’s a lot more absorbent than regular clothing! So for the scorching hot summer days, a tank and biker shorts would be enough, and you won’t have to worry about sweating too much!

For Fall

If you’re looking to be comfortable during the fall months, a pair of joggers and a sweater or hoodie would work perfectly! You could even wear a cropped long-sleeve with a tank underneath!

For Winter

The winter months can be freezing depending on where you’re living. So for the colder months out of the year, I suggest wearing a pair of cold-weather joggers, a long-sleeve, and a hoody over it. You might need a big jacket depending on where you are!

How to mix and match your athleisure pieces to create different outfits

Just because you’re dressing for a casual day doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style. Athleisure is a trend thatHow to Create a Sustainable Athleisure Capsule Wardrobe mixes casual and comfortable clothing with a touch of luxury. And the best part about building an athleisure capsule wardrobe is that you can wear your pieces both inside and outside the house. While a pair of leggings might be your go-to choice for running errands or working out, they can also be dressed up with a blazer and heels for a night out.

The key to creating an athleisure capsule wardrobe is to choose versatile pieces that mix and match well. That way, you can create multiple outfit combinations without having to buy a lot of clothes. When deciding how many items to add to your capsule wardrobe, it’s important to strike a balance between too few and too many choices. Having too few items will limit your outfit options while having too many choices can be overwhelming. A good starting point is to aim for around 10-15 pieces. With a well-curated collection of athleisure staples, you’ll be able to put together stylish looks for any occasion.

Athleisure is a great way to build a sustainable and stylish wardrobe. By investing in quality pieces that can be mixed and matched, you’ll be able to create endless outfit combinations while also reducing your impact on the environment. And don’t forget that you can include any type of clothing to make a capsule wardrobe. Think seasonal capsules, workwear capsules, streetwear capsules, mini capsules, capsule collections, and more. So what are you waiting for? Start building your athleisure capsule wardrobe today!