As it’s a new month in May, one of the most powerful months out of the entire year for bringing your wishes to fruition, I set a few goals for myself like every month.

The first goal that I had was to bring in a few extra dollars a day for our new home purchase.

We are closing on our first home together as a family on the 23rd of this month, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it will take a LOT of sweat equity as well as many dollar bills. It’s going to be quite the transformation when it’s done. I also know that there is the possibility we could flip this house and get something else if we wanted. So I’m not trying to get too attached right now. I also don’t want to put us in more of a hole with the necessary repairs and the way I want to make the house look to my taste (Hubs and I are having a hard time agreeing on a specific style already).

I also would like to take as little from our current place if we don’t love it thus saving more money with less storage and moving expenses. And some of the things I don’t love.

Power Of Intention

So when I sat down to look at some of the areas I could cut, there were some

The Power of Intention
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memberships that I’ve been on the fence about keeping and I could see those going away. I didn’t do anything with them just yet, but I received an email letting me know that my membership was canceled, but I was charged today….. So I’m going to either get my money back or get to participate for another month.

But, the magic behind the thought above. I set out to cancel it in the future, and it was canceled today without any doing of my own.

Think about that for a second.

The Power of Your Thoughts

This could either have a return of money to me or an additional month of membership added for me, but there are also things we think about that are bad. Those come into our reality as well. Make sure you are watching your thoughts because you are a powerful creator, and the Universe doesn’t know good or bad what you want. It brings you everything you think and says, so make sure to keep your vibes high!

The next goal I had was to write each day of May at least 250-500 words to get my content up and created. I read in a book recently that no matter what, if you write something every day, it will make it easier to get something on paper when you need it. So here’s my start and a few things for you to think about as well.

What do you want more of in your life? Money, love, happiness, success? All of these things and more can be yours when you learn to harness the power of intention. The intention is the act of setting a goal and then putting all of your focus and energy toward achieving that goal. When you do this, the universe will conspire in your favor and help you to achieve your desires. In this blog post, we will discuss the power of intention and how you can use it to create the life you desire!

Having intentions is important for several reasons.

First, it helps to focus your

The Power of Intention
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attention and energy on what you want to achieve. Dr. Wayne Dyer, the author of The Power of Intention, compares the field of energy that surrounds us to a GPS. When we set our intention, we are telling the universe where we want to go. Just as a GPS won’t work if we don’t input a destination, the universe won’t be able to guide us if we don’t have a clear intention. Second, setting an intention can help to improve the quality of our lives. When we focus on what we want, rather than what we don’t want, we are more likely to attract positive experiences and opportunities into our lives.

Any action begins with intention.

What we intend is what we attract into our lives. If we want to live a creative, kind, loving, and beautiful life, we must first be creative in our thoughts and Intentions. The law of attraction states that like attracts like. When we focus on positive things, we attract more positive things into our lives. On the other hand, if we dwell on negative thoughts, we will attract more negativity. Therefore, it is important to be intentional about our thoughts and emotions if we want to live a beautiful, abundant, and receptive life. One way to do this is to monitor our self-talk and make sure it is compassionate and kind. Another way is to focus on what we are grateful for each day. When we take the time to intentionally focus on it grows.

Setting an intention is the first step on the spiritual path.

It is a powerful way to connect with your higher self and the universal mind. There are many faces of intention: from choosing to be kinder to yourself to set a goal to become more spiritual. Whatever form it takes, setting an intention is a way of affirming your desire to grow and evolve. When you set an intention, you are opening yourself up to limitless possibilities. It is a declaration of your willingness to grow and change. As you begin to align your actions with your intention, you will start to see miraculous changes in your life. You will feel more connected to your higher purpose and supported by the universe. The power of intention is limitless; it is the starting point.

Power of Intention Quotes

Intention is all about focusing your mind on something specific to make it happen. It’s not just for spiritual folks – it can help anyone in their daily life. The more you practice intentional thinking, the better you get at making your intentions a reality. It can help you create positive changes, attract abundance, and live your life with purpose, inner peace, and gratitude.

“The Power of Intention” by internationally renowned author, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, has some inspiring quotes that can motivate you to believe in yourself, manifest your dreams, and live in the moment. Remember, you’re not alone in setting your intentions and reaching your goals – there are plenty of people ready to support you.

If you want to start setting intentions, begin by setting specific and achievable goals and focusing your thoughts and actions on them. Stay positive and grateful, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. With practice, intention can become a natural and effective part of your daily routine, helping you to create the life you want.

No matter what you want to achieve in life, setting an intention is the first step.

Give it a try, what have you got to lose?

And PS – if you don’t think you have time, this post took all but 15 minutes, and I even sent an email in between and helped my sweet 7-year-old with something. You can do it too.

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