Are Short-Term Rentals A Good Investment?

Are Short-Term Rentals A Good Investment?

Real estate investment has long been touted as a lucrative avenue for financial growth. From single-family homes to commercial spaces, the options are diverse and enticing. Today, we’re diving into the often-stressful world of real estate investment, specifically focusing on short-term rentals. So, are short-term rentals a good investment? Let’s unravel this complex query.

Are Short-Term Rentals A Good Investment?

Real estate investment has numerous facets, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. Short-term rentals, often referred to asAre Short-Term Rentals A Good Investment vacation rentals, cater to a different market compared to long-term rentals. They involve renting out a property for short periods, usually by the night, making them an alternative to traditional hotels. This flexibility can be both a blessing and a challenge for investors.

What Are Short-Term Rentals?

Short-term rentals, commonly known as vacation rentals, encompass properties rented out for brief periods, differing from the more traditional long-term rentals. These rentals could range from apartments and condos to single-family homes, often managed directly by property owners or through property management companies. Their allure lies in providing a personalized experience for guests while offering property owners a chance to earn higher nightly rates.

What To Know Before Buying A Short-Term Rental Property

Before delving into short-term rental investments, it’s crucial to understand the nuances. Factors like location, local regulations, property management, and market demand heavily influence the success of these investments. Prospective investors must weigh these considerations to make informed decisions.

Benefits Of Short-Term Rentals

1. Higher Income Potential: Short-term rentals often yield higher nightly rates compared to long-term rentals, boosting overall income for property owners.

2. Flexibility for Owners: Property owners can use the property themselves during vacant periods, allowing personal use alongside rental income.

3. Catering to a Niche Market: Short-term rentals offer a personalized experience, appealing to travelers seeking a unique stay, thusWhat Are Short-Term Rentals? attracting higher-paying guests.

Disadvantages of Short-Term Rentals

1. Occupancy Fluctuations: Seasonal demand or market fluctuations can lead to irregular occupancy rates, impacting consistent income.

2. Maintenance and Management: Managing a short-term rental property requires constant upkeep, including cleaning, maintenance, and guest communications.

3. Regulatory Challenges: Local regulations and restrictions may limit the operation of short-term rentals in certain areas, affecting profitability.

For those venturing into the short-term rental market, understanding these pros and cons is vital to navigate the intricate landscape of real estate investment.

Investing in short-term rental properties offers enticing prospects but requires a meticulous approach. It’s crucial to research the local market, understand the dynamics of the vacation rental sector, and calculate potential cash flow against expenses such as property management fees and maintenance costs.

For those interested in delving deeper into the world of short-term rentals, resources like How to become a co-host on Airbnb and Crafting the ultimate Airbnb guidebook can provide valuable insights into property management and maximizing rental income. If you are looking to book an Airbnb, please take a look at my properties here.

In conclusion, short-term rentals can be a lucrative investment for those willing to navigate the complexities of the real estate market. With careful planning, understanding the local market trends, and leveraging the benefits while mitigating the challenges, investing in short-term rentals can indeed be a rewarding endeavor in the realm of real estate investment.

How To Deal With Difficult Guests

How To Deal With Difficult Guests

Running an Airbnb business (or any kind of business) often involves interacting with various types of guests. While most guests are pleasant and easygoing, encountering difficult guests is unavoidable. Dealing with these challenging individuals requires special attention to customer service and the ability to resolve conflicts professionally and effectively. In this blog post, we will explore different types of difficult guests and provide valuable tips on how to handle them without jeopardizing your business.

How To Deal With Difficult Guests:

Resolving Conflict Without Losing Your Business

Difficult Guest Types:

1. Guests Requesting A Refund:

These guests are dissatisfied with their experience and demand a refund. They may express their dissatisfaction due to variousHow To Deal With Difficult Guests reasons, such as unmet expectations or unforeseen circumstances. Addressing their concerns promptly and finding a mutually beneficial solution is essential.

2. Guests That Damaged Your Property:

This type of guest may have caused damage to your property, intentionally or unintentionally. Dealing with property damage requires tact and assertiveness to ensure appropriate compensation or resolution.

3. Guests With Unreasonable Demands:

Some guests may make unreasonable demands, expecting special treatment or additional services beyond what you offer. Handling these situations delicately is crucial to maintain customer satisfaction and avoid potential conflicts.

4. Guests With Communication Issues:

Communication barriers can arise when guests have difficulty expressing their needs or understanding your instructions. Patience, clarity, and finding alternative ways to convey information are key to overcoming these challenges.

5. Guests With Aggressive Behavior:

Encountering angry or aggressive guests can be intimidating, but it’s essential to remain calm and composed. Properly addressingcafe vibes their concerns and diffusing tense situations can help resolve conflicts and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

6. Guests With High Expectations:

Some guests may have exceptionally high expectations, leaving them frequently dissatisfied. Managing their expectations through transparent communication and setting realistic boundaries is vital to avoid disappointment.

Tips for Dealing with Difficult Guests:

1. Actively Listen:

When dealing with upset customers, listen carefully to their concerns. Show empathy and understanding, allowing them to feel heard and acknowledged.

2. Stay Calm and Composed:

Maintain a calm demeanor, even in challenging situations. Responding with anger or frustration will only escalate the conflict further.Tips for Dealing with Difficult Guests

3. Use Body Language Effectively:

Your body language can communicate your willingness to help and diffuse tension. Maintain an open posture, make eye contact, and use gestures that convey empathy and understanding.

4. Keep Conversations Professional:

Maintain a professional tone throughout the interaction. Avoid taking the guest’s behavior personally and focus on finding a solution to the problem.

5. Involve Supportive Team Members:

If you have a team, communicate and collaborate with your colleagues to handle difficult customer situations effectively. Sharing theHow To Deal With Difficult Guests workload can also alleviate the stress of dealing with challenging guests alone.

6. Give Customers Time to Talk:

Allow guests to express their concerns fully without interruption. This demonstrates that you value their perspective and are committed to addressing the issue at hand.

7. Practice Empathy:

Put yourself in the guest’s shoes and try to understand their point of view. Showing empathy can help de escalate conflicts and build stronger customer relationships.

8. Find a Win-Win Solution:

Instead of focusing on “winning” the argument, strive to find a solution that satisfies both parties. Look for compromises anddark kitchen alternatives that meet the guest’s needs while protecting your business interests.

9. Prioritize Customer Satisfaction:

Remember that customer satisfaction is essential for customer loyalty and positive reviews. Going the extra mile to resolve difficult situations can lead to improved guest experiences and long-term relationships.

10. Utilize Social Media Responsibly:

In the age of social media, unhappy guests can quickly voice their frustrations online. Monitor and respond to feedback promptly, addressing concerns publicly and privately to showcase your commitment to customer service.

Dealing with difficult guests is an inevitable part of running a business. By following these tips and adopting a customer-centric approach, you can effectively handle challenging situations while safeguarding your reputation and fostering strong customer relationships. Remember, your ability to handle difficult customers professionally can turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and improved service quality.

15 Airbnb Host Rewards: Unlocking the Benefits of Being a Superhost

15 Airbnb Host Rewards: Unlocking the Benefits of Being a Superhost

Are you an experienced host on Airbnb, striving to stand out from the crowd and elevate your vacation rental business? Achieving the coveted Superhost status can be the differentiating factor that sets you apart. The Superhost title is highly sought-after, and it signifies a host’s commitment to providing exceptional service and memorable experiences to guests. In this post, we will explore the rewards that come with being an Airbnb host, ranging from exclusive benefits to valuable tips on how to achieve this esteemed Superhost status.

15 Airbnb Host Rewards:

As an Airbnb Superhost, you are eligible for a range of exciting rewards that can enhance your hosting journey and boost your business. Let’sAirbnb Host Rewards tips delve into some of the remarkable benefits awaiting you.

What Is an Airbnb Superhost?

The Superhost badge is a visual symbol of recognition bestowed upon hosts who consistently deliver outstanding hospitality. When you achieve Superhost status, this badge appears prominently on your listings, catching the attention of potential guests in search results. It acts as a stamp of quality assurance, showcasing your commitment to providing a superior experience.

15 Airbnb Superhost Benefits:

1. Enhanced Visibility and Increased Bookings:

The Superhost badge helps your listings stand out, leading to improved search rankings and increased exposure. Guests often prioritize Superhosts when making reservations, giving you an edge over competitors.Airbnb Superhost Benefits

2. Higher Earnings and Improved Occupancy Rates:

By consistently delivering excellent service, you are likely to attract more guests, resulting in a higher number of bookings. Moreover, guests are willing to pay a premium for the assurance of staying with a Superhost, enabling you to earn more from your vacation rental.

3. Exclusive Rewards and Opportunities:

As a Superhost, you gain access to exclusive rewards and opportunities offered by Airbnb. These perks may include discounts on professional photography, priority customer support, and even invitations to special events hosted by Airbnb.

4. Improved Trust and Reputation:

The Superhost badge not only increases guest confidence but also encourages positive reviews and ratings. Maintaining a high overall rating of 4.8 or higher can further establish your reputation as a trusted and reliable host.

How to Become an Airbnb Superhost:

Earning the Superhost status requires meeting specific criteria set by Airbnb. Here are some valuable tips to help you achieve this prestigiousHow to Become an Airbnb Superhost title:

1. Provide an Exceptional Guest Experience:

Go the extra mile to ensure your guests have a remarkable stay. From offering personalized recommendations to anticipating their needs, providing outstanding hospitality will earn you glowing reviews and contribute to your Superhost status.

2. Maintain a Clean and Tidy Vacation Rental:

Invest time and effort in maintaining a spotless and well-maintained space. Regularly clean your property, refresh amenities, and address any issues promptly to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for your guests.

3. Encourage Positive Reviews:

Reviews play a crucial role in building your reputation as a Superhost. Promptly and courteously respond to guest feedback, actively request reviews, and provide a memorable experience that encourages guests to leave positive comments.

4. Aim for an Ideal Response Rate:

Maintain a swift response rate of at least 90% by promptly answering guest inquiries and booking requests. Being responsive not onlyAirbnb Host Rewards enhances guest satisfaction but also boosts your chances of achieving Superhost status.

5. Keep Cancellation Rates Low:

Minimize cancellations to maintain a reliable track record. While extenuating circumstances may occasionally arise, strive to find solutions or alternatives for guests to minimize disruptions to their travel plans.

By adhering to these tips and meeting Airbnb’s requirements, such as hosting at least 10 stays or totaling at least 100 nights per year, you are on your way to becoming a Superhost.

In conclusion, the Airbnb Superhost program offers a range of rewards that can significantly benefit hosts and their vacation rental businesses. From enhanced visibility and increased bookings to exclusive rewards and opportunities, the Superhost title elevates your hosting journey. By delivering exceptional experiences, maintaining high standards, and satisfying guest expectations, you can unlock the doors to these incredible benefits. Embrace the Superhost journey and enjoy the many advantages it brings to your hosting venture.

How To Take Good Airbnb Photos

How To Take Good Airbnb Photos

Welcome, Airbnb hosts and aspiring photographers! In the competitive world of short-term rentals, standing out from the crowd is crucial to attracting potential guests. One of the most effective ways to make a lasting first impression is through great photos. High-quality images can entice your target market, improve your search results, and set clear expectations for your guests. In this blog post, we’ll share practical and creative tips to help you take professional-looking photos of your Airbnb rentals, even if you’re not a pro photographer.

Why Good Airbnb Photos Matter

When guests search for their dream vacation rental, they are presented with numerous Airbnb listings to choose from. The attention span ofHow To Take Good Airbnb Photos potential guests is short, and they quickly scroll through options. Eye-catching photos can make your listing stand out and pique the curiosity of your audience. Furthermore, Airbnb’s search algorithm considers the quality of photos, making well-captured images vital to appear higher in search results.

How To Take Good Airbnb Photos

Adjust Camera Settings and Turn Off the Flash

Before you start snapping away, take a moment to adjust your camera settings. Avoid using the flash, as it can create harsh shadows and make the space look less appealing. Instead, rely on natural light or the existing lighting in the room. If you’re using a smartphone, most devices allow you to adjust exposure and focus manually.

Brighten Your Space

Bright and airy spaces tend to be more inviting. Open all curtains and blinds to let in as much natural light as possible. Turn on all the lights in the room, including lamps and overhead lights, to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Clean and Declutter

A cluttered space can distract potential guests from the true beauty of your rental. Clean up the rooms, remove personal items, and tidy upHow To Take Good Airbnb Photos any mess before taking photos. Minimalist interior design often works best for Airbnb listings.

Shoot into a Corner

A useful trick to make a room appear larger is to shoot into a corner. This perspective creates depth and makes the space look more spacious and open. Experiment with different angles until you find the one that showcases the room best.

Highlight Unique Amenities

Your Airbnb might have fantastic amenities that set it apart from others. Ensure to capture these features in your photos. Whether it’s a stunning view from the balcony, a cozy fireplace, or a luxurious bathtub, these unique selling points can draw in potential guests.

Take Outdoor Photos

If your rental has outdoor spaces like a garden, patio, or pool area, include outdoor photos in your listing. Outdoor shots can add to the overall appeal of your property and give guests a sense of what to expect when they step outside.

Take Panoramic Shots

A wide-angle lens or the panorama mode on your camera can help capture the entire room in a single shot. This allows potential guests toBest Airbnb Photos get a comprehensive view of the space, making them more likely to envision themselves staying there.

Tell a Story Through Your Photos

Create a visual narrative for your Airbnb listing. Showcase different aspects of your rental, such as cooking in the well-equipped kitchen, lounging in the living room, or relaxing in the cozy bedrooms. A story-like approach can make your listing more engaging and relatable.

Use Editing Tools/Apps

After taking the photos, don’t forget to edit them to enhance their quality further. Editing tools like Adobe Photoshop or smartphone apps can help you adjust brightness, contrast, and colors, making your photos look more appealing.

Best Airbnb Photos

Living Room with Abundant Natural Lightnatural light rental photo

This photo beautifully captures a living room flooded with natural light. The bright and cheerful ambiance creates an inviting space for guests to relax and unwind.

Bedroom with Cozy Fireplace

Highlighting the unique feature of a cozy fireplace in the bedroom adds a touch of luxury and comfort to the space, making it perfect for a cozy winter stay.

Fully Equipped Kitchen

Showcasing a modern and well-equipped kitchen can be a significant selling point for guests who love to cook during their vacation.

Outdoor Patio Retreat

This outdoor shot presents a serene patio area perfect for relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather, adding to the overall charm of therental property photoshoot rental.

Panoramic View of Living Room

A wide-angle shot capturing the entire living room provides a comprehensive view, allowing potential guests to envision the space as a whole.

Charming Details in the Bathroom

Highlighting charming details in the bathroom, such as decorative tiles or stylish fixtures, can add a touch of elegance to your listing.

Dining Area with a View

This photo showcases a dining area with a view, making it an attractive spot for guests to enjoy their meals with a picturesque backdrop.

Bedroom with Unique Design

Highlighting a uniquely designed bedroom can make your rental more memorable and appealing to potential guests seeking a one-of-a-kind experience.

Remember, great photos are essential to make your Airbnb listing shine. By following these tips and showcasing your rental’s best features, you can attract more guests, receive positive reviews, and achieve greater success as an Airbnb host. If you are interested in learning more, or hiring us to manage your property for you, feel free to check out our listings here and comment below. Happy photographing!

How To Write A Good Airbnb Listing

How To Write A Good Airbnb Listing

Are you a host on Airbnb trying to attract more guests to your property? If so, you probably know that great photos can catch a potential guest’s eye, but a well-written Airbnb listing is what seals the deal. Not everyone can afford to hire professional copywriters, which is why I’m here to share effective tips on how to write amazing Airbnb listing descriptions that will entice potential guests and get your property booked.

How To Write A Good Airbnb Listing

Write a Catchy Title

Your title is the first thing potential guests see, so make it catchy and attention-grabbing. Highlight the unique selling points of your property,How To Write A Good Airbnb Listing such as a stunning view, proximity to popular attractions, or special amenities like a private pool or hot tub. Use descriptive words that evoke positive emotions and create a sense of excitement in the reader.

Focus on Special Features

What sets your property apart from others? Whether it’s a cozy fireplace, a spacious backyard, or a fully equipped kitchen, emphasize these special features in your listing. Describe how they can enhance the guest’s experience and make their stay memorable.

Answer Questions Before They Are Asked

Put yourself in the shoes of potential guests and think about the questions they might have about your property. Address common queries like Wi-Fi availability, house rules, parking options, and nearby attractions. By providing this information proactively, you demonstrate that you care about your guests’ needs and can save them time in the decision-making process.How to Live a Hygge Lifestyle

Show Your Best Side

Be honest about your property, but also showcase its best aspects. Highlight the positive aspects of the neighborhood, nearby amenities, and the type of guests who would enjoy staying at your place. Use positive language to paint a picture of what a delightful experience they can expect.

Describe the Space

Give potential guests a detailed description of your property’s layout, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, common areas, and any unique or luxurious touches. Mention if there’s a master bedroom or a king-sized bed, as these are often sought after by travelers.

Keep It Short and Sweet

While you want to provide useful information, avoid lengthy paragraphs that may overwhelm potential guests. Use concise language and bullet points to make your listing easy to read and navigate. Remember that Airbnb limits the length of your description, so make every wordAirbnb Listing Examples count.

Airbnb Listing Examples

Best Beachfront Retreat

This charming beachfront cottage is a dream vacation rental for families and couples seeking a relaxing getaway. The listing title instantly captures attention with its promise of a beachfront paradise. The description beautifully highlights the cottage’s prime location, just steps away from the soft sand and turquoise waters. The host smartly emphasizes the unique selling points such as a private deck with a stunning ocean view, a fully equipped kitchen perfect for cooking gourmet meals, and a cozy fireplace for those cooler evenings. The listing stands out by mentioning its pet-friendly policy, attracting travelers who don’t want to leave their furry friends behind.

My Favorite Urban Oasis

For business travelers or city explorers, this modern urban oasis is a must-see. The title alone speaks to the target audience, attractingAirbnb Listing Examples business travelers seeking a comfortable and convenient stay. The listing description effectively describes the master bedroom with a king-sized bed, perfect for a good night’s sleep after a busy day of meetings or sightseeing. The host answers potential guests’ questions about Wi-Fi and amenities like a workspace, ensuring that business travelers know they’ll have everything they need. The well-lit photos and detailed description of nearby attractions add to its appeal.

Top-rated Mountain Getaway

Nestled in the heart of the mountains, this top-rated cabin is perfect for adventurous souls. The title promises an unforgettable mountain experience, while the listing description elaborates on the unique selling points, such as access to hiking trails, ski resorts, and outdoor activities. The host cleverly anticipates questions from potential guests and includes essential information on house rules, parking, and accessibility. The listing also mentions positive reviews from previous guests, instilling trust and confidence in potential bookers.

Stylish Downtown Loft for Urban Explorers

This chic downtown loft is a haven for urban explorers. The title caters to the target audience, attracting city enthusiasts looking for a stylishHow To Write A Good Airbnb Listing and convenient stay. The listing description beautifully describes the unique features of the loft, like its modern decor, high ceilings, and proximity to popular city hotspots. The host includes details about nearby restaurants, shops, and public transportation, making it easy for potential guests to imagine their city adventure.

Writing great Airbnb listing descriptions is crucial for attracting potential guests and closing the deal. By following these effective tips and showcasing your property’s best features, you’ll create a compelling listing that resonates with your target audience. Remember to keep it short, answer potential guests’ questions proactively, and use positive language to entice your readers. With an irresistible listing, you’ll increase your chances of getting your property booked and providing unforgettable experiences to your guests. Happy hosting!

When To Hire A Property Manager

When To Hire A Property Manager

Managing a property can be a rewarding investment, but it also demands significant time, effort, and expertise. From dealing with vacant units and screening tenants to overseeing maintenance and maximizing profitability, the responsibilities can quickly become overwhelming, especially when you own multiple properties. While hiring a property manager may come with a cost, knowing the right time to bring in professional help can greatly benefit your business. In this post, we will guide you through the signs indicating when it’s time to hire a property manager, the reasons to consider, and how to find the right one for your investment property.

When To Hire A Property Manager

1. You have too many properties

As your real estate portfolio grows, managing all the properties on your own becomes increasingly challenging. Handling the day-to-day tasks for multipleWhen To Hire A Property Manager listings, such as advertising, tenant screening, rent collection, and addressing maintenance issues, can drain your energy and hinder your ability to focus on strategic growth. Hiring a property manager can ensure each property receives the attention it deserves, while you have more time to expand your business and explore new investment opportunities.

2. You don’t live near the property

If your investment property is located far away from your primary residence, the logistical difficulties can make effective management difficult. Being physically present for routine inspections, maintenance, and responding promptly to tenant needs becomes impractical. A professional property manager who is local to the area can act as your eyes and ears, handling all on-site responsibilities, and providing peace of mind knowing that your property is in capable hands.

3. Limited experience in managing properties

Managing rental properties requires knowledge of landlord-tenant laws, market trends, and effective property management practices. Without sufficient experience, you may encounter challenges in setting the right rental rates, finding reliable tenants, and handling legal matters. A property manager brings their expertise to the table, ensuring you navigate the complexities of rental management successfully while avoiding costly mistakes.

4. Business slowing down or expanding

If you notice your business slowing down or experiencing significant growth, it might be time to consider hiring a property manager. A slowdown may indicate that you’re unable to dedicate enough time to your properties, leading to increased vacancy rates and reduced cash flow. Conversely, rapid expansion can quickly overwhelm your capacity to handle day-to-day operations. A property manager can optimize your rental management processes, stabilize your business during slower periods, and efficiently scale your operations during growth phases.

Related: 10 Best Airbnb Host Tips

Why Hire A Property Manager

1. Efficient tenant management

One of the primary roles of a property manager is to handle tenant-related matters. From finding the right tenants through effective screening andWhen To Hire A Property Manager background checks to addressing their concerns promptly, property managers ensure a smooth tenant experience. Their expertise in managing tenant relationships helps minimize tenant turnover and maximize occupancy rates, ultimately boosting your rental income.

2. Setting the right rental rates

Determining appropriate rental rates is crucial for attracting tenants while maximizing profitability. Property managers have a deep understanding of the local market and can conduct thorough market analyses to set competitive rental prices. By optimizing your rental rates, they can help you attract quality tenants, minimize vacancies, and maximize your return on investment.

3. Timely rent collection

Collecting rent on time is vital for maintaining a positive cash flow and minimizing financial strain. Property managers have established systems and procedures in place to ensure rent is collected promptly, reducing the risk of late or missed payments. Their efficient rent collection practices contribute to consistent cash flow, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your investment.

4. Effective marketing and advertising

To minimize vacancy periods, your property needs to be marketed effectively. Property managers have extensive experience in creating compelling property listings, utilizing various advertising channels, and showcasing your investment property’s best features. Their expertise in marketing and advertising attractsHow To Hire A Property Manager a wider pool of potential tenants, reducing vacancy rates and ensuring a steady stream of rental income.

How To Hire A Property Manager

1. Learn the basics of property management

Before hiring a property manager, educate yourself about the fundamentals of property management. Understanding key terms, industry standards, and legal obligations will help you make informed decisions and effectively communicate with potential property managers.

2. Join local real estate associations

Engaging with local real estate associations can provide valuable networking opportunities and access to a pool of experienced property managers. Attend industry events, participate in workshops, and seek recommendations from other landlords to find reliable professionals.

3. Ask for references and check qualifications

When considering property management candidates, request references from their previous clients and follow up with those references to gauge their satisfaction levels. Additionally, verify the property manager’s qualifications, certifications, and licenses to ensure they meet the necessary industry standards.

4. List your expectations

Clearly define your expectations and requirements for a property manager. This includes the services you expect them to handle, communicationrental property management preferences, financial reporting, and any specific expertise you require. Outlining your expectations from the beginning will help you find a property manager who aligns with your goals.

5. Ask questions during the interview

During the interview process, ask relevant questions to assess the property manager’s experience, knowledge, and approach to property management. Inquire about their tenant screening process, strategies for handling maintenance issues, and their method for maximizing profitability. Asking insightful questions will help you evaluate their suitability for managing your investment property.

Managing a rental property can be a demanding and time-consuming endeavor, especially when you own multiple properties or lack proximity to your investments. By hiring a professional property manager, you can delegate the day-to-day responsibilities, ensure effective tenant management, set appropriate rental rates, and benefit from their expertise in marketing and advertising. Remember to learn the basics of property management, seek recommendations, thoroughly check qualifications, and communicate your expectations clearly when selecting a property manager. Investing in a reliable property manager can ultimately save you time, money, and energy while allowing your investment properties to thrive.