Give yourself some credit, mama. You are an AMAZING mom to your littles. You love them more than life itself. But… you are tired of feeling so frazzled and chaotic.

I get you mama, it is SO HARD sometimes. It feels like the days of being pulled 86 different directions will never end.

You’re tired of going to bed regretting the entire day.

You’re so frazzled that you’re flying off the handle all hours.

You feel like your kids are getting tired of you, maybe you’re even tired of yourself.

But I’m here to tell you that this isn’t forever. You absolutely CAN have a different reality.

If you scroll instagram and just wish you could be that gentle mindful mama who is patient and enjoying her days instead of wishing them away… this is for you.

Mindfulness Habits for Frazzled Moms

In this post, I’ll be sharing mindfulness habits for frazzled moms. These will make a HUGE difference in your life if you commit yourself to it. 

I want to preface this in that you absolutely should not try to implement all of these at the same time. Pick a few and add them in overtime.

Who knows where you could be 6 months from now? Or even a week from now? Let’s get to it!

Start and end your day with intention

First and foremost – you need to be intentional. Flying by the seat of your pants just isn’t going to cut it. You absolutely have to commit to yourself and make the right choices throughout your day. Start with a plan and adjust as you go (we all know mom life NEVER goes according to plan!). 

Implement morning and evening routines

When you first get intentional, it’s important to have routines for both starting and ending your day. This helps you get in the right headspace and feel a sense of calm as you enter or exit your day.

If possible, try to wake up 1-2 hours before your children do.

I acknowledge that not everyone can do this… but man does it make for a great start to the day! Starting your day without being needed by anyone is AMAZING. You can sit and read your book, sip on your coffee in peace, watch the sunrise, and enter your day feeling light.

But – make sure you have a plan. Know WHY you are waking up early and what you will do with the extra time, otherwise you will fall right back asleep! Ha.

Start an evening routine 1-2 hours before you plan to go to bed.

Just like you want to ease into your day, you want to ease out of it, too. This is also a very calming experience and sets you up for a good night’s sleep that will then start the next day off on the right foot.

Turn off screens, start a diffuser of calming oils, take a shower, dim the lights, and set up the perfect environment to get you ready for sleep. It works wonders!

Express gratitude

As Tony Robbins says, “When we have an attitude of gratitude we see life as it is; an unbelievable gift.”

Taking the time to stop and think about what you’re grateful for is one of the best things you can do when you start your day. It encourages happiness and you see everything around you in a different light. You appreciate life for the beautiful thing it is.

Start your mornings by listing off a few things you are grateful for. Watch as your perspective changes just from this simple habit.

Set your daily intentions

Another great habit to implement in the morning is setting your intentions for the day. Some really good questions to ask yourself as you do this, are:

  1. What are my top 3 priorities for today?
  2. Do I have any events I need to prepare for?
  3. What am I EXCITED for today?
  4. What will make today AWESOME?
  5. Who needs me to bring my A-Game today?

If you have habits you want to work on today, make sure to list those too. Don’t get too crazy with this either – the point of this is to get excited for your day, set your mind to having an awesome day, and be okay when things go sideways.

Practice breath work throughout the day

Deep breathing is probably the most simple, yet effective mindfulness tool. Learning to stop, close your eyes, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, and silence your thoughts does a lot for the mind.

As a mom, you’ll use this tool A LOT once you get in the habit. It’s a great tool when you need to take a moment before you snap. (It’s also useful to set the boundary of giving mommy a moment to calm herself!)

And while this works great during stressful moments, it is a great tool to start your day with too. If you can take a moment to just sit and breathe, you center yourself and start the day with very calm energies. Meditation or simple breathing exercises helps a ton!

Set and visualize your goals

Keep your goals in the front of your mind and start your day visualizing them happening! List out your top goals for the moment, no matter if it’s to stop yelling at your kids, drink more water or putting a down payment on a house. 

Once you’ve done that, visualize it. 

Close your eyes, and picture it happening. How will your relationship with your kids improve? What does that version of you look like? What are you doing? How do you FEEL?

Recite it, visualize it, then work towards it.

Recite affirmations

Our mind is truly a powerful thing. Whatever we tell it, it believes. If you constantly say how terrible of a mom you are, you’re going to believe it and show up in life with that energy.

This is where affirmations come in – they help us change our mindset and truly believe it. Even if you don’t believe it at first, consistency will lead to changing that over time. By reciting “I am” statements, we rewire our brain.

Some good affirmations to start with include:

  • I am capable of amazing things.
  • I am enough for my kids, as I am, right now.
  • I am worthy of a life full of joy and happiness.
  • I am strong in my ability to handle what life throws at me.
  • I am kind in how I speak to those I love.
  • I am brave, pushing through the hard stuff.

For best results, recite affirmations out loud so you are speaking it into reality. Aim for the same set of affirmations every 30 days. By focusing on the same ones, we put focus onto embodying the belief that it is true.

Manage your emotions

Another important aspect of being mindful as a mom, is managing our emotions. This is HARD – but the benefits to this are huge. Eventually, you will rewire your brain to think and respond differently. 

Prioritize responding over reacting

First and foremost – place an importance on responding instead of reacting. Instead of blowing a gasket over the marker Jimmy scribbled all over the wall… take a breath, and consider how to best respond.

This may look like:

  • Acknowledging why this happened (lack of attention, desire to color, etc)
  • Setting the boundary to prevent it happening again (explain we only color on paper)
  • Giving little Jimmy the tools he needs (giving easier access to paper)

By responding in a helpful way, the outcome is much better than if we lash out. But in order to do this, we have to take control of our emotions FIRST. It’s okay to wait to respond!

Process how you are feeling

Stemming off that, you absolutely must process your feelings. Emotions are not a negative thing, but they need to be processed. Sit in it, give yourself permission to feel any certain feeling, analyze why you’re feeling that way, etc.

Don’t push through them, but process them and sit in it for a minute.

Be more present

We live in a society where being present is a rare find. With so much going on around us, it’s easy to detach ourselves from what’s in front of us. But when you’re present… quality of life is greater and therefore you are more apt to approach life from a sense of peace.

You can get more present by:

  • Limiting your social media use (or at least using it intentionally)
  • Be present with your loved ones (put your phone away and give them your attention)
  • Spending more time doing things you enjoy and show up for the experience

Honor yourself

You’re starting your day on the right foot, managing your emotions, and getting present – that’s great. But are you taking care of yourself and honoring who you are and how you work? It’s VITAL that you are taking this seriously.

A burned out mama doesn’t do anyone any good. And ignoring your own wants and needs is the fastest way to get burned out and end up in a constant state of overwhelm.

Become more self-aware

The first step is to become self-aware. Why do you react the way you do? What activities help you feel more like yourself? What helps improve your quality of life?

Pay attention to your body, mind, and spirit. Take mental notes and adjust as you go.

Take care of your body

The mind and body are connected and knowing that, it is important to take care of your body. Being hard on your body and not taking care of it will eventually lead to suffering the consequences.

Simple ways to take care of your body:

  • Avoid sitting too much – get your body moving by playing, dancing, working out, etc
  • Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated throughout the day
  • Focus on good eating habits – eat plenty of protein and produce! 

Mindfulness Habits for Frazzled Moms

Final thoughts

Being a mom is hard and while it feels like the constant state of frazzle and overwhelm is forever – I assure you that it is not.

Start your day off right by implementing routines, practicing gratitude, reciting affirmation, visualizing your goals, and getting intentional.

When things get hard, it’s important to take control of your emotional state with breathwork, responding instead of reacting, and truly processing what we’re feeling. It’s also important to try and be present in the moment.

Last but not least, make sure you are taking care of yourself. You are important so make sure you are honoring what you need!

Take it slow, too. You don’t need to try and change everything at once. Take it one day or even one hour at a time and evolve over time. You got this mama!


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