I don’t know about you, but when I feel like things are out of place and not where they are supposed to be, I can’t think.

Or really function for that matter…

I immediately have to start cleaning and clearing so I can have clarity in my external environment. Until I’ve cleared and cleaned my space, I have a hard time focusing on the tasks at hand and even creating new things.

Clutter Clearing and Hidden Treasures

So today, after about a month too long, I cleared clutter from my office. I was able to clear out old books on topics I’ve read already. And things I’m no longer interested in reading. None of these were sentimental items, so it was pretty easy for me to let go. a

I think I grabbed about 30 books and card decks from my collection!

I also grabbed some books from my kiddos rooms that they have grown out of and took them to the resale shop. Much to my surprise, each and every book that I took into the store, they purchased!


$42 cash is what they gave me!


I know this might not sound like a lot, considering I probably paid at least that for 2 of the books in the collection. However, think about how much money I was getting for them sitting in my home….


Not only did I get to clear my space of things I no longer need, but I also received some money for them to put towards our new home purchase. And now, I don’t have to have as many boxes for moving in a few weeks! Major wins today 🙂

On this same note, I have a habit of hearing about something new that I can learn and buy books/programs/courses on this new thing that end up collecting somewhere and I don’t finish them. Today, I got rid of some of those books on topics I became interested in and never cracked the book after purchasing. This sometimes add to a cluttering problem, which can cause issues when your space is limited.

Be Minimalist.

My goal is eventually to be a minimalist in all facets of my life, and today is a step in that direction that it is actually possible for me to do!

I found a few websites online with the full version of the books I will need in the future. And I have a newfound appreciation for Kindle and Audible – mostly because I can do them in the car or when I’m traveling on the plane – with less clutter in my bags.

Clean One Room At A Time.

If you are like me and sensitive to your surroundings, do yourself a favor and go through one or two rooms of your house and clear them out of all the clutter.

Things you purchased and haven’t used, things that have seen better days, things you are holding for a rainy day or when you can fit into them again, or things that you have received from people who you have negative emotional attachment to, etc. Doing so will allow you to clear space out for things you actually want in your life and clean your home. You can then donate clothes and home goods which are still usable to charities who need these things for the people they help in the end. It also helps you feel better about the donation of your things and declutter your home at the same time!

If you struggle with bringing in clutter and things, it might be smart to hire a professional organizer to help you create spaces where you care happy and comfortable in your home, while also ensuring the clutter doesn’t come back.

Clean Living Environments For Healthier Self.

In addition, many studies have shown that when you have too many things in your environment, it can help manifest illnesses in your physical body.

You hold onto anger much longer than you should creating discomforts in your emotional, physical, and mental bodies.

For me personally, I would prefer my children to have less THINGS and more EXPERIENCES and memories for when they are older. Things they won’t remember as much, memories last much longer, positive or negative.

These are great reminders, especially now that the holidays are upon us, and smart to do before bringing in new toys, clothes, home decor, etc on those lists that come during the holidays.

Clean thoroughly.

Not only will cleaning throughly free up your mental capacity and reduce stress, but it will help improve your immune system to keep you healthy.

Let’s take the kitchen for example. It is one thing to simply declutter and clean. It is another to grab your cleaning products, clean the kitchen with warm water and a drop of dish soap, let it sit for a few minutes, wipe clean from top to bottom, AND don’t forget to hit the ceiling fan as well. That’s a deep clean. Sounds like a lot of work, but it also sounds live a clean living environment fit for a healthy family.

Not sure where to start? Start with your kitchen and bathroom. Then move on room by room. So, grab your cleaning supplies, utilize these cleaning tips, and get to decluttering and cleaning the house. You will be pleasantly surprised by the mental health benefits you realize later.

Clean your clutter. Clear your mind. Bring in new possibilities for you and yours. Start clean living today.

Oh! and you can even earn a few bucks to do something fun or pay a bill with the money you get from clearing your clutter 🙂 Double bonus!

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