How To Keep An Open Mind

Many times in your life, things may not go right. You may think it’s completely the opposite of right actually. I’m going to tell you how to keep an open mind and how it can affect your life. 

For me, growing up, wasn’t always great. There were many times where I wished it were different and if I dwelled on the negative, I’m not sure where I would be today. Because I didn’t let all the bad in and just let a thought or an experience come in and float out, kind of like a cloud, I have a different outcome than I could have. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve worked HARD to get through all the negativity and the issues that were given to me by my parents and ancestors through their beliefs and stories. I always knew it wasn’t for me though and that I was meant for more. 

It’s just a matter of keeping your mind and eye on the prize and where you want to go. 


How to Keep An Open Mind

If someone from White County, Indiana, who graduated with 48 people whom she had classes with since 4th grade, can keep an open mind and be open to new ideas and experiences, and change her entire life, you certainly can too!

I will be honest though, it wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s that I really worked on being more open-minded and listening to other people’s experiences, lifestyles, and journeys. Before that, I was more close minded and under the influence of family and their pre-existing beliefs.

When I went off to college was when a whole new world was introduced to me, much like many young people getting out of the house for the first time. It was a time where I could really decide how I wanted things, you know? For the first time, I was in charge of who I could actually be and change my destiny.

Here are a few things that really moved the needle to get on my path of where I am today:

– Embrace New Perspectives by engaging with other open-minded people

– Listen more and talk less

– Practice Mindfulness in all areas of my life

– Encouraging Honesty and really honest conversations with myself

– Recognizing and stopping judgmental thoughts not just about others, but also about myself

– Practicing Empathy

– Stay open to meet new people who can help move the needle forward for you

– Questioning my own Assumptions and the willingness to have my own ideas challenged

– Not being okay with Status Quo – always questioning and trying to make life easier

– Learning about different lifestyles and journeys and fully embracing them myself

– Volunteering and donating to causes that I’m not familiar with


Now let’s break each of these down a bit further to understand them

– Embrace New Perspectives

Growing up, things were very closed minded. When my brother came out, I was in 7th grade and my parents kicked him out of the house and we didn’t talk about that experience. When I was a senior in high school, my little sister who was 16 at the time, a year younger than me, told my parents she was pregnant. We didn’t talk about that either. Things like this could have caused me to form opinions that were negative and judge others around me. I instead chose to keep an open mind and be more open to new ideas and perspectives that weren’t afforded me growing up. I’d say this really helps successful people get where they are, in whatever shape, form, or belief they have of success.

– Listen More and Talk Less

This one, I’m honestly still working on daily. With the girls, it’s a lesson I hope to teach them early on. For me, this lesson started when my nephew passed at 2 1/2 years old by drowning in a swimming pool. I wanted to remember all the special moments and what his voice sounded like, and his laugh. But because I was too busy trying to teach him how to sit at a restaurant and eat, or how to color properly, I don’t remember. Now, I am mindful of my words and thoughts and protect those precious times where learning and growth and memories happen. When we close our mouths and open our minds to what others are saying and doing, we are able to gain experience and knowledge from them as well.

– Practicing Mindfulness in All Areas of My Life

I have an addictive personality. So for me, I have to be mindful of that always. If I don’t pay attention, then I find myself shopping for absolutely no reason at all. Or I find myself running my tank on empty both my body and my car, because I will just rush to say yes to everyone. Or stretch myself too thin and not have enough time to do everything I need to do. As a parent, I believe this is also one of my lessons in life. And to teach our girls. Some days, it’s harder than others. Other days, it’s really easy.

– Encouraging Honesty and really honest conversations with myself

Another one that I had to learn through relationships after moving out of my parents house at 18. I was really good at telling myself all the things I was doing wrong. Or ways that I would never succeed. What I wasn’t good at was actually digging into the why behind those things. Like the root of them. Not just the surface view. I had to learn how to read my own BS meter and learn when to call it out.

Once I learned how to do that, I learned how to change the conversation in my head FIRST and then of those around me. I stopped accepting less than my worth and good. I dropped relationships and people who no longer fit into the better ideals and morals I held for myself. Also, I gave myself and my future a different point of view. I started doing personal development and gave myself the ability to live my life out of my comfort zone. Out of the negativity and it became a lot easier.

– Recognizing and stopping judgmental thoughts not just about others, but also about myself

Once I had honest conversations and people who fitting for my life, I stopped being so judgmental about others and myself. When you uplevel in one area of your life, you have to broaden your horizons and do the same in other areas. If you are a positive person, people judging and bringing negativity in your life will become less and less appealing. If you want to keep them in your life you can stop them when they say things or give looks that you don’t agree with. Or you can just live your life and move on.

Sometimes, the latter is easier and I promise, you don’t need to be afraid to share information. And if they don’t get it, tell them bye! Once they are gone and away, it’s much easier to embrace new ideas with a fresh perspective and less self-doubt. Always stay open to the idea that people and situations may be temporary in your life, not permanent.

– Practicing Empathy

I started learning this one the hard way in 7th grade when one of the rich kids made fun of my pants being too short. They were the only pants I was able to buy with my own money that year, and I wore them 2 times a week up until that point. This kid had zero knowledge of my home life or where I came from, just that he thought it was funny to make fun of my ‘high waters’ and point it out to everyone else in our class.  That moment taught me to look at things differently, and to give empathy to others. I still do the same today because chances are, I’ve probably been in the same or very similar shoes.

Now, especially, it’s important to be open to new ideas and people who don’t look like or walk like or come from the same place as you.

– Questioning my own Assumptions

Right along with the last one, I think the saying, “Never judge a book by it’s cover,” fits well. This one I believe we work on our entire lives. When presented with new people, a new opportunity, a new struggle, etc. we must question the thoughts that are occurring in our mind and question why or where they are coming from. Was it a preconceived notion? Was it some believe given to you in childhood? Maybe you have no idea where or why it’s in your mind? All of this is ok to happen. What’s important is we are questioning and not automatically moving on to full conviction. Open mindedness is such an important virtue to have when assuming ideas and thoughts.

– Learning about different lifestyles and journeys and fully embracing them myself

Growing up, there was either meat and potatoes or nothing (and sometimes I chose nothing) and farm life. While those things did shape me in a lot of ways into who I am today, there wasn’t much opportunity to see what else there was. While I enjoy running and cardio to this day, I had no idea what yoga, mindful meditation. Heck, even what golf was until I got out on my own. It wasn’t until I went to Ball State my freshman year did I learn about being vegan. Or that I actually was a sort of vegetarian most of my life.

I learned that it’s ok to try new lifestyles and mix them into what I was already doing. I have kept that up most of my adult life and often people ask me where I learned something and I usually can’t remember because I’m always researching and learning about different lifestyles and implementing in my own life.

– Volunteering and donating to causes that I’m not familiar with

Every place I’ve volunteered with or donate to I had no knowledge of before making the donation or giving my time. This allows me to go in unbiased and truly listen and form my own opinion of the organization on my own terms. I have so many wonderful experiences and memories from choosing to spend my time and resources this way. It opens you up to ask lots of questions that you wouldn’t normally ask if you were previously familiar. When searching out opportunities to volunteer and donate to it’s a great practice to becoming a more open minded person.

Being open minded involves a great deal of getting out of your comfort zone and just really embracing what the organization is about.


My hope is after reading this, you have a few new ideas to help move not only your life better, but those around you. I also hope that if you don’t have the life you want, some of these steps will help you gain the courage to stand up for yourself and change.. There are so many benefits of being open-minded. that it’s well worth the challenge.

Change is one of the hardest things we do as humans, but it’s also one of the best things. Let’s embrace it with an open mind.

How To Stay Positive Despite Adversity

How To Stay Positive Despite Adversity

How To Stay Positive Despite Adversity

I don’t need to tell you that the world is facing both a lot of collective and personal adversity right now, but I do want to share with you a few tips on how to stay positive even in the face of adversity.

Many of us have taken on additional roles, including our own learning to educate those around us and those we are responsible for raising. It seems as though we may never get a break, or see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It’s been a challenging start to 2020 and I have seen a saying floating around saying that it’s going to be one for the history books. It certainly seems that way. And for those of us really wanting to make a difference, it’s sometimes difficult to find our way out of the negative tunnel we get into when we dive deep into the situations at hand. But we must, at all costs, try to avoid negative thoughts and create a positive environment.


Here are a few of my tried and true ways on How to Stay Positive Despite Adversity

  • Movement always helps me, either indoors or outdoors. This is always something to lift my spirits.
  • Taking a nap or resting when you need it.
  • Getting outside for a walk or enjoying the sun.
  • Taking a drive with the windows down and the music up and/or just listening to nature.
  • Dance parties with or without other people.
  • Visualizing how you will feel once you have completed your goal
  • Journal about your feelings, or what you are going through, especially when you’re experiencing difficult times.
  • Write about or say aloud the good things that happened to you that day/week/month
  • Phone a friend or family member who you can chat with but also who can help console you if needed
  • Lean on self care more and make it a priority
  • Try learning something new either something you’ve been wanting to do or something you’ve never considered.
  • Get plenty of rest and ensure that it’s restful, not just another thing you have to do in a day
  • Take care of your body and what you are putting into it in the midst of adversity.
  • Focus on the positive as much as possible and less on the negative.
  • Focus on the future and not looking back into the past trying to wish away the mistakes.
  • Make time to smile and laugh – they are the best medicine. Especially after a long cry or release of the emotions.
  • Use positive affirmations, positive visualization, positive mindset growth to help realize there’s still good.
  • Limit your social media and media usage to help decrease the negativity in your life.
  • Take time to educate yourself on great achievements in History, watch the movies that celebrate and bring light to adversity.
  • Take the time to process in the tough times while keeping your goal in mind and celebrate the wins along the way, big and small.
  • Look at every situation as an opportunity to learn, not just as something that happened to you, but instead for you.
  • Get out of your comfort zone and try something new to keep positive in the face of adversity.
  • Watch the way your kids, nieces, nephews, or even kiddos on YouTube play if that’s all you have access to – and learn from them to be carefree.
  • Practice gratitude by focusing on the things in your life that you are thankful for.

Life right now is anything but ordinary.

It’s not going to get much easier as we go, because change is needed, and with change comes discomfort. It will be most important to find joy in the tough times with a support system who gets you and knows your goals. So it might be exercise or healthy eating that gets you through it. It might be positivity or goals. But right now, the only way we get to the other side is to face the adversity head on and going right through. It’s going to mean seeing the light when the tough times want to bring you down. It’s keeping a positive outlook when things look bleak.

I hope you understand these ideas and tips can help in ANY situation of adversity you may be faced with. They apply all the same.


Tell me, did I miss some? Which is your favorite? I’d love to hear from the community how we can support one another.




How To Visualize Your Goals And Get What You Want

How To Visualize Your Goals And Get What You Want

Have you ever stopped to think about what you really want in life? If not, now’s the perfect time to start! Picture this: Our minds are always working behind the scenes, creating mental images of whatever we focus on. How cool is that? Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re constantly visualizing our goals, whether it’s that shiny new car, the dream house, or a successful career. But here’s the thing – negative thoughts can totally sabotage this process. We need to train ourselves to shift our focus to the positive and imagine ourselves as successful people. That’s where the law of attraction comes into play! In this post, we’re gonna explore how visualization works, share some tips on how to visualize your goals, and talk about how you can use it to get what you want in life

How To Visualize Your Goals And Get What You Want

What is visualization and how does it work?

Our minds are incredibly powerful things, and one of the chief ways we can harness that power is throughWoman meditating visualization. Visualization is the practice of creating mental images in your mind of what you want to achieve. This can be anything from acing an upcoming test to winning a major championship. And while it may sound like a simple concept, visualization can have a profound impact on your ability to achieve your goals.

Visualization works by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is incredibly influential, and it is constantly processing information, even when you’re not consciously aware of it. When you visualize your goals, you are planting the seeds of your success in your subconscious mind. These mental images will then begin to influence your thoughts and actions, helping you to move closer to your goals.

To get started with visualization, find a quiet place where you can relax and close your eyes.

Once you’re relaxed, begin to create a vision for what you want to achieve. Close your eyes and imagine yourself achieving your goal, and try to experience the emotions that come with it. The more real you can make the experience, the more impactful it will be. Visualize as often as you can, and watch as your goals begin to take shape.

The power of visualization is well-documented, and several studies have shown its effectiveness. One study, published in the journal Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, found that participants who visualized themselves performing a task improved their performance on that task by up to 34%. Another study, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, found that mental rehearsal (a form of visualization) can lead to significant improvements in motor performance.

So if you’re looking to achieve your goals, start by visualizing them. It may seem like a small step, but it can have a big impact.

How can you use visualization to achieve your goals?

It’s no secret that setting and achieving goals requires hard work. But did you know that you can increase your chances of success by harnessing the power of visualization? Visualization success is the act of creating a mental image of what you want to achieve. When done correctly, it can help you lose weight, create a vision board, or improve your experience in any number of other areas. And while some people are naturally gifted at visualization, anyone can learn to do it with a little practice.

One of the best-known advocates of visualization is Jim Carrey. Carrey famously wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars for “Acting Services Rendered” and carried it around with him until he finally made enough money to cash it. While his story may be extreme, it highlights the fact that visualization can be an incredibly effective tool for reaching your goal.

There are several different visualization techniques that you can use to achieve your goals.

One popular method is to create a vision board. This involves collecting images and phrases that represent what you want to achieve and placing them on a board or in a journal. Seeing these images every day will help to keep your goals top of mind and increase the likelihood that you’ll take steps to achieve them.

Another effective visualization technique is known as a mental rehearsal. This involves picturing yourself achieving your goal in your mind. Mental rehearsal can be especially useful for athletes who want to improve their performance. Studies have shown that mental rehearsal can lead to significant improvements in motor performance.

If you’re looking to tap into the power of visualization to achieve your goals, there are several different techniques that you can use. Find one that works for you and start picturing yourself achieving your dreams.

Benefits of using visualization to reach your goals:

Most people are familiar with the idea of visualization, but they may not realize the extent to which it can impact their lives. When you visualize, you imagine what you want to achieve or manifest in your life. This could be anything from happiness and success to health and healing. The act of visualization itself can help to reduce stress and increase your sense of well-being. And, as you focus on what you want to achieve, you open yourself up to new possibilities and endless potential. So, if you’re looking for a way to bring more happiness and success into your life, start by visualizing your goals. You may be surprised at what you can achieve.

10 Techniques For Visualization

There are many powerful visualization techniques, all of which go by several names and are really all up for interpretation on a person-by-person basis. Here are just a few examples:

Positive Visualization

In this type of visualization, you are imagining the best possible outcome. Almost manifesting if you will. During this time, be sure to truly imagine everything. From how it will look to how it will feel and everything in between. Include all the sensory experiences and sensory details you can and create a picture in your mind, visualizing important details coming to the positive end you’re hoping for.

Creative Visualization

In the practice of visualization, creative visualization is the time to really let your mind wander. Let your mental imagery run wild and be open-minded. Let your thoughts run down avenues you don’t usually think about. Maybe jot down your thoughts and see if you’ve come to any new conclusions.

Visual Representation

Visualization isn’t all just in your head. If you have ideas – get them out. Grab your sketch pad, create a vision board, or do some writing. Let the creative juices flow into something physical.

Guided Visualization

Picture this, my friend – a guided visualization journey where you close your eyes, relax, and let your imagination run wild. With guided visualization, all you need is a cozy spot and some headphones. Just listen to an audio that takes you on an adventure, like a virtual tour through your aspirations. It helps you create a mental picture of your desired outcome and sparks your motivation. So, sit back, press play, and let your dreams unfold before your mind’s eye!

Outcome Visualization

Imagine if you could fast forward to the future and catch a sneak peek of your dream life. Well, guess what? With outcome visualization, you can do just that! Visualize your goals as if they’ve already happened, my friend. Close your eyes and create a mental movie showing all the amazing things you want to achieve. Feel the rush of excitement, the joy, and the pride. By visualizing the result, you program your mind to focus on your goals and attract them into your reality.

Visual Board

Forget cutting out celebrities for your scrapbook – it’s time to dive into the world of visual boards! Grab a corkboard or a sheet of paper and gather images, quotes, and anything that represents your goals and aspirations. Fill it up with pictures of your dream vacation spot, that dream job, or even a picture of a cute pup if it makes you smile! Hang it somewhere you’ll see it every day to remind yourself of what you’re striving for. Your visual board becomes a powerful tool to keep your mental picture in focus and your eyes on the prize!

Affirmation Visualization

Repeat after me, my friend: “I am a goal-achieving, dream-fulfilling, rockstar!” Affirmation visualization combines the power of words with the magic of visualization. Write down your goals as affirmations and read them aloud daily. But here’s the twist: say them as if they’ve already come true. Feel the excitement, and the sense of accomplishment, and believe it with every fiber of your being. This practice helps you stay focused on your goals and trains your mind to turn those mental pictures into reality!


Take a deep breath, find your comfy spot, and embark on a meditation journey like no other. Meditation not only helps you find inner peace but also supercharges your visualization skills. Dedicate a few minutes each day to create a calm and quiet environment. Close your eyes and let your mind wander into the world of your dreams. Focus on your goals, visualize them in detail, and feel the emotions as if they were happening right here, right now. It’s like leveling up your visualization game while discovering your inner zen!


Grab your favorite pen and a journal, my friend, because we’re about to manifest like never before! Journaling is a fantastic way to bring your mental pictures to life. Write down your goals, describe them in as much detail as possible, and visualize the journey to achieving them. Feel the emotions, and the sense of accomplishment, and reflect on your progress. By putting your dreams down on paper, you’re nourishing your visualization practice and solidifying your commitment to turning those dreams into reality!

Mental Rehearsal

Who needs a red carpet when you can have a mental rehearsal, right? Picture this: you’re about to ace that presentation, score that winning goal, or nail that job interview. Mental rehearsal is all about mentally practicing the steps it takes to achieve your goals. Close your eyes, visualize each action in detail, and feel the confidence build within you. By rehearsing success in your mind, you train your brain for the real deal. It’s like having a backstage pass to your own success!

How can you make visualization more effective for you?

How visualization worksVisualization is often thought of as a tool for athletes or artists, something that can help them see their desired outcome and then work towards it. However, visualization can be just as effective for anyone who wants to achieve a goal. By taking the time to visualize what you want to achieve, you can better focus your efforts and increase your chances of success.

There are a few things you can do to make your visualization more effective. First, be specific about what you want to achieve. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to see it in your mind’s eye. Second, make sure your visualization is realistic. If you’re visualizing something impossible or highly unlikely, it will be harder to maintain focus and motivation. Third, spend some time each day picturing yourself achieving your goal. The more often you do this, the stronger your visualization will become.

By following these tips, you can learn how to visualize your goals and get what you want. With practice, you may be surprised at how effective this technique can be.

What should you avoid when visualizing your goals?

When it comes to visualizing your goals, there are a few things you should avoid if you want to achieve success.What should you avoid when visualizing your goals? First, resist the urge to make your goals too small. It’s important to dream big and think outside the box if you want to achieve something great. Secondly, don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. It takes time and effort to make your dreams a reality, so be patient and keep working hard. Finally, don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone has different talents and abilities, so focus on your journey and what you need to do to reach your goals. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving anything you set your mind to.

Visualizing your goals is a powerful way to achieve them. By picturing what you want to achieve in your mind, you can better focus your efforts and increase your chances of success. There are a few things you can do to make visualization more effective for you, such as being specific about what you want to achieve, making sure your visualization is realistic, and spending time each day picturing yourself achieving your goal. Additionally, there are a few things you should avoid when visualizing your goals, such as making your goals too small, getting discouraged if you don’t see results immediately, and comparing yourself to others. If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving anything you set your mind to.


What are some of your goals? What do you hope to achieve? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

List Of Things You Can’t Control In Life: How to Handle When Life Gets Crazy and Confusing

List Of Things You Can’t Control In Life: How to Handle When Life Gets Crazy and Confusing

Life is full of surprises. You never know what’s going to happen next. This can be both exciting and terrifying, depending on the situation. It can cause negativity and seem like more and more bad things are compounding on top. One thing that is guaranteed in life, however, is that there will be times when things are out of your control. This can be confusing, frustrating, and downright crazy! Once you can accept this, you can have a more positive outlook on life, have a greater appreciation for what you can control, and you can be happier knowing what to focus on and control. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 things that are out of your control and how to handle them when they happen.

List Of Things You Can’t Control In Life

No matter who you are, there are just some things in life that you will not be able to control. The weather, for instance, is one of them. Today, I’m going to share a list of things that you just can’t control in life, in the hopes of changing your perspective when life doesn’t go quite as planned. Because after all, you can’t control everything.

10 Things That Are Out Of Your Control: How to Handle When Life Gets Crazy and Confusing

The Importance of Accepting Things That Are Out Of Your Control

We’ll start with the importance of accepting things that are out of your control. This can be a difficult pill toList Of Things You Can't Control In Life swallow, but once you do, it will make life much easier. It’s natural to want to be in control of everything, but the truth is, we’re not. There are plenty of things that happen every day that we have no control over. The weather, other people’s actions, the stock market…these are all things that we can’t control. And that’s okay!

When you start to accept the things that are out of your control, you’ll find that you’re less stressed and more at peace. In the long run, you’ll be able to focus on the things that you can control and not worry about the things that you can’t. This doesn’t mean that you should stop caring about what’s happening in the world around you, but it does mean that you shouldn’t spend your time and energy worrying about things that you have no control over.

How to Handle Negative Emotions When Life Gets Crazy and Confusing

Negative emotions are a part of life. People feel sad, angry, frustrated, and anxious. It’s normal to feel this way at times. When these emotions become overwhelming, it can be hard to stop worrying. The good news is that there are things you can do to learn to accept the parts of life that you can’t control. This will help you feel better and have more peace of mind. Problem-solving, coping skills, and refusing to accept the things you can’t control will help you handle when life gets crazy and confusing. These strategies will help you feel better and save time and energy.

10 Things That Are Out Of Your Control

Mental health is so important because people feel all sorts of emotions every day. From happiness and love to sadness and anger, it’s part of what makes us human. And it’s important to manage your emotions healthily.

But sometimes, life can get overwhelming and confusing, and it can be tough to know how to handle all the negative emotions that come with it. Here are 10 things that are out of your control, and how you can learn to accept them:

1. Natural disasters.

There’s nothing you can do about an earthquake, hurricane, or tornado except try to stayList Of Things You Cant Control In Life - Natural disasters safe and ride it out. Worrying about it ahead of time won’t change anything, so just go with the flow and do the best you can.

2. The weather.

Just like natural disasters, you can’t control the weather. So if it’s raining on the day you had planned to go to the beach, there’s no use getting upset about it – just find something else to do instead.

3. Other people’s opinions.

You’re never going to please everyone, so stop worrying about what other people think of you and just focus on being yourself.

4. The past.

You can’t change what’s already happened, so don’t dwell on it too much. Just learn from your mistakes and move on.

5. The future.

Worrying about the future won’t change anything, so try to live in the present as much as possible.

6. Other people’s opinions and ideas about you.

Just like the weather, you can’t control what others think or say about you. So if someone has a negative opinion of you, don’t let it get to you – just brush it off and move on.

7. News and Politics.

It’s important to be informed, but there’s no need to get wrapped up in the latest news stories or political debates. Just stay informed enough to make voting decisions and then move on with your life.

8. Constant change.

Change is inevitable, so you might as well just go with it. Worrying about it won’t make it go away, so just accept it and move on.

9. Who you are related to.

You can’t choose your family, but you can choose how you react to them. If someone in your family is causing you stress, try to talk to them about it calmly and respectfully. You might not be able to change their behavior, but you can control how you respond to it.

10. Death.

Death is a part of life, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Just live your life to the fullest andbutterfly and cocoons enjoy the time you have.

By accepting the things that are out of your control, you’ll find that you’re able to focus on the things that matter most to you and that you can control. So next time something negative happens, remember these tips and try not to let it get to you. Life is too short to spend time worrying about things that you can’t control!

How To Accept Things That Are Out Of Your Control

How to Deal With These Situations

We’ve all been there. You’re watching your favorite TV show when suddenly, the power goes out! Or you’re in the middle of a heated argument with a friend and they hang up on you. These are just a few examples of things that are out of our control. But don’t worry, there are ways to deal with these situations so you can maintain your peace of mind.

First, it’s important to stay grounded and learn to accept that there are parts of life that we can’t control. This can be difficult, but once you accept it, you’ll feel much better. Second, try to focus your time and energy on things that you can control. This will help you feel more in control of your life and less stressed. Lastly, remember that these situations are usually temporary and they will eventually end. So try to relax and enjoy the ride!

How To Stay Positive During Difficult Times

Life will inevitably throw us some curveballs. And when it does, it can be easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed, andbe the change scrabble letters negative. But there are some things you can do to help you deal with these tough situations in a more positive way. Here are 10 things that are out of your control – and how to handle them:

1. Expecting less.

If you go into a situation expecting the worst, you’re more likely to be disappointed. Instead, try to go in with no expectations and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised.

2. Letting go of the past.

Holding onto resentment and anger will only make you feel worse. Learn to forgive and move on.

3. Setting new goals.

When life gets crazy, it can be helpful to have something to focus on. Set yourself some new goals – both short-term and long-term – and start working towards them.

4. Stop worrying.

Worrying about things that haven’t happened yet is a waste of time and energy. If something does happen, deal with it then – but don’t spend your time in the present moment worrying about it until it does.

5. Learning coping skills.

Don’t bottle up your emotions – learn how to deal with them healthily. This could involve talking to a friend or therapist, journaling, or doing some form of exercise. These coping skills will not only benefit us here, but in various aspects of our lives.

By following these tips, you’ll be better equipped to deal with the things that are out of your control. And who knows – maybe you’ll even find that some of those things weren’t as bad as you thought they were! Although you can’t control the items on this list, you can control your actions. So, choose to take action by applying these tips to your life and letting go of what you just can’t control.

What are some other tips you have for dealing with the things that are out of your control? Share your thoughts and feelings in the comments below!

By accepting the things that are out of your control, you’ll find that you’re able to focus on the things that matter most to you and that you can control. So next time something negative happens, remember these tips and try not to let it get to you. Life is too short to spend time worrying about things that you can’t control!

How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

To achieve your goals and live the life you want to live, you need to learn how to set intentions for manifestation. Use these tips to help.

Goals…intentions…manifestations. Chances are you’ve heard these words, but do you know what they mean and how to apply them to your lives?

Think of that goal that excites you as your “what”. Then take it a step further and think about what the feeling is that you hope that goal will bring into your life – that’s your “why”.

And we’re not done yet. Take it one step further to manifesting. The manifestation process is the act of making your wants into a reality.

Our intentions are the driving force behind manifesting the things we desire in life.

Also read: What Does it Mean to Be Intentional

How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

How To Set Intentions For Manifestation

If our intentions are the driving force behind manifesting the things we want in our lives, then intention setting is the first step in the process of manifesting. Creating intentions should be fun and exciting because they are things you want to do. And it’s far more than simply thinking about a goal. 

Here are 5 helpful tips for setting intentions, staying positive, and turning your mindset into a reality.

Create a Mantra

Take a moment to think about what you want. How are you subconsciously stopping yourself from achieving it? Push all those negative thoughts away and create a positive mantra that you can repeat to yourself and help you continue to work towards manifesting.

Examples Of Intentions For Manifestation

Here are some examples of what a simple intention/mantra may look like on paper:

  • I intend to process my emotions before responding.
  • I will strive to have a productive day.
  • I intend to forgive myself and others.
  • I intend to love myself and others.
  • I will make self-care a priority.

Share Your Intention With Someone Else

Sharing your intentions with another person will help you stay focused and accountable to your goals. Setting powerful intentions and sharing them with someone else can also make that a more real and spoken word instead of simply keeping it in your head and not feeling real. 

Create a Ritual

This one is really important because everyone can falter in their work towards an intention from time to time. Make your intentions part of your morning routine. The routine should make you feel good, as you want the good feelings to give you more in achieving the good vibrations and emotions and relate that to your manifestations. 

For example, if you like to enjoy a cup of coffee each morning, make it a point to visualize your intentions and manifestation as you sip your coffee. Maybe you feel extra powerful meditating under full moons each month. Focus your thoughts and intentions on manifesting what you want even more so then.

manifesting tips and advice

Ask for What You Want

As your day begins, take a moment to ask for what you want. Then let it go so that you aren’t trying to control every bit of your day to match your desire. Trust the process and let the law of attraction work in your life. It might be helpful to create a vision board to help you organize what you want.

Part of the intention-setting process is about trusting and knowing that what you ask for is coming to you. Let the law of attraction support you in achieving what you ask for, and not worrying it will happen.

Without financial abundance, this one part can be really hard. We all worry about money sometimes. But the key to manifestation is knowing that if you’re meant to manifest your desire, you will. It will just come. 

The best way to do this is to write out your intentions so that you can practice manifestation + visualizing it. You can do this while you’re doing your daily journal entry, or separately. Either way, writing out your intentions will attract them to you.

How To Write Intentions for Manifestation

Intentions for manifestation are simple sentences that are harmonious with your desires/wants. When writing your intentions, you’ll want to write in the present tense or future tense, because you are currently striving to achieve them. By writing them down, reading them over and over, and even stating them out loud, you are using the power of attraction to manifest the highest good for your life. In a way, you are also motivating and inspiring yourself to achieve these intentions.

Writing an intention statement looks different for everyone. And there is no perfect intention. So, feel free to try a few different sets of intention statements until you find the ones that work best for you. Good intention statements, similar to affirmations, focus on the feelings of positive energy, motivation, and your deepest desires. See examples of intention statements above!

Practice Gratitude

It’s important to be grateful for everything you have at this moment. Once you do that, take it a step further by practicing gratitude for what you deeply desire. Because that act of repeatedly focusing on your intention will keep you working towards manifestation.

Benefits of Setting Intentions

Manifesting your intentions which you deeply desire may sound a little “out there” to some people, but there are real benefits to participating in this practice. Just remember to keep your mind wide open, and the inspiration and manifestation will come. 

Encourages Positivity

Starting your day with setting intentions sets the tone for the day, increases self-awareness, and can transform it by creating a positive mindset. Be sure to frame your intentions in a positive way to set a positive tone for the day. 

For example, “I will take calming breaths when stressful things arise today” rather than “I want to avoid stressful situations today.” This will help you keep moving forward productively even when challenges arise.

how to set intentions

Improves Your Productivity

Just as setting positive intentions sets the mental mind space for the day, it also affects your productivity. 

Positive intentions can discourage procrastination and encourage productivity toward manifestation.

Taking Aligned Action

Even if you employ the law of attraction to the greatest degree possible, you still have to take action to achieve your goals. Taking action is what propels you forward toward success in achieving your goals.

Use your daily intentions to break your larger goal up into small chunks so you can systematically and logically move forward toward manifestation in a non-overwhelming way.

Make You More Focused

By setting just a few intentions each day, you can work on taking aligned action in small, manageable chunks to avoid procrastination and be more mindful and focused on accomplishing those small tasks.

Examples Of Daily Intentions

Daily intentions are a powerful tool for setting the tone of your day and guiding your actions. Some examples of daily intentions include setting a goal to be more present and mindful throughout the day, practicing gratitude by reflecting on things you are thankful for, prioritizing self-care by taking breaks when needed, committing to making healthy choices with your diet and exercise and focusing on positive self-talk to boost your confidence and self-esteem. By setting daily intentions, you can cultivate a positive mindset and take steps towards achieving your goals and living a happier, more fulfilling life.

Here are six examples of daily intentions:

  • Start the day with a positive attitude and mindset.
  • Practice gratitude by reflecting on things you are thankful for.
  • Prioritize self-care by taking breaks when needed and doing things that make you feel good.
  • Be present and mindful throughout the day.
  • Set specific goals for the day and take action towards achieving them.
  • Cultivate a sense of inner peace and calmness through meditation or other mindfulness practices.
Harness the power of setting intentions for manifestation and start manifesting your dream today!

Setting intentions may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but learning how to set intentions for manifestation is a powerful tool that longer serves you in achieving your goals. And for living a more fulfilled and intentional life every day.

How To Change Bad Sleeping Habits

How To Change Bad Sleeping Habits

Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining good health, and getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night is essential. However, today’s fast-paced lifestyle, along with various factors, can disrupt our sleep patterns. Lack of sleep not only affects our physical and mental well-being but also contributes to conditions like depression, forgetfulness, weight gain, and accelerated skin aging. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies to help you change bad sleeping habits and regain control over your sleep routine.

How To Change Bad Sleeping Habits

Adjust Your Bedtime

Maintaining a consistent bedtime is key to improving your sleep habits. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. ThisHow To Change Bad Sleeping Habits regularity helps regulate your circadian rhythm, the internal clock that controls your sleep and wakefulness. Establishing a routine trains your body to expect sleep at a specific time, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

Minimize Evening Light and Electronics

Exposure to blue light from electronic devices close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep patterns. Avoid using cell phones, tablets, or laptops for at least 30 minutes before sleep. Instead, engage in relaxing activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing mindfulness techniques. Consider using apps or settings on your devices that reduce blue light emission during the evening hours.

Avoid Exercise and Sugary Snacks Before Bedtime

Engaging in vigorous exercise or consuming sugary snacks close to bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep. Plan your exercise routine earlier in the day, allowing ample time for your body to wind down. Opt for lighter, nutritious snacks if you feel hungry before bed, such as a small handful of nuts or a slice ofRelaxing Bedtime Routine whole-grain toast with almond butter.

Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine

Establishing a calming routine before sleep can signal your body that it’s time to unwind. Consider activities like listening to soothing music, practicing relaxation exercises or meditation, or enjoying a warm herbal tea. Engaging in these activities consistently can help prepare your mind and body for a restful night’s sleep.

Seek Support from Loved Ones and Professionals

It’s important to seek support when trying to change your sleep habits. Communicate with your family and friends about your goals and ask for their understanding and cooperation. If you’re facing persistent sleep issues or suspect a sleep disorder, consult healthcare professionals for expert advice, diagnosis, or treatment options.

Implement Healthy Sleep Environment Practices

Optimize your sleep environment to promote quality sleep. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet, using curtains, earplugs, or a white noise machine if necessary. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows that suit your preferences. Remove distractions, such as TVs or work-related materials, from your sleep area to create a peaceful ambiance.

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Developing good sleep hygiene habits can significantly improve your sleep quality. Establish a regular wind-down routine, avoid excessive caffeine andread a book before bed alcohol intake, and limit daytime napping to 20-30 minutes. Additionally, aim to get natural sunlight exposure during the day, as it helps regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep.

Manage Shift Work and Jet Lag

Shift work and jet lag can disrupt your sleep patterns due to irregular sleep and wake schedules. If you work in shifts, try to maintain consistency in your sleep routine by establishing fixed sleep and wake times, regardless of your work schedule. When traveling across time zones, gradually adjust your sleep schedule a few days before your trip to ease the transition.

Prioritize Consistent Sleep

Making sleep a priority is crucial when changing bad sleeping habits. Understand the importance of adequate sleep and prioritize it in your daily life. Avoid sacrificing sleep for other activities, as this can lead to sleep deprivation and further disrupt your sleep patterns.

Monitor and Limit Screen Time

Excessive screen time, especially before bed, can negatively impact your sleep. Set boundaries and allocate specific times for using electronic devices.How To Change Bad Sleeping Habits Consider using features like screen time limits or enabling “Do Not Disturb” mode to minimize disruptions during your wind-down routine.

Embrace Nighttime Rituals

Night owls may find it challenging to adjust their sleep patterns. Gradually shift your bedtime and wake-up time earlier each day to align with your desired schedule. Engage in relaxing activities before bed, such as reading or practicing relaxation techniques, to signal to your body that it’s time to prepare for sleep.

Consult Medical Professionals for Persistent Sleep Issues

If you experience persistent sleep problems despite implementing these tips, it’s essential to consult medical professionals. They can provide a thorough evaluation, diagnose any underlying sleep disorders, and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can regain control over your sleep habits and improve the quality of your sleep. Remember, changing bad sleeping habits takes time and consistency, but with patience and dedication, you can create a healthier sleep routine. Prioritize your well-being and reap the benefits of a restful night’s sleep.

Please note that the information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not substitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have specific concerns or questions about your sleep health, consult with a healthcare professional.