Everyone dreams of being successful. However, only some of those dreams turn into realities. All because success isn’t a fruit that you can simply pluck out of a tree. It takes hard work, dedication, motivation, and whatnot.


But what brings all of these pillars of success together is a routine. Following a routine can help you to be systematic and organized, thereby bringing you much closer to your dream.


Therefore, if you are looking forward to creating an effective routine for yourself, here’s everything you should know.


How to Establish a Routine for Success


  1. Identify your goals and your WHY


When we are talking of success, then there’s no way we can skip talking about goals. Precisely because

How to Establish a Routine for Success
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they drive you towards success.


Setting goals is easy, but before that, you have to identify them. But, how do you identify them? By asking yourself what it is that you want. 


Furthermore, asking yourself, do you want it bad enough? Are you ready to reach the end of the earth for it?


If yes, then comes, why do you want it?


When you have answered all these questions, and come to a conclusion. My friend, that is your goal. That is something you have to work for.


  1. Start small


It is good to be enthusiastic at the beginning. However, starting with greater and challenging tasks in the zeal isn’t a good idea.


That is to say, you have to be realistic, and you have to be slow at least in the beginning. If you do otherwise, you’ll be exhausted and lose motivation in a short period of time. Which I bet, is something you do not want.


Therefore be patient, start small, if you think you have conquered easy and small tasks, head to the next level of difficulty.


  1. Break down your goals


Having one long term goal is good, but breaking down this one big goal into smaller ones is an even better option.


Wondering how? Here are all the reasons why.


  • It won’t feel like a decade to you.
  • You will be focussing on the present, rather than living in the future.
  • You’ll be motivated throughout. You might be losing motivation, but also gaining it on the fulfillment of a short goal.


Weekly, monthly, or yearly, that’s your call to make. However, our recommendation is that you go monthly.


  1. Make every day contribute


A day might seem just a day. However, it can still be of significant contribution to your short term goals.

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That is to say, doing even little every day can make it all easier in the end. You would not only be avoiding the last-minute rush, but you would also be practicing consistency. Ensure everyone is on board with your plan to make sure the day does work in your favor.


  1. Focus on sustainability, not perfection


Well, perfection is good, but it is not feasible in the long run. In other words, if you’ll be wanting perfection every time, you’ll be losing motivation soon. And god forbid, if you do anything imperfectly, you’ll be blaming and exhausting yourself mentally.


This is something you would not want. Therefore, be sustainable. Cut yourself some slack if you feel like it.


Be realistic, but most importantly be a human – A human who can make mistakes, but also bags the

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courage to start again with the routine instead of feeling guilty and giving it all up.


  1. Enjoy the plan


When you start to enjoy something, you do not only do it better, but you feel content. This is what you have to do here. You do not have to follow the plan out of self-obligations but because you enjoy them.


And, how do you do that?


  • Try to make the plan more fun.
  • Bring your friends together in your plan if you can.
  • Take time for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Try to be calm and relaxed.
  • Be flexible.


Last but not least


Having a plan doesn’t mean functioning like a robot. It means being systematic and organized while not getting pressured by it at the same time. And when you have the plan, remember it’s likely sometimes that plan will change, but try to stay on it for best results. 


Hey there, now it’s your turn. Do you have a routine as well? Feel free to share your opinions with us in the comment section.


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