15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget

15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget

Let’s begin with a gentle reminder – You have to enjoy Christmas, not stay afraid of it because of the usual heavy Christmas expenditure (that you have become accustomed to over the years.) Even though yes, Christmas expenses can be frightening when they can shake your budgets like a strong earthquake – but it doesn’t mean you cannot change it.

Remember, the rule is to control your finances, and not let the finances control you. This year can be a good start – plan a financially affordable Christmas that is also fun and joyous. If you don’t know how to, what am I here for? I’ve got 15 solutions waiting just for you.


15 effortless ways to plan a fun and frugal Christmas on a budget

1. Set your priorities

If your idea is to have a bunch of lavish but affordable Christmas dinners with a house stuffed with guests,15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget here’s the bitter truth, you cannot have it all. You have to pick what’s important for you, is it the budget or time spent with extended family?

The point is, you have to keep your priorities straight. Ask yourself, what do you want more? And then begin accordingly.

2. Plan a budget for Christmas

From dinners to décor to gifts, Christmas involves some heavy expenditure. Just to make sure you don’t overspend, it’s a sagacious idea to create a budget for Christmas according to the limit you can spend on each category.

3. Start making a shopping list

You’ll be needing a bunch of things to plan your Christmas evening, so start making a list. When you are done,15 Effortless Ways to plan a Fun and Frugal Christmas on a Budget and go out there shopping, ensure you stick to your list. Make sure you do not shop extra and only buy those things that you need.

4. Think of some frugal Christmas traditions

Think which Christmas traditions can be frugal and enjoyable at the same time? Make a list, as these will be the activities you can opt for doing in the holiday season. My recommendations – Christmas carols, watching lights and decor around your city, and baking sessions with your family.

5. Think of affordable places you can do during the season

If you have to stick to a tight budget, the last place you’d want to end up is in a shopping mall. That being said, several events take place during the Christmas season all around the world, and depending on where you live make a list of some of those events that happen near you, and filter out those that meet your budget.

6. Create a reserve for Christmas

If you don’t want the blow to be hard, it’s wiser to start a Christmas reserve. Every month reserve a little portionChristmas figurines for Christmas expenses. They can be used to fund your Christmas expenditure or cover up the extra expenses – if there are any.

7. Think of affordable gifts

This is probably the one area our budget goes out of hand. If it is the same story every year, consider other gift alternatives. For instance, if you are a good baker, you can make cookies and chocolate hampers. It would save you a lot of money.

8. Shop second-hand

Remember, there’s no shame in buying second-hand things if it saves you from financial troubles in the end.Holiday sugar cookies

9. Plan gift-exchanges games

You must be wondering, since when gift exchanges began being frugal? Well, they can be, given that there are specific gift exchange games like Secret Santa and The White Elephant.

10. Do your homework – list down all the websites where you can get discounts and cashback

Most people are naive enough to let go of some great deals that could have helped them save money. Don’t be one of those. Make a list of all the websites, wallet services, and card points that can help you save more.

11. Look for Dollar tree in your city

They are a chain of retail stores in America that sells goods for as low as $1. You can get some amazing décor and Christmas items for cheap. 

12. Do Christmas shopping beforehand

Prices go up the sky heights during Christmas. Thus, it’s any day better to shop before the holiday season. InChristmas presents minimalist wrapper fact, refer to the list you made, and see which of those items can last till the end of the year.

13. Start saving wrapping sheets

This is something you have to do way before. Every time you get a gift, save the wrapping paper to reuse it. But, make sure you pull it off gently, without cutting and damaging the paper heavily.

14. Ditch the credit card

If you don’t want to become a sob story in the end, then don’t use your credit cards. It’s the worst thing you can do to yourself. Thus, consider paying through cash or debit cards.

15. Plan affordable dinners

Christmas and dinners go hand in hand. Thus, make a list of restaurants that would fit your budget. These are the ones you can go to for a fun and frugal dinner with your friends and family.

Christmas is a time of giving, and we don’t want you to miss out on the joys of the season because you’re worried about money. That’s why we put together this list of 15 easy ways for you to have a fun and frugal Christmas on a budget. From affordable dinners to ditching the credit card to shopping beforehand, there are plenty of tips here that can help you save money while still enjoying all the festivities. Plus, many of these tips can be applied no matter what your budget is. So tell us, how will you be more frugal around Christmas this year? We would love to hear from you!

10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

Do you come back home after a long day at work, only to feel suffocated? Do you wish to leave home to find peace?

It’s a no-brainer that your home should make you happy; it should make you breathe a sigh of relief just as you enter the door. But if you feel differently, it’s a sign that you need to change the atmosphere around the house.

Removing toxic things, and working on relationships can certainly help if you think they are a problem. However, if you know that you live in a happy family and that your family is your comfort and strength, then let’s just say your home merely needs a few changes to fix the problem.

Here are 10 ways how you can instantly change the atmosphere in your home:

10 ways to instantly change the atmosphere in your home

1. Add music10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

If I say music can help you calm down, I would not be sharing any new piece of information. We all already know it and have witnessed it too. So, if you wish to change the atmosphere of your home for good, you cannot afford to miss adding music.

However, you can skip hip-hop and heavy metal; you’re not having a party in your house. Instead, you can play your favorite music, but make sure it’s calming and soothing to your ears.

2. Change wall colors10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

Believe it or not, décor can change the whole vibe instantly – especially wall paints. Keep a neutral color scheme around the house. It is highly suggested to go for light colors – if you ask me, white or off-white is the best. They make your home feel calming by making it spacious, and bigger.

I love to do removable wall paper or if you have less patience, like me, I started doing splatter walls, where you don’t completely paint the wall. Instead, you use a paint brush and splatter a color onto the wall to give it a different look. It doesn’t take a lot of time, and only needs to be taped and plastic the area off to ensure nothing but the wall gets the splatter. (Trust, I learned the hard way!)

3. Do home-décor right

If you have painted your walls right, you would want to get to the styling and décor. If you are looking for ahome decor tips calming décor – white, grey, and nude colors are in trend for their minimalist touch. So, whatever you pick, it is suggested you pick from the neutral color scheme.

Additionally, you can add plants, wind chimes, and white rugs for an aesthetic and pleasant makeover. If you are looking for additional ideas, you can scroll through Pinterest for some home-décor inspiration

4. Keep the tabletops clear

The rule is not to keep the house cluttered. Neither the floor nor the tabletops. I know, tabletops seem the most convenient place for dropping stuff throughout the day, but the more things get accumulated on the tops, the more suffocating it can get. Ergo, keep tabletops as empty as you can. You can of course add décor to it, but don’t overdo it.

5. Let your home smell mesmerizing

Imagine this, you went out, and came back home to be blessed by a mesmerizing fragrance. How enchantingusing diffusers at home would it feel? Time to make your imagination a reality. There are so many ways of doing so.

You can make your home smell enchanting using these objects

  •   Diffusers
  •   Essence sticks
  •   Candles
  •   Potpourri
  •   Room freshener spray
  •   Fragrance Sachets

6. Add family photos

Your home must not only smell amazing, but it must reek of the people who live there. Adding family photos is a great way of adding a personal touch to your home. You can go simple by hanging in some of the happiest, and memorable photographs, you can add a touch of décor to it by creating a gallery wall with a color scheme. Gray and white if you ask me.

Tip – You can make use of mold photo frames – they are quite in trend these days.

7. Keep your home ventilated and allow natural lightKeep your home ventilated and allow natural light

A breath of fresh air, natural light can change your mood for the better. So, if your blinds are on, or curtains are closed, undo them. Not only will it save you electricity bills, but make you feel tranquil. (I would have loved to talk more about that effect or say that feeling, but forgive me because that feeling cannot be described in words)

8. Make your home cozy

Do you jump or drop yourself down on the hotel’s bed as if you are lying in heaven and would never want to get out of the bed? Guilty, right? Well, that’s because hotel rooms are cozy. You have to do the same with all the rooms so that you feel more than just comfortable – your happiest self.

You can do that by working on the mattresses, pillows, and cushions around the house. Go for thick soft mattresses, and soft and fluffy cushions and pillows. At the same time, add a soft duvet to your bed.

9. Say words of affirmations

If affirmations can make anyone feel optimistic, how can they not change the atmosphere around the house? You can say affirmations together with your family or have them play on the speaker. You can even add décor that emphasizes these affirmations. Try to add cushion covers and quoted frames with affirmations written on them.

10. Laugh more

Décor can surely help you instantly change the atmosphere, but it cannot match the transformation laughter can bring. So go on, share some jokes, and watch some hilarious movies together. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow.


Now that you know 10 easy ways to instantly change the atmosphere in your home, it’s time to get started! Pick one or two of these tips and give them a try. See how your mood changes and how your family reacts. Once you have had some success with a couple of these methods, add more until your home feels like the haven you always dreamed of. Share which of these tips worked best for you in the comments below – we would love to hear from you!

The Top 10 Benefits of Minimalism: Why You Should Consider It

The Top 10 Benefits of Minimalism: Why You Should Consider It

Are you feeling bogged down by your belongings? Are you tired of dealing with the stress of managing a large collection of stuff? If so, then minimalism may be the lifestyle for you! The average American home contains over 300,000 items! And that doesn’t even include the digital clutter we accumulate. Minimalism is all about decluttering your life and simplifying your existence. By removing unnecessary items from your life, you can free up space and time to focus on what’s important. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 10 benefits of minimalism and why you should consider it for yourself!

The Top 10 Benefits of Minimalism: Why You Should Consider It

1. What is minimalism and what are the benefits of practicing it in your life

You may have heard the term minimalism tossed around in recent years, but what exactly is it? In its simplestThe Top 10 Benefits of Minimalism form, minimalism is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from them. This could mean decluttering your home, paring down your wardrobe, or spending less time on social media. While it might sound daunting at first, there are many benefits to living a minimalist lifestyle. Here are just a few:

1. Clarity of mind:

With fewer possessions and less clutter, you’ll have more clarity and focus in your life. You’ll be able to see what’s truly important and let go of what’s not.

2. More time:

With less stuff to take care of, you’ll have more time to do the things you love. Whether it’s taking up a new hobby or spending more time with family and friends, you’ll have more time to enjoy life.

3. More freedom:

Living with less will give you a sense of freedom that you didn’t know was possible. You’ll be free from the clutter, the mess, and the stress that comes with owning too much stuff.

4. Less stress:

With fewer possessions and less clutter, you’ll have less stress in your life. You won’t have to worry about keeping up with the Joneses or maintaining a certain lifestyle. You can live life on your own terms.

5. Better relationships:

With more time and freedom, you can focus on building better relationships with the people who matter most to you. You’ll be able to connect with them on a deeper level and create lasting memories.

6. Less pressure to clean up:

With fewer things in your home, you’ll have less to clean up. This can give you more time to relax and enjoy your life instead of feeling like you’re constantly cleaning up after yourself.

7. Less desire to buy more stuff:

Once you declutter your life and get rid of the things you don’t need, you’ll find that you have less desire to buy more stuff. You’ll be content with what you have and won’t feel the need to keep up with the latest trends.

8. Focus on health and hobbies:

When you have less stuff, you can focus on taking care of yourself and your hobbies. You’ll have more time to exercise, eat healthily, and pursue the things you’re passionate about.

9. Sense of freedom:

When you own less, you’ll have a sense of freedom that you didn’t know was possible. You won’t be tied down by your possessions and will be able to live life on your terms.

10. More money:

One of the biggest benefits of minimalism is that it can save you money. When you declutterThe Top 10 Benefits of Minimalism your life and get rid of the things you don’t need, you won’t have to spend money on storage or unnecessary items. You can use that money to save for your future or to invest in experiences that will enrich your life.

2. How to get started with minimalism

Minimalism is a design movement that began in the 1950s. It is characterized by simplicity and functionality. In recent years, minimalism has gained popularity as a lifestyle choice. People who practice minimalism live with fewer possessions and focus on experiences rather than material things. There are many benefits to minimalism, including improved mental and physical health, more time and money, and greater creativity. If you’re interested in trying out minimalism, there are a few things you can do to get started.

First, take inventory of your possessions and get rid of anything you don’t use or need. You can also simplify your schedule by cutting back on commitments and saying no to new ones. Finally, focus on quality over quantity in your relationships. Spend time with people who make you happy and let go of toxic relationships. Minimalism isn’t about deprivation; it’s about living your best life with less. Try it out today and see how it can improve your life!

3. Tips for decluttering your home and getting rid of excess stuff

One of the most common questions I get asked is “How do you live a minimalist lifestyle?” The answer is pretty simple, but it does take some effort. You have to be willing to let go of material possessions that don’t bring youbenefits of being a minimalist joy or serve a purpose. For some people, this can be a difficult task because they’ve been programmed to believe that more is better. Society tells us that we need to buy the latest and greatest gadgets, clothes, and cars. But the truth is, most of those things don’t make us happy. In fact, they often add more stress to our lives. So how do you declutter your home and start living a minimalist lifestyle? Here are a few tips:

1. Get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy or serve a purpose. This seems like a no-brainer, but it can be tough to do it. We often have sentimental attachments to things that we don’t even use anymore. But if something doesn’t make you happy, let it go.

2. Don’t be afraid to sell things. A lot of people hold onto things because they think they might need them someday. But chances are, you’ll never use that old snowboard or those clothes that don’t fit you anymore. If you’re not using it day to day, sell it or donate it to someone who will.

4. How to simplify your life and live more intentionally

As someone who values quality over quantity, one of the best ways to simplify your life and live more intentionally is to embrace minimalism. At its core, minimalism is a philosophy that encourages you to strip away distractions and focus on what is truly important in life. By living with less, you create space in your mind and your home for the things that matter most – quality relationships, meaningful work, time for relaxation and self-care, etc. In addition, there are many other benefits of minimalism that can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life.

For example, studies have shown that people who embrace minimalism tend to have better mental health and overall well-being. Additionally, by decluttering your home and environment, you can reduce stress and increase productivity – allowing you to focus more fully on the things that matter. So if you’re looking for an effective way to simplify your life and live more intentionally, consider giving minimalism a try!

5. Why you should consider a minimalist lifestyle for yourself

There are many different reasons why adopting a minimalist lifestyle can be beneficial for you. For one thing, it can reduce stress and anxiety by helping you to simplify your life and focus your attention on what matters. Not only that but being a minimalist can also have many practical benefits. For example, it can save you time and money by helping you to get rid of clutter and streamline your possessions. Additionally, the simple and uncluttered aesthetic of minimalism can make your home more beautiful and soothing, which in turn supports greater mental health and well-being.

Overall, there are many good reasons why minimalism is something that everyone should consider for themselves. Whether you’re striving for a simpler, more peaceful lifestyle or simply looking to minimize some of life’s stresses, the positive effects of this trend are well worth exploring. So don’t wait—start adopting a minimalist approach today! You’ll be glad that you did!

Minimalism is a philosophy that encourages you to strip away distractions and focus on what is truly important in life. By living with less, you create space in your mind and your home for the things that matter most – quality relationships, meaningful work, time for relaxation and self-care, etc. In addition, there are many other benefits of minimalism that can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life. For example, studies have shown that people who embrace minimalism tend to have better mental health and overall well-being. Additionally, by decluttering your home and environment, you can reduce stress and increase productivity – allowing you to focus more fully on the things that matter. So if you’re looking for an effective way to simplify your life and live more intentionally, consider giving minimalism a try!

How to Stop Spending Money on Impulse Purchases

How to Stop Spending Money on Impulse Purchases

Tell me if stopping yourself from buying that cute summer dress is not the toughest thing in the world? If you agree, let’s just say we’re all guilty of submitting to our impulsive shopping instincts. Nonetheless, the world doesn’t collapse after that for everybody, but for some, it can shake their budgets enough to break the ground into two. In simple words, a look at the credit card statement, in the end, can fill one with guilt and financial pressures.

So, if it does the same for you, ask yourself, is it worth it? No. Financial security is imperative, and if your impulse purchases pose a serious threat to it, it’s high time you control them.

However, I do know for a person who is addicted to shopping or easily submits to shopping triggers, it can be a mountain to climb. And as someone who was triggered in the past emotionally, and shopping was the outlet, I can totally relate. Shopping always made me feel good or let me remove the emotions of not feeling I was good enough from my family. When I shopped, it made me feel like I was good enough in the moment because I could afford it. Until my bank or credit card statement came. Nonetheless, I still have tips and tricks to help you out.

How to stop spending money on impulse purchases

1. Carry limited cash

No money, no buying. It’s as simple as that. Having said that, if you know you are going to a place that might beHow to Stop Spending Money on Impulse Purchases a trigger for your impulse purchases, carry limited money with you. This includes letting your credit cards and debit cards sit at home, resting.

Only take the amount which is essential – perhaps only as much as it would take for you to take a cab, or enough to fill gas on your way home. But don’t take hands full of money as you’ll easily give in to buy what you shouldn’t. Further, avoid places you know will be a trigger for you. For me, it’s always Target. Whenever I would go visit family in the past and have to fly back home, I wouldn’t have room in my suitcase, but somehow I would still stop by Target and purchase way too many things. I’ve since learned to avoid Target when I’m feeling emotional as I will purchase too many things and end up regretting it. 

2. Always take a list

This applies to every time you go grocery shopping. You buy this, you buy that, and perhaps some extra quantities of sauces that only go unused in the end. Ergo, to put an end to this, a shopping list can be something you can rely on.

Think of all the things you would need FOR THE MOMENT (Don’t think of things you think you might want in theHow to Stop Spending Money on Impulse Purchases future. That’s just a pretense your mind constructs for you). Focus on buying only those things – nothing more. Your shopping list needs you to be faithful to it. Your family and your storage also need you to be focused and faithful you won’t over crowd them and forget about the fruits and veggies that go bad too. 

3. Ask yourself, do you want it or need it?

It’s easier to lose yourself in things you want but don’t need. I mean, how often did you pick up a dress you absolutely wanted, wore it once, and never again? I bet you can think of plenty of instances. The same thing happens with kids — it’s imperative they learn the difference between want and need. The sooner they do, the better off you and they will be as will your bank account.  

Nevertheless, the point is, every time you are fighting with your shopping instincts, ask yourself, “Do I really need this thing?”  If the answer is no, you know what to do – put the object back on the shelf. Buy only things you need, if your objective is to save money.

4. Write down financial goals

Is there a number you want to save up this month? Is there a category of expenses you have to minimizehow to stop buying on impulse spending in? If yes, that’s your financial goal. It would be a good idea to carry it out with you every time you go out for shopping. Remind yourself that if you end up buying what you shouldn’t, you’ll only be ruining your financial goals for the month – and the long term.

If you want to travel more and are trying to save money for that, it’s a great idea to write where you want to go and possibly how much you would need for that trip, and keep it as a reminder with you. This way, when you think about spending on frivolous things, you can check to see how close you are to a trip which is pretty motivating to not get something you don’t need. I do this all the time personally, it’s my favorite way to motivate me not to spend and keep my emotions managed another way.

5. Wait before you add it to your cart

Have you ever felt desperate enough to buy what you added to your cart? As if there was some kind ofhow to spend less supernatural power urging you to click the ‘Continue purchase’ button?

If yes, you’re not alone. Nonetheless, to battle this feeling out, wait for a minimum of 24 hours. You’ll lose the enthusiasm to finally buy it instead of when it arrives at your home. 

6. Be grateful for what you have

The secret to happiness is gratitude. If you are grateful for the things and people you have around you, you’re already living life as you should.

Interestingly, gratitude can help you combat your impulse purchases too. It’s simple when you are satisfied and grateful for the things you have, you wouldn’t want more.

Therefore, the solution is simple yet challenging – start being grateful for things you have. You can start maintaining a journal, practicing mindfulness, and lastly reminding yourself in your moment of weakness, that not everybody is privileged to have what you have.

7. Learn to say a NO

The lady at the shopping center or your friend accompanying you always convinces you into buying things you restrict buying. This is when you have to say a NO to them and yourself as well.

In other words, be firm. Don’t give in to temptations – don’t care what others say. The saleswoman won’t pay your bills, you have to. So, saying NO is what you must learn to do. The same goes for your children and other areas of your life. NO is standing up for yourself and your time and your energy. It’s powerful, so don’t forget to use it and your power. 


This shall be it. Taking command over your impulse purchases can be hard, but it cannot be impossible. If you think about it, the key to it is, fighting with your temptations. Your brain is smart enough to do that.

Hey there, are you an impulsive shopper too? If yes, what helped you? In case you have a few tips to share, we’re all ears. Feel free to drop by our comment section. 

Toy Minimalism – Why you Need to get Rid of Toys and How it Benefits Your Kids

Toy Minimalism – Why you Need to get Rid of Toys and How it Benefits Your Kids

Kids and toys are inseparable. Although they do keep your kids happy, we cannot deny that just sometimes, their toys drive us crazy. We are not talking about the noise they produce, but their quantity is what annoys us the most. At some point in time, you start to feel that it is not you and your family who are living in the home, but your toddlers’ toys. There are just too many of them, that they start to fill your home, and block your way. Not to forget it is a hassle to clean them up. 

You might think, what can you do, after all, kids need toys, and to deprive them of their toys would be sure short selfish of you. 

Well, not exactly. Allowing your kids too many toys do more harm than good. 

You must have heard about toy minimalism. If not that, then you would certainly know what minimalism is. It’s so in trend these days that it’s almost impossible not to know about it. Yet we provide you the benefit of the doubt. 

Minimalism is the new approach to life. It’s a principle that focuses on fewer possessions. The less you possess, the more sorted you will be. And as for toy minimalism, as the name suggests, keeping fewer toys. 

You might be thinking, what’s the use? How would it be beneficial for your kids

Well, hang in there! We are going to tell you all about it. 

Toy Minimalism – Why you Need to get Rid of Toys and How it Benefits Your Kids

How toy minimalism can benefit your kid 

1.     It would drive away your kids from materialism 

As parents, you would want your kids to grow up into kind and compassionate individuals, you would not want them to becomeWhat is Toy Minimalism materialists; rather you would want them to value moments, memories, and experiences. 

However, that seldom happens, owing to growing materialism and consumerism. But just so you know, minimalism can help your kids here in this regard. As minimalists, they would not focus on having more materials and objects; in fact, they would be satisfied with what they have. 

Yet to train them to be minimalists in the future, you have to start early, and you have to start with toy minimalism. Toys are the first things they possess. When they would have fewer of them, they would not want more.

They would be satisfied with what they already own, and would not crave for more. However for that to happen, you have to try harder. In other words, you do not have to spoil them with more toys. Don’t buy them more toys in the first place, and if they are stubborn and cry to have more, don’t submit to their requests thinking they are just kids. The more you comply with their requests, the more materialists they’ll become. I am sure you don’t want that, so do what you got to do. 

2.     It would facilitate money saving

Kids’ purchasing propensity is influenced heavily by what they see and do all their lives. If they spend lavishly or see you spend lavishly, they would pick up from that. Likewise, if you keep buying them more toys, they would not realize and acknowledge the value of money. For them, it would be as if money is earned easily. However, it is not so, and you would want your kids to know that. 

Toy minimalism can help with that. When they have fewer toys and would be satisfied with what they own, they would not want to buy more. Eventually, minimalism would become a part of their lives, and help them become a financially responsible adult.

3.     Kids develop better social skills 

Back in our day, we would spend all our day playing in the park with other kids. However, owing to technology kids these daysbenefits of Toy Minimalism remain home playing video games. 

It is something that I bet annoys you the most. You would want your kids to go out there, play with other kids, become friends with them but they do the opposite – they stay at home. You see human interaction is important if you want them to develop social skills. 

And guess what, toy minimalism can help your kids with that. When they have fewer toys to play with, they would be keener to go outside to play with other kids. This eventually would help them develop better social skills.

They would interact with other kids, make new friends, and develop skills that they cannot, by staying at home all day.

4.     Kids develop reading and artistic habits 

Art and reading are integral for the development of various skills in your child. Starting with reading, it’s full of benefits. Books are everyone’s best friend, they provide knowledge and develop our reading, analytical and critical skills. 

As for art, they come packed with benefits too. They develop our mental faculties; enhance imagination, and opens differenthow to have less toys at home horizons and perspectives. 

Unfortunately, kids these days prefer playing with toys all day rather than spending their time doing these activities. But with toy minimalism, you can make sure that does not happen. Going by the simple and consistent logic – when your kids have fewer toys to play with, they would be open to doing other activities like reading books and practicing art. 

5.     Kids will learn to value things and would take greater care of them 

As they say, the less you have, the more careful you would be. At the same time, you would value the fewer things you have. The same goes for your kids. When your kids have a lot of toys, they would take them for granted. They would know that there are other toys already at hand for them, and it would not matter if somehow they end up breaking their toys. In short, they would be reckless.

This could harm them in the long run. Kids or adults need to know how to handle things. They must take good care of objects they own, and value them at the same time. Minimalism can nurture your child in that very light.

6.     Kids develop a longer attention span 

Imagine this; you have plenty of files to read, and many applications to fill. What will happen? 

First and foremost, you would be stressed. Secondly, you would be in a rush, and would not be able to focus on every task aswhy you need to get rid of toys you should. Your focus would be divided, and your attention span will be short. 

It’s the same with kids. When they have too many toys at their disposal, their attention span will be shorter. They would not focus on one toy long enough and will jump on another when they wish to. Now imagine how toy minimalism can save the day. 

It’s easy, when there are fewer toys, your kids won’t be jumping on the other now and then. Consequently, they will play and use what they have, ultimately concentrating on one toy for a longer period, thereby developing a longer attention span. 

That’s all from our side. We are sure these benefits would motivate you to introduce toy minimalism into your kid’s life. 

Feel free to let us know in the comment section, how it all works out for you. 

Inspiring Secrets of Minimalist Moms

Inspiring Secrets of Minimalist Moms

Minimalism has gained its sheer popularity for all the right reasons. This concept proved to be life-changing for many people; it simplified their life and allowed them to focus on other integral issues much more effectively. 

In a nutshell, it has turned out a blessing especially for moms. You might wonder how? Because being a mom and minimalism seems poles apart; you cannot really bring them together.

Well, you are mistaken. Minimalism and motherhood do go hand in hand. In fact, it makes motherhood quite easy. When you have fewer things at home, you have fewer things to clean, and a wider space to allow free movement. Consequently, you have more time to spend with your family, aka a lifesaver for many moms. 

So, without further ado, allow us to bestow all the inspiring secrets of minimalist moms to make it seem all easy. 

Inspiring secrets of minimalist moms 

1. They know what they want and need

How often have you found yourself debating if you should buy this air-tight jar, or let it go? I bet it has happened plentyInspiring Secrets of Minimalist Moms of times wherein you have battled with your own desires only to submit in the end because you could not differentiate between what you wanted and what you needed.

Or perhaps you knew the difference but your mind manipulated you into buying that object. It told you, “You cannot let this go. It can be used in the kitchen. It’s SOOOO pretty, you definitely need this (even when you have plenty of jars at home)”

We all have been there; we all have been fooled by our own minds. But as for minimalist moms, they do not let it happen. They know that simply knowing the difference between a want and need is not enough, but that letting or not letting this knowledge affect your purchasing decision is a part of the process. 

Your mind will definitely manipulate you, it will submit to temptations, but you don’t have to give it the reins. You have to control your desires and your thought process. If your mind is trying to manipulate you, challenge yourself that you won’t let it succeed, you would not be so gullible after all to fall into the trap of your mind. 

2. They have accepted that less is more

All our lives we have dwelled on the supremacy of more. We have focused more on quantity than quality. Not anymore!How to be a minimalist mom The times are changing and with it the doctrines. Now is the time when we start believing that less is more. 

All because it makes our life easy, and we stress less. It is for these benefits that minimalist moms have upheld the very notion of less is more. They do not simply believe in it but practice it as well. They do not fill their wardrobes with tons and tons of clothes. And they keep a limited quantity and that sorts out most of the things for them. 

3. They know it is a group activity 

As a mom, if you want minimalism to work, then you cannot elude your family’s inclusion. In other words, minimalism is more likely to work when it is adopted and practiced by all the members of the family. This is the challenge here because it’s one thing to practice minimalism yourself, and another to persuade your family to do the same. 

All the more, it’s not something that you can all of a sudden ask your family to practice. It takes a change of habits, and as a mother, it needs to be included in your child’s upbringing. You have to raise your kids in such a way that they become minimalists. It has to become their way of life, it should be something that they have seen all their lives, and collected their takeaways from that. 

In simple words, they need to learn minimalism from the atmosphere at home. When they see you, they will try to imitate you and that’s how they will learn. It’s a group activity and meant to be practiced together. In addition to that, you can encourage them to follow some minimalist practice to manifest into their habits and daily routine. 

4. For children, it starts with toys 

Tell me if it does not take hours for you to assemble your kid’s toys because there are just so many of them. It’s liketeaching kids minimalism your house is made of toys, not bricks.

Okay, it was a little exaggeration but it is true, our kids have lots and lots of toys, defeating the purpose of minimalism. 

Now that you realize it, you know what your goal and target will be. If you have to teach minimalism to your kids, you have to start with their toys. You have to encourage them to opt for fewer toys, declutter from time to time, or donate them to those in need.

You also do not have to submit to their whims and desires in the first place. Don’t buy them every toy they point their fingers at. If you do so, you would not only be filling your home with toys but will make your kids materialists and stubborn in the future, 

5. Occasional decluttering 

Minimalism and decluttering are mutually exclusive. Minimalist moms occasionally declutter their homes. They do not keep things that are of zero value to them – that includes broken objects, objects they haven’t used in years even when they look new and pretty. In short, they are firm when they declutter.

They do not let things stay, they know what will be of use to them; they do not engage in a constant debate with their brain, they just throw things out if they know they won’t use them. 

6. Reuse and recycling

Just so you know, when being a minimalist, you are consciously or unconsciously practicing environmentalism. GoingReuse and recycling by the simple logic, when you own fewer things, you are not exploiting the earth of its materials and natural resources. At the same time, as a minimalist mom, your goal is to reduce wastage as well. You reuse, recycle rather than buying more things. 

7. They go digital 

Minimalist moms know that technology can be their best friend if they make optimal use of them. For starters, they use technology to reduce clutter around the homes. 

If you are looking forward to becoming a minimalist mom, you can do the same. You can limit your consumption of newspapers, and settle for digital newspapers. At the same time, you don’t increase clutter by investing in books, but you go for an e-reader, or kindle reader instead. 

At the same time, they prefer keeping digital backups of their important documents. All the more when they go out, they request the shopkeepers to mail them bills instead of carrying a paper copy with them and create unnecessary clutter. 

Well, that’s all there is. We have disclosed all the inspiring secrets of minimalist moms. I hope their secrets have inspired you to take up minimalism to make your lives better, simpler, and easy. 

If you happen to know more secrets or have your opinions about the concept of minimalism, feel free to drop your views in the comments section. If you are still on the fence about how minimalism can help you, check out these blog posts on the topic:

10 Minimalist Practices that are Life-Changing

20 Signs You’re Secretly a Minimalist

How to Embrace Minimalism without Being a Minimalist

5 Things You Should know about Minimalism with Kids Before you Start