Minimalism has been the talk of the town lately. It’s the in-trend approach to life that many people are considering practicing. And those who have already practiced it have promised that they would not let it go. 

But have you wondered, why this rage? I mean it’s just an approach, a concept. Well let me correct you, it’s not just an approach, it’s not just a concept. It’s LIFE CHANGING. 

Less is more, savings, frugality, simplicity, zero wastage are all the pillars of minimalism. Interestingly, these principles are not new and exclusive to minimalism. Yet surprisingly, these values and principles are what most of us follow and believe in. So, if you happen to be on the list, you are already a minimalist! 

Minimalism gives you more time and space to do the things you want — travel, experiences, quiet time, quality time, etc. These are just a few things you can gain with adopting a minimalist lifestyle!

Need more? Well, look for these signs and find out for yourself. 

Am I A Minimalist? 20 Signs You Might Be

1. You declutter from time to time because a cluttered, messed-up home obstructs you in your daily affairs.

You seem
20 Signs You’re Secretly a Minimalist
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to have a struggle concentrating when you have a load full of things lying around you. So, whether there’s tons of stuff on your plate or not, you manage to take some time out for

2. You focus on moments, not materials.

You are someone who is not driven by materialist temptations. So you don’t give a damn about what things you have, and what you don’t; rather you are more concerned about moments and memories.

3. You think you don’t belong in this age.

You uphold your own values and principles. But when you look at the world driven by materialism and consumerism, it somehow breaks your heart. You wish to go out and scream at the top of your lungs, as you know it’s you against the world. 

4. You believe in savings.

Money has been an utmost concern for you, not because you are not able to make ends meet, but because when you think of the future, you see millions of expenses, and you know what can save your future is your savings. 

5. You focus on quality, not quantity.

Unlike the rest of the world, quantity does not concern you but quality. You are someone who wishes to spend their money, if at all, on something, which has to be of the utmost quality. You don’t care if you buy one unit of it, or three, it has to be top quality, and you don’t settle for anything less. 

6. Your home has a lot of space for movement.

As a secret minimalist, you let the principle reflect in your home. You don’t stuff your home with a million decoration or storage pieces, instead, you consider keeping fewer possessions. You don’t concern yourself with filling up the walls and passage, you concern yourself with the space your halls and rooms provide. 

7. You are decisive.

While the world out there plucks out flower petals trying to decide what to keep and what to let go of, you are pretty sorted in this area. You don’t find it hard enough to declutter. You decide you don’t want this thing or that, it is of zero value to you, and so you put it down the trash without thinking twice. 

8. You never struggle to find time to do things you like.

As fellow minimalists, finding time is not a hassle for you as for other house makers or professionals. Owning fewer possessions diminishes your cleaning time drastically and allows you to spend more time doing what you enjoy. Consequently, you don’t struggle to make time for the people you love.

9. You don’t find happiness in things.

If someone asks you, would a million dollar and a large home with all the amenities would make you happy, your answer would be a straight NO. All because as minimalists, you don’t find happiness in things and possessions. For you, happiness lies with people you love. 

10. You have good mental health.

As minimalists, you are sorted in life. Life is complicated, but you don’t let its complexities affect you. You go out there in the world, live in the moment, take time out for things you like to do, and all that what counts as peace and happiness for you. You don’t enjoy wasting time on miscommunications and conflict. 

11. You are satisfied with what you have.

Minimalism is not about forcing yourself to own less. It’s about being satisfied and content with what you already have, so you don’t crave for more. If you are someone who is satisfied with the life you live, and what you own, my friend you are a true minimalist despite you acknowledging it. 

12. You want to gain control of your life.

As they say, you are the author of your own life, you firmly believe in that. You are not someone who lets the universe and thoughts control your life. Instead, you take matters into your hand. You take actions. So you go out there, grab things you want rather than waiting for life to hand them to you. 

13. You can distinguish between what you want and what you need.

People exhaust their credit card limit because they fail to differentiate between things they need and things they think they need. There’s a difference between the two, and if you recognize it, and let it influence your purchasing decisions, my friend you are a minimalist at heart. 

14. You are an environmentalist at heart.

When you stand for minimalism, you stand by a zero-wastage principle because you care a lot about the environment. You anticipate how your one decision or consumption would affect the environment, and you make a wise decision accordingly.

15. You are organized or wish to be organized.

If you are a Monica Geller or Sheldon Cooper when it comes to organization, that my friend is enough for us to declare you a minimalist at heart. 

16. You donate often.

As a minimalist, your goal is never solely to eliminate things from your home but to give them away to see how it can change the lives of others, and perhaps spread a smile on their faces. Consequently, you never think twice about donating things you know would be much more useful for someone else. 

17. You don’t own a large wardrobe.

We are no stranger to human propensity of having a vast wardrobe. However, if you happen to be someone who can go live their life on just 5-6 pairs of clothes, you deserve the title. 

18. You are worried as to how buying something would affect your space.

A lot of people worry about their credit card bills before making purchases; however if you worry about the space it will obstruct or how you wished to own fewer things, that counts as minimalism. 

19. You prioritize doing special things for people.

Your idea of a perfect gift is not a branded watch, or a Gucci bag, but it’s a smile you can spread on their faces by doing something special for the people you love.  

20. You have your priorities.

You know what you value the most in your life, and that makes things easier for you. 


Ask yourself then, are you a minimalist? Admittance won’t harm you, in fact, minimalism is a good thing. Be proud of yourself. 

If you’re like me, you enjoy having a lot of options when it comes to your wardrobe. But after a while, all of those clothes can start to add up both in terms of cost and clutter. That’s where living a minimalist lifestyle comes in. A capsule wardrobe is one way to embrace minimalism and save money at the same time.

In conclusion, you know you’re a minimalist when you display these characteristics of a minimalist person…

1. You believe that less is more. And that intentional living is key. This means being purposeful and intentional about the things you allow into your life, including material possessions.

2. You’ve decluttered your home and gotten rid of anything that doesn’t serve a purpose or bring you joy. For you, living with less means having more space to breathe and move freely. It also means having less to worry about and taking better care of the things you do have.

3. You don’t believe that stuff equals happiness. You think the Pursuit of Happiness is a bit misguided. Instead, you focus on experiences over things and on living in the present moment.

This doesn’t mean you don’t ever buy anything new it just means that your purchases are intentional and based on need rather than want.

If you need some further confirmation and inspiration of Minimalism, I have quite a few posts on the topic and you can check them out here: 
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