Before the arrival of the coronavirus, working from home was a privilege available to only a small fraction of society. It was reserved for Work from Home Moms, and many thought it was the easiest thing ever. Post the pandemic, everyone is working from home. And as easy as it sounds on paper, working from home is anything but a piece of cake. Many people cannot find the motivation to work in the place they have always known as home – a center of repose and rest. 

The pandemic shows no signs of going away soon.

50 insane work from home productivity hacks

Here are 50 insane work from home productivity hacks to help!

  1. Get dressed for work. For many, the feeling of getting dressed for office is a motivation in itself. So, wear what you normally would when you go to work. Then sit down in front of the computer. This will send signals to your brain, characterizing home as an office.
  2. Get some sunshine. If you are feeling overwhelmed after working for hours, just pause and take a breather. Go for a walk. Don’t take your phone with you. 
  3. Don’t take your phone to bed with you at night. Switch off the email and social media notifications.
  4. Coffee is your savior in the work from home environment. But don’t drink too much of it. Or else, you won’t be able to catch a good night’s sleep.
  5. Get a good night’s sleep.
  6. Get some houseplants to make your workspace green.
  7. Never work in the kitchen.
  8. Use Ethernet whenever you can, especially on deadlines.
  9. Use noise-canceling headphones or earmuffs to block the unnecessary chatter out.
  10. Say hello to Zoom and learn how it works.
  11. Switch off your social media alerts when you sit down to work. Do not turn it on.
  12. Take formal breaks like you would if you were really at the office.
  13. Go out of the house after work is done. And recharge.
  14. Create a designated workspace in your house.
  15. Create a dedicated schedule.
  16. Eat vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water.
  17. Trade your regular chair for an ergonomic, adjustable one from Amazon.
  18. Don’t schedule back-to-back video conferences.
  19. Change positions every now and then, instead of sitting straight for hours.
  20. Never work in bed.
  21. Put on shoes, as you would for going to work. This also gets you in that office headspace.
  22. Socialize after the day’s work is done.
  23. Make a habit of going to the gym. Or working out at home.
  24. Wake up at least a couple of hours before work. So that you don’t just head off into work the minute you wake up.
  25. Create a bedtime and morning ritual.
  26. Use apps like Evernote to replace sticky post-its.
  27. Set definite work hours.
  28. Create a priority list.
  29. Plan your days so that you don’t end up doing the same thing every day. For example, you could be doing A, B, C on Mondays and Thursdays while you do X, Y, Z on Tuesdays and Fridays.
  30. Set boundaries with your friends and family. Create ‘Do Not Disturb’ hours and let your close ones know. 
  31. Stay in touch with your team, so that you do not slack off.
  32. Get up and move, take your eyes off the computer screen for five minutes every hour.
  33. Keep optimizing your workspace.
  34. Don’t work on a laptop for long. Get a desktop installed.
  35. If you have a pet or a baby or a sick child, adjust your work environment accordingly. Do what would be comfortable for you.
  36. Invest in a standing desk.
  37. Wireless keyboard and mouse are your saviors.
  38. Use flexible monitor arms and touchscreens.
  39. Focus on one task at a time.
  40. Make sure you create backups. 
  41. Stay flexible.
  42. Look for coffee shops nearest to your house in case your server is down and you have a deadline to meet.
  43. Set up your workspace in natural light, and then next to an indoor plant. It will also lead to a more pleasant state of mind for working.
  44. Stop working at the end of your scheduled work hours. Do not overwork.
  45. Set simple, achievable goals so that you can get the most work done.
  46. Listen to music while working, if that’s your thing.
  47. Listen to audiobooks while you go to sleep.
  48. Declutter your workspace and also keep it as neat as possible.
  49. Use apps in full-screen mode.
  50. Join Discord servers with people who have similar interests, so that you can socialize after work.

Hope this list helps you to kick butt at work and stay focused enough to get things done! 


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