You hear the term “blogger” and instantly think writing your thoughts and reviewing things, right?

That’s what I thought would happen when I decided to be a full time blogger in 2015, because I wanted or actually needed, to get my thoughts out of my mind and into something more, something that was mine. Blogging is way different than I mentioned above, and also way different than I thought it was going to be. Blogging and content writing can oftentimes be categorized in the same sentence, but they are a bit different in my opinion. A blogger is someone who writes regularly, sometimes daily, to keep a commentary, or describe events to the reader. A content writer is someone who writes specific things for specific reasons, and sometimes sporadically. A blogger can also be a content creator, especially when they work with brands on specific projects.

There are always good and bad sides to everything, including being a blogger. In order to maintain a blog, you have to be consistent with your posts. I sometimes struggle with coming up with the time to devote to a post, which is usually longer and more thought out than a social media post. Sometimes, a blog post requires a specific photo or video, which takes additional time to create. If we are working with brands for sponsored content, the approval process of the content can take more time. There are positives to blogging though — I own my domain and site, so no matter what social media does, I always have my own content and little slice of the internet, and hopefully someday when my girls are older, they can look back and find comfort in my words.

Benefits of Blogging

1. Sharing Your Thoughts

Every time you post something online, you have a choice. You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world – or you can make it something that takes away.
~Zoe Sugg

Blogging is a fantastic method to communicate your ideas to your friends, family, and followers. Everyone has

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their own story to tell, and your blog is no exception. Real-life occurrences are more popular in blogs. Blogging is a never-ending daily cycle of creating content, advertising, SEO, and posting. You can start blogging in WordPress or other free blogging websites.

There are a lot of essential elements when it comes to managing a successful blog. And these are the following:

– Researching

– Writing

– Editing

– Content Optimization

– Marketing

– Management of Social Media

– Branding

– Collaboration with Brands and Companies

– Assisting Affiliate Managers

– Nonstop Learning for the Latest Trends and Technologies

2. Being Able To Make A Difference

Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field. ~Penelope Trunk

Through blogging, people can learn a lot of topics that are often simplified so that everyone can understand. For fashion, there are fashion bloggers. For tech, there are tech bloggers. For food and drinks, there are food bloggers. And the list goes on. Some even specialize in the daily aspects of life such as parenting and motherhood. Young moms and 1st-time moms can definitely get help or valuable information from mommy bloggers.

3. Sharing Your Knowledge

Blogging is a great way to show your talents and interests to prospective employers while adding an edge to your

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resume. If you blog consistently it shows your dedication, passions, and creativity – all of which are key attributes employers look for in job candidates.
~Lauren Conrad

Blogs give you the ability to create and manage your digital presence. People looking for your name can find your blogs, in addition to social media accounts. People will be able to learn more about you by reading your blogs once it’s accessible to them.

4. Refining Your Writing Skills

“Successful blogging is not about one-time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time.”

~David Aston

Writing on your blog on a regular basis will greatly enhance your writing skills – both as a result of feedback and as a result of learning how to construct effective sentences and choose excellent topics. You can look back at your previous blogs to check and evaluate your progress.


Creating your own blog can help you stand out in the employment, affiliate, and brand partnership market. You may quickly prove your writing skills by posting valuable and informative topics that interest you thus creating a specialization that can help you become distinct from the other bloggers.

5. Getting More Clients To Your Existing Business

“When you brand yourself properly, the competition becomes irrelevant.” 

~Dan Schawbel

Blogging may help your brand, business, and company to gain more clients because it not only attracts more

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clicks and visitors to your website but also attracts prospective customers who are interested in your services or products. You can boost your website traffic by sharing your blog entries on social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.) and with your email newsletter (email list).

Blogging is an important component of any online marketing plan. It increases website traffic, provides leads and new customers, assists you in nurturing those leads and prospective customers, and provides you more insight into your potential customers and existing consumer base.

Blog articles are a great way for businesses to get more traffic from search engines. Customers can use the information in the posts to better their choices when it comes to selecting their preferred products, services, or brands.

6. Building A Network


“It should feel genuinely good to earn income from your blog – you should be driven by a healthy ambition to succeed. If your blog provides genuine value, you fully deserve to earn income from it.” 

~Steve Pavlina

More prospects for collaborations, promotional assignments, and even sponsored posts result from a larger network.

In an ethical and responsible way, you would have a few bloggers whose contents or topics are quite similar to yours. Consider what valuable information in their blogs would be useful to your reader and reach out to the author. Then offer credits by hyperlinking. This would attract your readers to visit their site and vice versa.


Guest post/guest blog is another way to network. You can invite a fellow blogger to blog on your site or it can also be the other way around. This will allow you to exchange audiences and grow both of your readers/followers. 


7. Establishing Yourself As An Expert

“It can be pretty rough out there for bloggers who think small. You’ve got to think – and play – big if you want to

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make a larger footprint these days.”

~David Risley

Learn how to write outstanding blog articles by studying the format and structure of the text. Determine your target audience and generate material that appeals to them. For suggestions to improve your blogging skills, follow top industry professionals. Create a research strategy that works for you and allows you to consistently produce relevant articles for your target audience. When your material isn’t understandable or beneficial, the readers’ attention spans are expected to be brief only.


Keep in mind that blogging is a long-term commitment, and your desire to keep consistency will be absolutely crucial to your success. You must build techniques for promoting your blog if you wish to attract more readers or followers. Content marketing and social media management work well together. Use this combo to establish yourself as an expert in your chosen niche or specialization. To reach as many people as possible, make sure your blog is optimized for search engines. And as much as possible avoid duplicating what others have already done before you and instead develop your own unique style.



It’s easy to become overwhelmed when it comes to monetizing your blog. But, in my opinion, it’s best to start early. Consider using affiliate marketing or affiliate links on sites you already use and trust, such as Amazon. Experiment with display ads. Sponsored posts are a great way to drive more income. Always consider your blog to be a business.  What are the areas where you may get the most bang for your buck? What are the aspects that need improvement? When you want to make your blog your full-time job, having a marketing plan will be quite beneficial on your part.

When I’m feeling a touch slack with my own content times, I find that reflecting on why I started blogging in the first place is the greatest thing I can do. I do not even do it for the likes or comments; I do this because I enjoy spending my time generating material and sharing it with my readers or followers to make me a more responsible human; it’s just a part of who I am. This is my passion. Blogging is my safe haven, my space, all that I think about is shared through blogging.

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