Becoming a mother is life-altering in more ways than a woman can imagine. You find yourself swept up in the bustle and beauty of raising your kid(s), and it is a rewarding journey indeed. However, with motherhood comes so many difficult responsibilities, and somewhere between all the dirty diapers and the homework help, it’s easy for a busy mom to start losing parts of her identity slowly until the only identity she has is that of a mom.

And yes, it takes great perseverance and patience to be a mom. But, it’s not necessary that just

How to have a Life of your own Beyond Motherhood
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because you are a mom, you cannot be anything else. Motherhood is a big part of your identity, but not the entirety of it. There is a life waiting for you outside motherhood. And you are only killing your own dreams and desires by depriving yourself of them.

You have to realize, you are a talented, hard-working woman who has dreams of her own, interests of her own, and you need to nurture that part of you as well. After all, you cannot be a good mother if you cannot set an example for your child on how important it is to love yourself.

Carving out a part of your world outside motherhood is something you owe to yourself. It’s time to stop neglecting the inner you and start showering her with love instead. Here are a few pointers on how you can find yourself beyond the identity of a mother.

How to have a Life of your own Beyond Motherhood

1) Spend some time with your friends instead of being cooped up in the house all day with the kids

It is so important to have some time when you can socialize with people of your own age

How to have a Life of your own Beyond Motherhood
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and interests. You are allowed to have dinner with a friend or two once a week, to rejuvenate and recharge yourself. Not just an emotional vent, but being around people who share the same interests and life goals as you also helps you find your inspiration once more.

2) Be content with what you have while also striving for improvement

Life is a paradox of being satisfied with what you have while also working for more. And the key to mastering that balance is to stop comparing yourself with others, or your past self. Yes, there can be a genius mom who is also a business mogul, but if that’s not you, it’s still fine. You have your own talents, and you should focus on how you can nurture them while still being fair to your kids.

3) Learn the language of self-care

This is probably the most important and most neglected aspect. You need to take care of

finding yourself as a mother
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yourself while also taking care of your children, because if you don’t, there will come a time when you will burn out, and that’s neither good for you nor your kids.

So, consider having a day for pampering yourself while your hubby looks after the kids. Make sure that you are just as looked after as your children.

4) Alone time is important

Just like spending time with your friends is a way of recharging yourself, spending some time on your own is a way of realizing what you want from life in the long run. It can be just those fifteen extra minutes when you wake up in the morning, but it needs to be maintained regularly.

5) Remember what your lust for life was

Often, you get so swept up in family life that everything in your life becomes family-related.

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You forget where your passions lay as a youth, along with your hobbies, and your interests. It’s time you dust the cobwebs off and start engaging in an old hobby or find a new one to keep you motivated and happy beyond motherhood.

Being a mom is no piece of cake. But, it’s important not to lose your sense of self in the process of becoming a good mother. Your children learn from you, and the onus is on you to set an example for them on how to love yourself and work on your dreams while also being a successful mother and a wife. If you were lost, let this be your wake-up call. It’s time for you to carve your identity beyond motherhood.

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