5 Ways to Work with Your Spouse/Significant Other Successfully

5 Ways to Work with Your Spouse/Significant Other Successfully

Working with your spouse or significant other can be a bit of a challenge, but it is doable! In this blog post, we will discuss 5 ways to work with your spouse/significant other successfully. By following these tips, you and your partner can successfully work together and avoid any potential conflict. Let me tell you a little story about how I know this is possible before we get started.

Before meeting my now-husband, I interviewed at his business for an office manager role and had no intentions of being in a relationship with him. I had only ever worked with a significant other one other time, and it was in a restaurant. We weren’t in the same area, but he was a bartender and I was a server. Way different dynamics than the one I have with my husband now and even throughout our entire relationship.

I don’t know a ton of people who have worked in the same department or roles where they report to one another and have success. For the first 2 years of our relationship, my husband was the president, and I was involved in many different roles of the business, mostly on the operations side of things.

There were times when I wasn’t sure we would make it through, and other times when I don’t know how we could have gotten any closer. At the end of the day, what allowed us then and even to this day, when the business looks different, is 5 key ways we can work together successfully.

5 Ways to Work with Your Spouse/Significant Other Successfully

1. Keep business and personal separate

When you’re in a relationship, it can be hard to keep work and home life separate. However, it’s important to5 Ways to Work with Your Spouse/Significant Other Successfully maintain a healthy balance between the two. Here are five tips for successfully working with your spouse or significant other:

1. Set clear boundaries. Make sure you both understand what is and isn’t acceptable in terms of work-related communication and behavior.

2. Respect each other’s space. Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you need to be attached at the hip. Give each other some time and space to focus on work.

3. Be supportive. It can be tough juggling work and personal life, so make sure you’re supporting each other. lend a hand when needed, and offer words of encouragement.

4. Communicate openly and honestly. If something is bugging you, say so in a constructive way. Similarly, if you’re struggling with work, let your partner know so they can help out where they can.

5. Take breaks together. When things are getting stressful, step away from work for a bit and spend some quality time together. Whether it’s going for a walk or just taking a few minutes to chat, taking breaks together can help you both de-stress and stay connected.

2. Cool it with the pet names

In any relationship, it’s important to maintain a certain level of respect for your partner. This is especially true when working together on a project or goal. Nicknames and pet names may be fine in your personal life, but they can create an air of familiarity that can lead to conflict in a business setting. If you’re used to calling your spouse “babe” or “honey,” it can be easy to slip into using those terms when discussing work matters. However, using terms of endearment in a professional context can come across as unprofessional and disrespectful. It’s important to remember that, while you may have a close personal relationship with your partner, you are also colleagues. When working together, it’s best to keep things formal and use each other’s given names. This will help to create a more respectful and productive working environment.

3. Never go to bed angry

When dealing with conflicts in your romantic relationship, it can often be tempting to simply retreat and go toTips to Work with Your Spouse bed while you’re still angry. However, as the old saying goes, “never go to bed angry.” This advice is especially important when you are working with your significant other, as it is essential to maintain open communication and a positive attitude at all times. Here are 3 ways to successfully navigate conflict in a relationship:

1. Keep an open mind and be willing to listen to your partner’s perspective. It can be easy to get defensive or jump straight into arguments, but these behaviors are unlikely to lead anywhere productive. Instead, try putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and really hearing what they have to say.

2. Practice active listening skills rather than just waiting for your turn to speak. Listening involves far more than simply hearing words – it also requires you to pay attention and accurately evaluate how your partner is feeling. By practicing active listening skills, you can ensure that both you and your partner feel understood and respected throughout any conflict or disagreement.

3. Cultivate healthy boundaries in terms of respect, physical distance, emotional space, etc. One of the biggest challenges in any long-term relationship is balancing the need for closeness with the need for independence. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s important to communicate this to your partner and set clear boundaries to maintain a healthy relationship.

4. Schedule or make time for weekly date night

According to numerous studies, one of the best things couples can do to keep their relationship strong is to schedule regular date nights. Date night gives couples time to reconnect and focus on each other without the distractions of work, parenting, or other everyday responsibilities. It can be difficult to find the time and energy for date night when you’re juggling a busy schedule, but it’s important to make it a priority. There are a few ways to make sure date night happens regularly. You can schedule it in advance and put it on the calendar like any other appointment. If you have trouble getting out of the house, you can have a stay-at-home date night and order dinner or watch a movie together. The important thing is that you take the time to focus on your relationship and enjoy each other’s company.

5. Have the same goals in mind and be going in the same direction

Becoming a successful team often starts with having the same goals in mind and being aligned in the directionHow to work together as a couple you are heading. When it comes to working with your spouse or significant other, this is especially true. To successfully work with your partner, make sure that you are both committed to the same set of goals and share a similar vision for what your business should look like down the road. Additionally, focus on communicating regularly about changes and challenges that arise along the way. By aligning your efforts and prioritizing open communication, you can effectively navigate any obstacles that may come up as you work together toward achieving your shared goals. After all, when you’re going in the same direction, there’s nothing that can stop you from reaching the finish line!

Working with your spouse or significant other can be a challenge, but it’s also hugely rewarding. By following these five tips, you can successfully navigate any obstacles that come your way and build a strong, lasting partnership.

What are some other ways to work with your spouse/significant other you would add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

If you found this article helpful, be sure to share it with your friends or colleagues who might benefit from some relationship advice.

How To Break Up With Your Best Friend

How To Break Up With Your Best Friend

It’s tough to break up with your best friend. You don’t want to ruin the friendship, but you also know that it’s not healthy to keep things going the way they are. If you’re struggling with how to break up with your best friend, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Trust me when I say it’s hard, I’ve been through it myself. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for breaking up with your best friend in a way that is respectful and doesn’t damage the friendship.

How To Break Up With Your Best Friend

1. The signs that it’s time to break up with your best friend

If you’re wondering whether it’s time to break up with your best friend, there are a few signs to look out for. First,How To Break Up With Your Best Friend take note of how often you are fighting. Misunderstandings and fights can happen in any kind of relationship. But if you find that you and your best friend are disagreeing more often than not, it might be a sign that something is off. Additionally, pay attention to how you feel after spending time together. If you always leave feeling drained or like you’ve been put through the wringer, that’s another sign that your friendship might not be as healthy as it could be. Finally, ask yourself whether you’re able to be yourself around your best friend. If you find that you’re constantly walking on eggshells or censoring yourself, it’s a sign that the friendship isn’t as supportive as it should be.

If you’re experiencing any of these things, it might be time to sit down with your best friend and talk about what’s going on. Breaking up with a best friend can be just as tough (if not tougher) than breaking up with a romantic partner. But it doesn’t have to mean the end of your friendship. Just remember to communicate openly and honestly. And try to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Through it all, you must take responsibility for your actions and not simply place the blame on the other person. Especially if you have mutual friends.

2. How to break up with your best friend in a way that is respectful and doesn’t damage the friendship

Breaking up with a best friend can be a challenging and emotional experience. To do so in a way that is respectful and doesn’t damage the friendship, it is important to set clear boundaries. And set the tone for the conversation from the start. This means being upfront about your feelings and conveying your point of view clearly and directly. Additionally, it is important to confront your friend directly. Rather than avoiding them or trying to let the breakup happen “naturally” over time. While it’s important you say your peace, it’s equally important to let them speak and have their chance to speak. Remember to choose your words carefully and don’t say anything you will regret because you are heated at the moment. Try to stay away from being passive-aggressive with your words and actions. And let your friend group know the situation.

And most importantly, try to remember that even though you may be feeling bad about having to end things, this decision is ultimately meant to make you feel good, by freeing you from an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship. With some thoughtfulness and compassion, you can break up with your best friend in a way that leaves both of you feeling good about the future!

3. What to do after the break-up

After a break-up, it’s normal to feel sad, confused, and even a little angry. But no matter how much you may want to, it’s important not to trash-talk your ex-bestie to your other friends or on social media. Not only is it petty, but it can also damage your friendship in the long run. Instead, focus on the good parts of the relationship and remember that you’re still friends. If you need some time to yourself, that’s OK – just be sure to let your friend know that you need some space. And if you find yourself spending more time on social media than you’d like, try disconnecting for a few days. It’s important to take care of yourself after a break-up, but try not to let the breakup ruin your friendship.

4. How to deal with the feelings of guilt and sadness that often come with breaking up with a best friend

Breaking up with a romantic partner can be difficult under any circumstances, but breaking up with a romanticLetting go of friends partner who is also your best friend can be an especially painful and complicated experience. This is because romantic partners often present a greater emotional and mental health risk, increasing the chances of romantic partners abusing you or taking advantage of your relationship in other harmful ways.

In addition to dealing with the feelings of guilt that naturally come with ending a romantic relationship, it is also important to address any mental health issues that may have been perpetrated by the abusive behaviors of your ex-partner. For this reason, it is vital to seek out professional help if you need additional support during this time, whether from a trusted friend or family member or a licensed therapist or counselor.

Overall, the most important thing when breaking up with a romantic partner who was once your best friend is to prioritize your well-being and take care of yourself during this difficult time. Whether through regular self-care activities like journaling or physical exercise or by reaching out to others for support, remember that you deserve all the love and happiness in the world and always have the right to make decisions that are best for you.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, it can be difficult to maintain any kind of relationship – let alone a close friendship.

If you find that your friendship is starting to suffer because of your mental health, it might be time to consider breaking up with your best friend. Of course, this is a decision that should not be taken lightly, but sometimes it is necessary to protect your mental health.

We know a breakup of any kind isn’t always the easiest or most ideal situation, but it’s important to take care of yourself and always listen to both sides, and choose your words carefully to not damage the mutual friendships you might have. Hopefully, this article has made you more comfortable if you need to break up with a best friend and still want to have a friendship with them. Please share in the comments if I’ve forgotten anything which helped you in your situation.

Hidden Gems in Arizona You May Not Know Exist

Hidden Gems in Arizona You May Not Know Exist

Few landscapes in the world are as beautiful and iconic as the ones you’ll find in Arizona. Especially if what you’re after are emblematic natural landmarks.


With the Grand Canyon and some of the most beautiful national monuments set within its boundaries, Arizona is king when it comes to postcard-worthy scenery. Some so unique that you’re unlikely to find anything remotely similar anywhere else in the world.


With that in mind, the Grand Canyon State has a ton more to offer beyond its iconic destinations. Arizona is so big that it brims with tons of hidden gems. Some of which even locals have never heard of! 


If you’re the type of traveler who prefers checking out secret places rather than highlights or you just want to have a pretty good mix of both in your itinerary, here’s a list of 7 hidden gems in Arizona you may have never heard of!

Hidden Gems in Arizona You May Not Know Exist

1. White Pocket

Set in the heart of the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, White Pocket is not just a hidden gem in Arizona. Hidden Gems in ArizonaIt’s also a pretty amazing alternative to The Wave because it looks rather similar. But it’s still far away from the usual traveler’s radar. 

Picture a landscape of kaleidoscopic-looking rock formations, hoodoos coated in swirls of colors, and ponderosa pines all over to get a pretty good image of what White Pocket is all about. Plus, thanks to the fact that it’s still quite a secret, you don’t need a permit to enter. But you’re still very likely to get it all to yourself!

2. Barringer Meteor Crater

Here’s a fun fact for you: the best-preserved meteor impact on the planet lies in Arizona!

Barringer Meteor Crater stretches over 4,000 feet in diameter. And boasts a whopping depth of 560 feet. The crater itself is absolutely striking to look at. But when you add the fact that it’s backdropped by gorgeous plains and rugged scenery, you’re pretty much guaranteed an experience like no other here.

Aside from dropping your jaw right to the ground at the sight of this massive crater, the scenic drive to reach it isHidden Gems in Arizona also a pretty incredible experience. As you make your way closer to the site, you’ll be treated to beautiful desert scenery. Make sure you plan a pit stop at the discovery center on the highway, where you’ll get to learn all about the meteorite that created the crater some 50,000 years ago!

3. Tumacacori National Historical Park

Located on the Santa Cruz River Valley, Tumacacori National Park still remains quite a secret in the usual Arizona route. And just happens to be a wonderful place to visit if you’re keen to learn more about the area’s history.

Back in the day, Tamacacori was the spot where O’odham Yaqui and Apache cultures would meet up with European missionaries. Sometimes, gatherings would become violent. But others were meant for them to work together to improve the area.

During your visit to Tumacacori, you can hike the Juan Batista de Anzano National Historic Trail. Go on a horseback riding adventure. Or explore the park’s Franciscan mission that was built together by American Indians and Spanish colonizers!

4. Jerome

Jerome is often nicknamed the “wickedest town in the West” due to the fact that it’s said to be incrediblyJerome Arizona haunted.

Once a prosperous gold mining hub, Jerome suffered plenty of manmade disasters. And its population slowly began to dwindle. Not too long after, this quirky town managed to come back to life by taking advantage of its valley and promoting itself as a destination for all things wine, arts, and ghastly sites.

Today, Jerome is a great spot to head to for historical buildings, wine-tasting, and a thriving art scene. Moreover, if you’re into haunted experiences, there are plenty of tours on offer that will show you just why this town is considered one of the most haunted places in the state!

If you are traveling to Jerome, make sure to make a stop in Cottonwood, a town you drive through to get to Jerome. It’s filled with wineries, good food, and cute shopping spots. Cottonwood is only an hour or hour and a half drive from Phoenix. So it’s totally worth it for a day trip.

 5. Tombstone

Located right on the border with Mexico, Tombstone is a glorious historical city that was established as one ofuncommon spots in Arizona to visit the last border towns from the area’s mining period. 

A visit to Tombstone is all about traveling back in time to the town’s days of glory by checking out museums to learn its history, exploring remaining mines, and touring the streets on a stagecoach. It’s also a wonderful place to visit for cowboy experiences. Especially if you head to the O.K. Corral outdoor theater located on Allen Street, where an authentic cowboy gunfight is re-enacted!

6. Watson Lake

Surrounded by massive granite boulders, Watson Lake is a landscape of striking contrasts that are perfect for an outdoorsy day spent surrounded by postcard-perfect vistas. 

Swimming isn’t allowed at Watson Lake, but there are plenty of other ways to enjoy the lake and its surroundings, be it by hitting a few hiking trails, boating, canoeing, rock climbing, and more!Grand Canyon’s North Rim

7. Grand Canyon’s North Rim

The Grand Canyon is anything but a hidden gem in Arizona, but what many visitors to the state don’t know is that there’s a lesser-frequented side of the canyon you can visit if you want a more solitary experience.

The Grand Canyon’s North Rim only sees 10% of visitors to the park, which pretty much guarantees you’ll get it almost all to yourself. The North Rim is considered a section meant for more intrepid travelers because it lacks amenities, but it still has manageable hiking trails, a ton of boundary-free lookout points, and even a few campsites you can easily reach with incredible views all over (Cape Finale comes to mind!)


Are you currently planning a trip to Arizona? If so, which of these hidden gems in Arizona did you place in your itinerary? Let me know in the comment section below!

10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

Do you come back home after a long day at work, only to feel suffocated? Do you wish to leave home to find peace?

It’s a no-brainer that your home should make you happy; it should make you breathe a sigh of relief just as you enter the door. But if you feel differently, it’s a sign that you need to change the atmosphere around the house.

Removing toxic things, and working on relationships can certainly help if you think they are a problem. However, if you know that you live in a happy family and that your family is your comfort and strength, then let’s just say your home merely needs a few changes to fix the problem.

Here are 10 ways how you can instantly change the atmosphere in your home:

10 ways to instantly change the atmosphere in your home

1. Add music10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

If I say music can help you calm down, I would not be sharing any new piece of information. We all already know it and have witnessed it too. So, if you wish to change the atmosphere of your home for good, you cannot afford to miss adding music.

However, you can skip hip-hop and heavy metal; you’re not having a party in your house. Instead, you can play your favorite music, but make sure it’s calming and soothing to your ears.

2. Change wall colors10 Ways to Instantly Change the Atmosphere in your Home

Believe it or not, décor can change the whole vibe instantly – especially wall paints. Keep a neutral color scheme around the house. It is highly suggested to go for light colors – if you ask me, white or off-white is the best. They make your home feel calming by making it spacious, and bigger.

I love to do removable wall paper or if you have less patience, like me, I started doing splatter walls, where you don’t completely paint the wall. Instead, you use a paint brush and splatter a color onto the wall to give it a different look. It doesn’t take a lot of time, and only needs to be taped and plastic the area off to ensure nothing but the wall gets the splatter. (Trust, I learned the hard way!)

3. Do home-décor right

If you have painted your walls right, you would want to get to the styling and décor. If you are looking for ahome decor tips calming décor – white, grey, and nude colors are in trend for their minimalist touch. So, whatever you pick, it is suggested you pick from the neutral color scheme.

Additionally, you can add plants, wind chimes, and white rugs for an aesthetic and pleasant makeover. If you are looking for additional ideas, you can scroll through Pinterest for some home-décor inspiration

4. Keep the tabletops clear

The rule is not to keep the house cluttered. Neither the floor nor the tabletops. I know, tabletops seem the most convenient place for dropping stuff throughout the day, but the more things get accumulated on the tops, the more suffocating it can get. Ergo, keep tabletops as empty as you can. You can of course add décor to it, but don’t overdo it.

5. Let your home smell mesmerizing

Imagine this, you went out, and came back home to be blessed by a mesmerizing fragrance. How enchantingusing diffusers at home would it feel? Time to make your imagination a reality. There are so many ways of doing so.

You can make your home smell enchanting using these objects

  •   Diffusers
  •   Essence sticks
  •   Candles
  •   Potpourri
  •   Room freshener spray
  •   Fragrance Sachets

6. Add family photos

Your home must not only smell amazing, but it must reek of the people who live there. Adding family photos is a great way of adding a personal touch to your home. You can go simple by hanging in some of the happiest, and memorable photographs, you can add a touch of décor to it by creating a gallery wall with a color scheme. Gray and white if you ask me.

Tip – You can make use of mold photo frames – they are quite in trend these days.

7. Keep your home ventilated and allow natural lightKeep your home ventilated and allow natural light

A breath of fresh air, natural light can change your mood for the better. So, if your blinds are on, or curtains are closed, undo them. Not only will it save you electricity bills, but make you feel tranquil. (I would have loved to talk more about that effect or say that feeling, but forgive me because that feeling cannot be described in words)

8. Make your home cozy

Do you jump or drop yourself down on the hotel’s bed as if you are lying in heaven and would never want to get out of the bed? Guilty, right? Well, that’s because hotel rooms are cozy. You have to do the same with all the rooms so that you feel more than just comfortable – your happiest self.

You can do that by working on the mattresses, pillows, and cushions around the house. Go for thick soft mattresses, and soft and fluffy cushions and pillows. At the same time, add a soft duvet to your bed.

9. Say words of affirmations

If affirmations can make anyone feel optimistic, how can they not change the atmosphere around the house? You can say affirmations together with your family or have them play on the speaker. You can even add décor that emphasizes these affirmations. Try to add cushion covers and quoted frames with affirmations written on them.

10. Laugh more

Décor can surely help you instantly change the atmosphere, but it cannot match the transformation laughter can bring. So go on, share some jokes, and watch some hilarious movies together. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow.


Now that you know 10 easy ways to instantly change the atmosphere in your home, it’s time to get started! Pick one or two of these tips and give them a try. See how your mood changes and how your family reacts. Once you have had some success with a couple of these methods, add more until your home feels like the haven you always dreamed of. Share which of these tips worked best for you in the comments below – we would love to hear from you!