How to Turn your Blog Post into 10 New Pieces of Content

How to Turn your Blog Post into 10 New Pieces of Content

Are you a blogger who is also going through a content creation burnout? If yes, then you have come to the right place.

It’s understandable how hard it can be to come up with original ideas for each new blog post. After all, there are only so many ideas you can come up with before your brain tires out.

Repurposing content is a great way to keep churning out fresh, engaging content without having to use up everyHow to repurpose one blog post into 10 new pieces of content last drop of creativity and resources. Repurposing not only saves you time, resources and energy, but it’s also a great way to maximize the potential of all your content.

Without further ado, let’s dive into –

How to repurpose one blog post into 10 new pieces of content

1. Email Newsletter

The first piece of content that can be created from the blog post is an email newsletter to be sent out to your emailing list. For example, if your blog topic is ‘9 ways to combat writer’s block,’ you could write a small introduction, then copy and paste excerpts of the blog post into the email body with a link to read the full article on the blog. And send! It’s that easy.

2. Twitter

How to repurpose one blog post into 10 new pieces of content

How to repurpose one blog post into 10 new pieces of content

You can post a short, catchy quote from the blog post on Twitter, along with a graphic and a link to the original blog post. It’s as simple as that. Twitter marketing done right!

3. Instagram

Choose one or two quotes from your blog post, and design them into Instagram posters. Then caption them with a long excerpt extracted from the original blog post, and end it with a call-to-action to read more such posts on your blog.

4. Pinterest

You can create new pins for old posts. Create new pins with different graphics and captions for Pinterest, and re-pin your original blog post in a new avatar.

5. Live Video

Print out a copy of your original post, then prepare a script on it by expanding on the concepts you have briefly mentioned in the post.

Then do either a Facebook Live or an Instagram Live where you discuss your blog post in much more detail and accept questions from your audience.

6. Webinar

Create a slideshow based on your original blog post and pre-record a virtual seminar or a webinar.How to repurpose content on blog

7. Templates & Checklists

Pick out the actionable advice from your blog post and turn them into handy Excel or PDF checklists, trackers, and templates. Give these away for free to your readers in exchange for signing up for your newsletter or a similar call-to-action.

8. Podcast/Soundcloud

Turn your blog post into an audio recording by just recording yourself reading out the blog post on your iPhone, or on Anchor FM.

This is a great way to repurpose your content because podcasts are all the rage these days. By posting your blog content as podcasts, you are expanding the reach of your content and driving more and more traffic to your sites.

9. Visuals

Repurposing blog posts

How to repurpose one blog post into 10 new pieces of content

You can take out the actionable information from your blog posts and turn them into visual content in the form of Quotes, GIFs, memes, Frequently Asked Questions with Answers, and many more.

You can then repost these visuals on social media to maximize the reach of your post.

10. Youtube Video

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow based on your blog post. Then, using iMovie or Windows Movie Maker, turn your slides into a video with your voiceover.

You can now upload this video to your YouTube channel as a fresh piece of content. You can also record yourself talking about the concepts discussed in your blog post, and then upload that video to YouTube.

Final thoughts

Following these simple steps, you not only save your time and resources but also end up broadening the reach of your blog post over several other social media platforms. You can take one piece of the write-up as the basis for creating content for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, your email newsletter, podcast, and webinars – all from a single blog post!

Repurposing content allows you time to create new content while your existing content is consumed by people who prefer different methods of taking in the content. When you repurpose, you streamline your work for yourself. Instead of creating 10 different content for 10 platforms, you create 10 different content based on 1 original piece. It helps you work smart instead of working hard. Content creation looks a lot less time-consuming now, doesn’t it?

What are your thoughts on the same? Feel free to share it in the comments below.

How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together

How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together

There’s one thing that most of us are all certain about – what kind of life we desire. Some of us want simple things from life, while others want to live lavishly. However, the only way to achieve the life of our dreams is to work for it. Nothing comes easy, we are not privileged enough to be served everything on a silver platter. We have to work hard, we have to struggle, only then we can be somewhat closer to our dream lives. 

However, despite being all clear about, we still make mistakes; we still do things that would prevent us from achieving our dreams. It could be plain habits, perceptions, or not working hard. Nonetheless, don’t waste time blaming yourself. Instead, get to the action; change your life if you have to. Push the reset button and start over with good habits to achieve the kind of life you want. 

You can start by creating a routine to get your life back together. Here’s how. 

How to create a reset routine and get your life together

1. Change Perceptions

It all starts with a mindset, especially when you have to change your life. You cannot go about life, desiringHow to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together change while still depending on destiny. You have to change your beliefs and embrace the fact that your world is only going to change if you do something about it. 

And you cannot just believe in yourself on Day 1, and start doubting yourself a month later. It does not work like that. Developing perceptions and changing beliefs should be permanent, so much so that you do not go back to your old life, ever again. 

2. Do what you want

Want to be a chartered accountant? Or perhaps a lawyer? Whatever it is, you have to know how you would want to achieve the life you desire.

If you are still a little unclear about it, we suggest reflecting on your life. What is it that you like to do regardless if it is deemed to be a suitable career or not? Secondly, just have a vision. Where do you see yourself in a few years? 

Just think all about it, and you would find it all easier to know where you can go and how. 

3. Identify your flaws

How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together

How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together

When you pushed a reset button, it included resetting your way of life, or some habits or even personality traits that rendered you unproductive and only wasted your time. If you want to achieve your dreams, you have to get rid of these habits, work on your flaws and embrace the ones that aid in your development. 

But before doing anything about it you have to first identify them. Ask yourself, what stops you? What is it that makes you give up? Some fear perhaps or lack of confidence? Whatever it is, you would know it better than we would. Therefore, do a little thinking and find out your flaws before you can correct them. 

4. Set goals for the day

When you have to change yourself for the better, then every day counts. Therefore, make optimal use of the day. As they say, a new day is a chance to change the world. Change your world then. You can start by making goals for the day. 

For instance, if you want to develop a reading habit, then make it a goal to read every day. If you want to start and own a successful business, then work like you haven’t before. Set a goal of covering these many tasks for the day, and this will be your stairs to change. 

5. Get to the action

How to get your life together

How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together

Just as you have heard, actions speak louder than words. Likewise, you would not be able to change your life if you do not make efforts. Everyone can plan, and dream, but only those who take actions and are consistent with them, and manage to change their life for the better.  

Final thoughts

You must have heard; we are the writers of our own life. Start believing in it, and begin. Just so you know, all the good things are waiting for you on the other side of the door. 

How did you change your life? Do you feel you have some resourceful tips that you want to share? Feel free to drop them in the comment section and inspire us all.

The SECRET to Keeping Your Sanity After Your Toddler Stops Napping

The SECRET to Keeping Your Sanity After Your Toddler Stops Napping

We all know that naptime is a sacred time for us moms and we are rarely ready to let go of it. But when your child starts showing signs of dropping their nap, you feel as if you don’t have a choice.

The mere thought of losing your alone time is enough to make you panic. When will you bust out chores? Get some quiet? Work on your side hustle? The thought of having your wildings running around all hours of the day can definitely be a little stressful.

But here’s the thing… there is a GOOD solution to a dropped nap. The solution being to learn how to implement quiet time when your toddler stops napping instead. This will be the saving grace for you, I’m sure of it.

Not sure where to start? Not to worry – I’ll be walking you through that exact transition throughout this post. By the end, you’ll feel you can relax just a bit knowing that dropping a nap isn’t as bad as you once thought.

The SECRET to Keeping Your Sanity After Your Toddler Stops Napping

What is Quiet Time?

If you’re reading this wondering what I’m even talking about, don’t worry – I’ll explain. 

In simple terms, quiet time is a period during the day in which allows your child to escape stimulation. During quiet time, your child avoids anything with lots of lights, noise, or movement. The purpose of this time is to allow your child’s brain a chance to calm down for a little while.

This is a great time for you to calm your brain down, too. (That’s the major benefit, isn’t it?)

When a child naps, they are giving their little developing brains a chance to settle down. But when a toddler stops napping, they can still do that with quiet time.

Toddler Stops Napping: Signs it’s Time to Transition

If your child hasn’t dropped the nap yet but you’re suspecting it might be time, it’s important to know the signs. The last thing you want is to drop the nap before they’re ready and end up with another set of problems on your hands.

Here are a few signs to look for to know if your toddler is truly ready to drop that last nap.

It’s difficult for them to fall asleep

If naptime has turned into a wrestling match marathon, it might be time to consider the transition. A 3-hour fight just for a 90-minute nap isn’t exactly worth it, is it? LOL. Plus, you’re so exhausted by the end of it, you end up falling asleep yourself when you never wanted to.

You’ve tried everything you can think of to help – a relaxing routine that includes diffusing essential oils, running out their energy all morning, and everything in between.


When you’ve reached that point of tear-worthy frustration, it might be time to consider other options. 

Bedtime routine is a nightmare

You had a full wrestling match with your toddler in the afternoon, and then it’s time for a round two complete with dinosaurs around bedtime.

Your child who should be EXHAUSTED from your long day (lord knows you sure are), is nowhere near being tired. He’s running wild, wanting to play, and can’t get enough stories. Those eyes aren’t even heavy! He just rawred at you like a dinosaur before running off to get you to play tag.

You finally wrangle him into the bath to start your “calming” bedtime routine. But nope – you’re now spending the next 2 hours fighting bedtime and end up passed out on the floor next to him from pure exhaustion.

If you can relate to this, that is yet another sign that naps might have reached their expiration date.

Skipped naps have little to no effect on them

It’s that one day that for whatever reason – naps got skipped. You’re stressing out over what tonight will bring. Will it be endless tears and screaming as you approach bedtime? Are we going to get cussed out in baby language for giving them the wrong color cup? You’re not prepared.

But then the time comes… and much to your surprise – they’re fine. They didn’t miss a beat and nobody noticed that naptime got skipped today. They started getting sleepy by bathtime, but no meltdowns occurred (well none out of the ordinary, that is).

Then the same thing happens again. And again. And again.

When skipped naps have little to no effect on your child, that is a PERFECT sign they’re ready to drop them. 

Set the Right Expectations

You figured out that your toddler is indeed ready to stop napping and it’s time to start transitioning over to quiet time. So what do you do next?

The first step is to start setting the right expectations so they know it’s coming and what exactly they should expect. Make them part of the process to help them handle it a bit better.

Last thing you want is to transfer the stress of napping to the stress of your child’s overwhelmed reaction when they notice change happening. 

Take it slow and embrace the transition

First and foremost – take it slow and embrace the transition as much as you can. You don’t need to transition to this overnight (in fact you shouldn’t). Instead, start taking a few steps to lead up to it.

Change the name of naps to “quiet time”. This can help your child to transition a little easier. They’re used to the word quiet time and now you just ease into it looking a little different.

Encourage independent play time. If your toddler has never played by themselves before, they might struggle with quiet time. They won’t want to sit by themselves and you’ll be playing tag around the house the entire time. To make it easier, start encouraging independent play.

You can encourage independent play by:
  • Setting up a “yes space” where everything in reach is available to them
  • Offer appropriate toys that aren’t too easy to figure out, but aren’t too hard either
  • Give them plenty of time with you leading up to independent play
  • Limit over-stimulation as it makes kids less willing to play alone 

Make it a family effort. Set the expectation that “quiet time” will be for everyone, not just for them. Everyone needs space and that’s what quiet time will allow. They will transition easier if they know you also are getting your quiet time. Be sure to start this conversation before it actually happens.

Explain it’s time to rest

Many kids respond better when they understand why certain changes are happening. If your child is one of them, they may really benefit from this conversation.

Explain to them that because they no longer need naps, you need to create a time for their brains to rest. Their body doesn’t need it anymore, but that doesn’t mean their brains don’t!

Younger toddlers may gloss over at this, but it certainly can help in some cases!

Set 3-5 boundaries for quiet time

Quiet time will not go well if no boundaries are set – trust me. These will differ from family to family, but come up with 3-5 boundaries that are exclusive to quiet time. 

It will take them a while to understand, but they will eventually catch on and come to expect them. Be gentle but firm when you are enforcing them as this is a process. Stay consistent and it will get easier over time.

Keep it simple by only having a few. Too many will overwhelm your child and they won’t catch on to anything.

Some possible boundaries to consider are:

  1. Stay in your room until mom comes to get you
  2. If you need something, come get mom (no yelling for her)
  3. Set aside your pretty drawing to show mom after quiet time is over
  4. Bathroom breaks are limited to only once during quiet time
  5. No loud toys or activities during quiet time

Create a “Quiet Time” Environment

Once you’ve set the right expectations, you need the right environment to encourage quiet time. If the environment is too stimulating, it will be really hard to be quiet during this time.

Setup a dedicated area

The best place to start is with the area you choose to utilize for quiet time. You likely won’t want to use an entire playroom for quiet time, but instead a very intentionally setup bedroom.

You might consider having a small table, few select toys, lots of books, stuffed animals, and other items that would encourage quiet time. Avoid having stimulating toys or activities present in the room during quiet time.

Provide exclusive activities

To help with the transition, you might consider having exclusive activities during quiet time. This can mean a wide range of things, so approach it as you see fit.

Things to consider are:

  • Age-appropriate puzzle
  • Books for them to read 
  • Magnet activities
  • Various open play crafts

The important part is that these things are exclusive to quiet time to get them excited for when that time rolls around. You might even consider setting up a few different quiet time boxes so that they get a different set of activities each day.

Give them something to look forward to

At first, it may help to offer some sort of reward or activity once quiet time is over. Giving them something to look forward to might encourage them to stay put. If they’re old enough, ONLY offer this reward if they successfully follow the boundaries that have been set. If not, you can offer it as something they know is coming each day.

Some ideas to implement include:

  • Special 1-on-1 time with mom
  • Going to a park or playing outside
  • Watching their favorite movie


Implementing quiet time when your toddler stops napping doesn’t have to be rocket science. Set the expectation ahead of time and create an encouraging environment and the rest will fall into place.

Now over to you – are you going to start implementing quiet time for your toddler? Or if you already have, how is it going for you? 

Let me know by commenting below!

50 Questions to ask Your Partner to Know them Well Today

50 Questions to ask Your Partner to Know them Well Today

It is not really a strong relationship if you do not know your partner well. It takes time. But sometimes even when it has been long enough, there would be plenty of things you would not know about your partner. It is a given that you have to be a Mr-know-it-all. From their cute little habits to their worst regret, you should know everything!

But how can you do that? Well, you can begin by asking them these fifty questions. 

50 questions to ask your partner to know them better today50 Questions to ask Your Partner to Know them Well Today

  1.     What is the most embarrassing thing you did ever? 
  2.     What is your worst regret? 
  3.     Have you ever hurt somebody? If you did, do you regret it? 
  4.     What’s this one secret you have not told anybody? 
  5.     Money or happiness? What matters the most? 
  6.     What makes you feel alive? 
  7.     What is that one thing you said to somebody that you wished you never said?
  8.     What has been your greatest blessing in disguise?
  9.     If you could go back in time, and undo one thing. What would it be? 
  10. What do you consider worth not forgiving?
  11. Do you listen to your heart or head while making decisions? 
  12. What was your first impression when you met me? 
  13. Have you been completely honest with me? 
  14. What is that one thing that you have never done? 
  15. Where do you see yourselves in five years?
  16. What kind of life do you desire?
  17. What do you do when you encounter a failure? What is your response mechanism? 
  18. What are your financial priorities?
  19. What is that one thing you consider special about yourself?
  20. Do you think you have some perceptions that are not righteous, to begin with?
  21. How do you respond to the mistakes you made?
  22. What is your favorite memory?
  23. What is your least favorite memory? 
  24. Who is the person you trust the most with your life? 
  25. Do you have any habits you would like to change?
  26. Do you feel learning has an end?
  27. What were your major turning points in life?
  28. What is the story of your life?
  29. When have you been your most vulnerable self?
  30. How have you changed in the past five years?
  31. Who are the people you regret acquainting yourself with?
  32. What is that one book or one quote that changed your life? 
  33. What is that one thing you cannot ever forget?
  34. What is the most challenging setback you ever encountered?
  35. What would you do if you would be the last person left in the world?
  36. How do you feel about me?
  37. Who do you idealize in history?
  38. What is the great lesson you learned in your past relationships?
  39. If you had the chance to talk to your future self, what advice would you give them?
  40. What is that one piece of advice you give others but do not follow yourself? (Knowing that you must)50 Questions to ask Your Partner to Know them better
  41. What is that one thing you want to forget?
  42. How do you find yourself changed? And what changed you?
  43. What’s your opinion about friendship?
  44. Are you someone who likes space, or likes to be held on no matter what you say to the other person?
  45. What is that one thing you wish you could do like others?
  46. When was the last time you cried? And why did you cry?
  47. What is the one thing you are most proud of yourself?
  48. Do you ever regret not standing up for yourself or others when you had a chance? 
  49. What has high school been for you, a nightmare or a daydream?
  50. What are you most insecure about?


I hope these questions help you know your partner better. But always remember, knowing someone is always a journey that can never end. Every day you cover distances, and every day is a baby step towards uncovering all the layers of them. So be patient, make communication your priority and that would be enough. 

Hey, do you think you know your partner better? Feel free to share your opinions and stories in the comment section.  


How to Monetize your Blog Without Ads and Still Make Money Every Month

How to Monetize your Blog Without Ads and Still Make Money Every Month

Most people use ads as the only revenue-generating stream on their blog. And yes, there are many blogs that end up making hundreds of thousands of dollars from ad revenues.

However, it would be foolish to think that ads are the only way to monetize a blog. Most blogs generate very meager revenue from ads, and it stops these bloggers from making their passion their full-time profession.

There are many ways to earn a real income from your blog and go full-time, that too without ads!

Wondering how it works? Read on! 

How to Monetize your Blog Without Ads

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be used to earn real money from your blog without ads. To explain more, affiliate marketing involves promoting a product or service toHow to Monetize your Blog Without Ads your readers through an affiliate tracking link.

Every time a reader clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you get paid a set amount of commission. It’s as easy as that!

Some bloggers are clueless as to what affiliate programs they can join, or which products they can promote.

Here are the top affiliate marketing programs –

  1. a) Amazon
  2. b) ShareASale
  3. c) CJ Affiliate

2. Sponsored Content

Writing sponsored content is when you are paid by a merchant to write a sponsored review of their product on your blog.

The amount of money you charge for sponsored content is not recurring, but the post you publish is evergreen and keeps benefitting the merchant as long as it’s live. Thus, you should set a fixed rate for sponsored content, and ask to be paid the full amount before your content goes live.

3. Blog Flipping

Blog Flipping is yet another way of earning from your blog without ads. In blog flipping, you build a blog and then sell it for a huge profit.Ways to monetize blogs

It is a decent source of income if you are invested in building blogs from scratch and then selling them.

4. Online Courses and Webinars

If you are an expert on something, then selling online courses and webinars on your blog can be a sure-fire way of earning income without ads.

You can use platforms like Teachable or Udemy to create online courses with multiple lessons, as well as supplementary study materials such as checklists, downloads, and printables.

5. Selling E-books

If you are running a blog, you have to be good at writing. Along with that, there must be some special skills you are trained in. It could be fashion or wedding makeup or freelance writing.

You can utilize these skills and write ebooks that you can then sell on your blog. You will need to hire an editor and a cover designer to give your e-book the perfect makeover, and then you can sell the book directly on your blog and/or on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

6. Adding Membership Feature

A paid membership feature on a blog is a great way to make money.

You can create private or exclusive forums in your blog where only paid members can have access to the content. They also have exclusiveHow to generate income on your blog access to talk to you directly in your field of expertise.

This method works well for bloggers who have already established themselves as experts in their field through digital courses and e-books.

7. Selling Services

When you learn the art of blogging, you gain a variety of skills in social media marketing, blogging, freelance writing, content marketing, and creation, etc.

Why not use these skills and sell them as services on your blog?

Freelancing is an excellent way of monetizing your blog and building your career. You can offer the following services on your blog and get clients through your blog site –

  1. a) Coaching
  2. b) Freelance writing
  3. c) Consultations
  4. d) Virtual Assistant

Now you know that there are multitudes of ways to earn a healthy income from your blog without even going near the Google Adsense process; go on and adopt one that intrigues you.

Beginners can start monetization through affiliate marketing and sponsored products and work their way up to e-books, courses and finally selling services and adding paid membership features. There are even more ways to make money from blogging, through podcasts and paid guest posting and whatnot.

Bookmark this article and go through it to find out which of the revenue streams are a good fit for your blog. Going full-time as a blogger is no longer a distant dream, but a possible reality.

How do you earn from your blog? Drop your answers in the comments below.