There’s one thing that most of us are all certain about – what kind of life we desire. Some of us want simple things from life, while others want to live lavishly. However, the only way to achieve the life of our dreams is to work for it. Nothing comes easy, we are not privileged enough to be served everything on a silver platter. We have to work hard, we have to struggle, only then we can be somewhat closer to our dream lives. 

However, despite being all clear about, we still make mistakes; we still do things that would prevent us from achieving our dreams. It could be plain habits, perceptions, or not working hard. Nonetheless, don’t waste time blaming yourself. Instead, get to the action; change your life if you have to. Push the reset button and start over with good habits to achieve the kind of life you want. 

You can start by creating a routine to get your life back together. Here’s how. 

How to create a reset routine and get your life together

1. Change Perceptions

It all starts with a mindset, especially when you have to change your life. You cannot go about life, desiring

How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together
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change while still depending on destiny. You have to change your beliefs and embrace the fact that your world is only going to change if you do something about it. 

And you cannot just believe in yourself on Day 1, and start doubting yourself a month later. It does not work like that. Developing perceptions and changing beliefs should be permanent, so much so that you do not go back to your old life, ever again. 

2. Do what you want

Want to be a chartered accountant? Or perhaps a lawyer? Whatever it is, you have to know how you would want to achieve the life you desire.

If you are still a little unclear about it, we suggest reflecting on your life. What is it that you like to do regardless if it is deemed to be a suitable career or not? Secondly, just have a vision. Where do you see yourself in a few years? 

Just think all about it, and you would find it all easier to know where you can go and how. 

3. Identify your flaws

How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together
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How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together

When you pushed a reset button, it included resetting your way of life, or some habits or even personality traits that rendered you unproductive and only wasted your time. If you want to achieve your dreams, you have to get rid of these habits, work on your flaws and embrace the ones that aid in your development. 

But before doing anything about it you have to first identify them. Ask yourself, what stops you? What is it that makes you give up? Some fear perhaps or lack of confidence? Whatever it is, you would know it better than we would. Therefore, do a little thinking and find out your flaws before you can correct them. 

4. Set goals for the day

When you have to change yourself for the better, then every day counts. Therefore, make optimal use of the day. As they say, a new day is a chance to change the world. Change your world then. You can start by making goals for the day. 

For instance, if you want to develop a reading habit, then make it a goal to read every day. If you want to start and own a successful business, then work like you haven’t before. Set a goal of covering these many tasks for the day, and this will be your stairs to change. 

5. Get to the action

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How to Create a Reset Routine and Get your Life Together

Just as you have heard, actions speak louder than words. Likewise, you would not be able to change your life if you do not make efforts. Everyone can plan, and dream, but only those who take actions and are consistent with them, and manage to change their life for the better.  

Final thoughts

You must have heard; we are the writers of our own life. Start believing in it, and begin. Just so you know, all the good things are waiting for you on the other side of the door. 

How did you change your life? Do you feel you have some resourceful tips that you want to share? Feel free to drop them in the comment section and inspire us all.

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