We all love to travel – to be away from the stressful life, toxic people; and stay in the most peaceful state of mind. There are a million reasons I can list down, but what can I say we are running against the clock, so I’ll stick to one.

We love traveling, most importantly because we take with us a lot of memories of the places we visited, and the moments we spent.  You might as well agree – glad you do. But take a moment and wonder, what we leave behind?

Frankly speaking, nothing but damage and ignorance. Environmentally speaking, if you count on the waste we generate for the environment and the resources we use in abundance as if we would never run out of them, it’s just too much to ignore. Culturally speaking, we hand in our neglect to the communities’ services and culture.

That’s not what a responsible traveler does, right? A responsible traveler respects and acknowledges both the environment and culture.

So, if you haven’t had a chance to think this through, but you do agree, here are some tips you can follow to become a more responsible traveler.

Tips for being a more responsible traveler

1. Respect Locals

You might have paid for the services and experience you are getting, but it’s no reason to feel that

Tips for Being a More Responsible Traveler
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you’re entitled or you’re doing them a favor. If you feel that way, then it is a very toxic approach, and you need to change that.

Nevertheless, the service providers, locals, and the culture deserve your respect. This includes being on your best behavior that doesn’t cause inconvenience to them. For instance, you cannot take photos of locals without their approval. At the same time, you cannot complain about the food to the locals who serve you with love and admiration. Everybody’s human and humans make mistakes. It’s okay. You don’t have to be hard on them.

2. Respect the culture

With different cultures as yours, come different mindsets. You might not be on the same page with the other culture, but it doesn’t mean you show disrespect or voice out your opinion in front of them. You are the guest, and you have to live by the rules.

For instance, when you are in a temple, or any other religious place, follow the culture or abide by the simple rules. Be mindful of your tone, language, and dress-up. Do it to respect the culture, even if you have different beliefs.

3. Enjoy cultural experiences

The locals love it when you devote your time and energy to have a taste of their culture. They give it all to

tourists at the beach
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provide a memorable, exotic, and authentic cultural experience.

Thus, for any local, it feels good to see that you are enjoying it. It’s a moment of pride for them

Thus, to be a responsible citizen, all you have to do is embrace their culture for as long as you are there. This is for international as well as domestic travel. Living in a heavy tourist state and area like Arizona, we have a vast local culture that is influenced by Native Americans as well as people who have moved here from all over the country to live and provide for those visiting. This can include little things like,

  • Shopping for cultural souvenirs.
  • Going in for cultural experiences like joining a local tour, trying out traditions.
  • Talk politely and lovingly to locals. Pass a smile, and words of encouragement and appreciation.
  • Learn their language.
  • Respect their dress codes.  
  • Bargain respectfully when you are shopping from locals.

4. Avail local services

The big business and commerce tycoons don’t care if you enjoy their products and services. But locals do. Call it their modesty or humbleness but they don’t see you as outsiders, they see you as their own – which

local food
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reflects in their services.

Ergo, it’s always wiser to opt for local services – this includes choosing local markets over malls, eating out at local restaurants instead of Burger King and McDonald’s. Not only it brings them joy but it also helps their economy and their lifestyle.

The cherry on the cake is, it’s environmentally friendly as well. You reduce the carbon footprint by opting out of services that heavily consume and exploit resources.

5. Conserve resources

No one likes a heavy electricity bill, locals don’t either. Not to mention, resources are scarce, no matter which part of the world’s resources you use. We have to protect them for the sake of mankind, together.

Here are a few tips that can help

  • Don’t exploit your hotel’s resources – this includes electricity and as little things as paper napkins and toilet paper.
  • Watch your step – don’t step on little plants and flowers.
  • Walk or use public transport as much as you can.
  • Don’t ask for plastic bottles, paper, or plastic bags, carry your own.

 6. Give out tips, provide financial help

Not everybody has money. You might be fortunate enough, but the locals or the people who serve you might not be. They might share a smile with you, but who knows if they’re struggling to make their ends meet.

Having said that, being generous with tips can help them tremendously. If you think you can do more, you can even find local ethnicities, or foundations to donate a generous amount to them. Who knows if your kindness can make someone’s life better?

Lastly, remember – You don’t owe anything to anybody, but you owe the environment, culture, and most importantly, yourself to become a responsible traveler. 

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