We all dream of a clean and tidy home as if it’s something supernatural or impossible to achieve. Supernatural – definitely not. Impossible – well, it can feel that way if you are a working mom who spends all day working and running, only to come back home dead tired, and on the edge after finding their home nothing but a mess.

The same goes for the work from home mom who spends all of their time in front of their desk only to come out for lunch and sometimes a water refill. Many would assume we would have all the time in the world working from home to keep the house clean during our working hours.

Does that sound familiar? If yes, then I can understand how bad you wish to have a clean home. It might feel impossible, but it is not. Given, there are working moms out there who manage to keep a clean house.

You must be wondering, “How the hell do they do that?”

Well, they have their secrets, which I am going to spill out in this very article. So, keep reading.

10 secrets to keeping a clean house as a working mom

1. Prepare the night before

Tell me if you don’t throw away your sweaters, jackets, and scarves on the bed or floor every time you leave

10 Secrets to Keeping a Clean House as a Working Mom
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for work, all because you don’t have enough time to keep things in their proper place. Guilty, right? Well, the morning rush does that to everybody. So, the trick here is to prepare the night before so you save time and don’t leave a mess behind. Here’s how

  • Select your clothes, iron them, and hang them by the hanger on a door, or at the front of your cabinet.
  • Keep your essentials in the bag the night before.
  • Chop vegetables for breakfast. While you are at it, look for quick breakfast options that won’t create a huge mess.
  • Keep the cosmetics you would need to get ready nearby.

2. Don’t procrastinate

Have a jacket to put in the closet? Well, don’t just leave it there, even if you think you’ll pick it up later. Just know the word, Later is a scam.

So, make it a rule to do things then and there. Don’t procrastinate, pick up the things, wash the dishes, and keep things properly right at the moment. You wouldn’t want to come back home to a messed-up home, would you?

The same goes for your kids, if they have something laying around, it’s good practice to teach them to pick it up and put it where it goes the second they (most likely you) see it.

3. Encourage your family to do their own chores

Yes, you are the mother, but it doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself – even the chores that

encourage kids to do chores
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are not yours to do in the first place. Gender roles are history, so it’s time you encourage your family to do their chores – whether it is washing their dishes, doing their laundry, cooking their food, or cleaning their rooms.

In our home, my husband does his own laundry because he likes to wear the same things multiple times a week, even with a closet full of capable clothing. Our girls do the dishes and are responsible for keeping their rooms cleaned as well as the dog messes in the yard once a week.

Leila’s teacher let them play a game in school in her 5th grade class and one of the questions was if they had to do chores at home. Out of 20 students, only 3 of them had chores. 3! It’s no wonder us moms and dads are overwhelmed by housework! Now is the time to teach your children how to do chores and at the very least clean their own rooms!

4. Encourage your family to help you out

Another variation to the former point, but the logic is the same – you are not a superhuman who can do

child stacking toys
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everything. Your family should help out. Ergo, if everybody is in favor, consider dividing chores between your family members – You can reserve the easiest for your children – like collecting dirty clothes in the laundry basket and picking up things.

Sometimes when we have a lot of laundry from returning from travel, or just a hectic week I will start a load of laundry and let them collect in the laundry baskets. Steve is very adamant about the 4 of us getting all the laundry and dumping it on the couch and folding and putting it away together. While we do have a cleaning crew that comes once a week, sometimes the laundry is out of control and needs help. This is a nice relief when we can all do it together.

5. Use technology to make your work easy

It’s simple – if you can afford cleaning technologies, why wouldn’t you? Cleaning machines like vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and washing machines exist to make our lives effortless. You cannot remain an old school for the rules of it. Be open-minded if you aren’t already.

Pro Tip — We have the iRobot vacuum (this is the exact one we have) and also a mopping robot that clean and mop the floors because our dogs are major shedders! They go off on a specific schedule each day and it’s one less thing I have to worry about because they clean the whole floor and when they are done, they go back to their home for the rest of the day. 

6. Don’t over clean

Do you wash your clothes after every wear? If you do, you’re making yourself work for no reason at all. This

tips for keeping a clean house
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needs to be said a lot – some clothes don’t require washing after every wear. Consider this guide for details.

7. Keep everything organized

Does cleaning seem like a mountain to climb? Well, it can certainly feel that way if one doesn’t have everything organized. If you want your cleaning to be quick, organize right by allocating a place for every type of item.

Tip – If you find your drawers extremely cluttered, you can invest in storage items like small boxes, and trays to make everything more organized. 

8. Own fewer things

Do you know the root of the problem? Our homes are full of clutter, which is why cleaning seems a hassle. The solution is easy (but requires you to have a strong heart to let go) – Declutter and own a few things. The fewer things you own, the less will be the mess.

9. Get professional help

Don’t hesitate to dial cleaning services when you are in desperate need. These services can be a little investment but are totally worth it if they can save the day.

10. Take it easy

You are a working mom who runs like a robot – cut yourself some slack and take it easy. The world won’t collide if you don’t clean for a day or don’t make cleaning your priority if you have other things to worry about. It’s okay. Try your best, and it will still be enough.

Hey there, do you have some cleaning tips we all can use? Feel free to share them in the comment section.

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