How To Be Happy For Someone Else

How To Be Happy For Someone Else

We all know that feeling. When someone we care for is achieving something great and we can’t help but to feel a twinge of jealousy. It’s normal to want what others have, but it’s important to remember that happiness should be celebrated- even when it isn’t our own. Being genuinely happy for someone else can have a positive impact on both personal and professional life. It is normal to feel jealous tendencies or other negative emotions, but it can be challenging to navigate conflicting feelings. Despite this, it is possible to be happy for someone else even when your own life looks less than ideal. The benefits of being genuinely happy for others include refreshing those around you and potentially receiving good karma in return.  Today’s tips guide how to achieve genuine happiness without any tinge of negativity toward the person being celebrated.

How To Be Happy For Someone Else

Acknowledge your feelings

How To Be Happy For Someone ElseIt’s ok to acknowledge your feelings, positive or negative. It’s ok to feel positive or happy for other people, but also ok to feel bad or even jealous when something positive happens for someone else. You can choose to exude positive energy by making positive affirmations and by making their victory your own – if you have nothing positive to say, then remain quiet. Making a gratitude list is another way to stay positive; remind yourself of all the things that you’re grateful for and take your eyes off what others have that you don’t. One of the most important things is to be inspired by the success of others and trust that your time will also come. Acknowledge any negative emotions, accept them, and then move on!

Practice empathy

Put yourself in their shoes and imagine the blood, sweat, and tears they’ve poured into their accomplishments. Feel the excitement of their victories and the challenges of their setbacks. By cultivating empathy, you’ll not only understand their journey better, but you’ll also deepen your connection with them. Imagine the level of dedication they’ve put into achieving their goals. Picture the thrill of their successes and the difficulties they’ve faced along the way. As you step into their shoes and truly empathize, you’ll not only gain a clearer understanding of their journey, but you’ll also forge a stronger bond with them. It’s all about walking a mile in their sneakers!

Let go of jealousy

Ah, the green-eyed monster. We’ve all felt its sting at some point, but here’s a reminder for you: success isn’t a limited edition! There’s enough to go around for everyone! So don’t let envy steal your joy or put a damper on someone else’s shine. Instead, embrace that abundance mindset and cheer for others with the same enthusiasm you would at a concert, waving your imaginary glow sticks like there’s no tomorrow.

Be grateful for what you have

grateful journalGratitude can feel like a hard emotion to access, especially when you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for. But often, the best way to feel good and genuinely happy is by taking a moment to appreciate all the good news in your life. Even small things like nailing that work presentation or getting out for a walk in nature can provide an opportunity to feel grateful. Letting go of comparing what you have with what others have and just accepting where you are in that present moment can help us feel contentment and joy. A simple but powerful act of being thankful for what presents itself throughout our day-to-day lives will allow us to be truly happy with our current circumstances and ultimately provide us with a greater sense of peace.

Focus on the positive

It’s always easy to focus on the negative things in life, but sometimes it’s best to turn things around. Everyone has bad days and setbacks – that’s part of life! But rather than ruminating on what went wrong, it’s more productive to take a step back and look at the positive aspects of your current situation. Doing this takes practice, but its benefits are immense. When you’re able to appreciate the present moment and all of its potential, you will have greater power to make lasting changes going forward. Life won’t always be sunshine and rainbows, but by being mindful of your mindset, you can make the most of whatever comes your way.

How to Focus on The Positive Things in Life

Want to switch your focus to the positive? Here’s a quick and approachable list to get you started:

  • Surround yourself with positive people and healthy relationships, like a good friend or family member who lifts you.
  • Practice gratitude daily by acknowledging the good things in your life, even when feeling sad or experiencing difficult emotions.
  • Celebrate other people’s successes and feel happy for your friend’s achievements – it can improve your mental state and shift your perspective to the positive.
  • Limit your exposure to negative sources, like social media or people who bring you down.
  • Acknowledge negative thoughts or bad feelings when they arise, but then intentionally redirect your focus to more positive things.
  • Remember, focusing on the positive takes practice, but it’s worth the effort to feel happier and healthier.

Do something kind for someone else

Happy signDoing something kind for someone else can be one of the greatest feelings! Whether it’s a simple gesture, like buying your coworker coffee, or something a bit more involved, like volunteering at your local animal shelter, taking action to bring joy to another person can make all the difference. It doesn’t have to take much to make someone’s day brighter; even something as small as leaving a positive review online for an organization or business can help uplift them in return. It’s so important to take some time out of our day and show kindness and compassion to those around us– you never know how much it might mean for them!

Find common ground

Becoming friends with someone and getting along with them can be hard work, but it is possible if we try to find common ground to build a connection. This could be anything from shared hobbies, beliefs, interests, and experiences that you both relate to. It might take some effort to uncover those things at first, but diving in deep with questions and a genuine interest in getting to know someone else’s perspective can pay off. How To Be Happy For Someone ElseBy finding common ground, mutually beneficial friendships and relationships can blossom, enriching our lives in ways we couldn’t realize without taking that first step of discovery.

How to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground

Let’s dive into steps to finding common ground with your loved ones. Here’s a friendly and approachable bulleted list just for you:

  • Let go of your assumptions and approach the conversation with an open mind. You might be surprised by what you discover!
  • Look at the big picture and find shared values or goals. It’s easier to connect when you focus on the common ground rather than the differences.
  • Ask about likes and dislikes, hobbies, or interests. Finding common activities or passions can create an instant bond.
  • Be genuinely curious about the other person’s viewpoint. Listen actively and ask follow-up questions to understand where they’re coming from.
  • Celebrate someone else’s success! Instead of feeling envy or resentment, recognize their achievements and find common ground through shared joy.

Remember, finding common ground is all about building connections and understanding each other better. So, let go of assumptions, open your mind, and celebrate that else’s success along the way!

Acknowledge your emotions

It’s normal to feel those pangs of jealousy or envy from time to time. But listen up, don’t let those emotions take over! Just give them a polite nod, like you would your great-aunt Ethel at Thanksgiving dinner, and then let them go like a balloon floating away into the clear blue sky. Trust me, as you get the hang of it, you’ll feel yourself flying high with a sense of carefree lightness that comes with celebrating others. Life’s too short to hold onto negativity, so let’s aim for the bright side and keep on soaring!

Celebrate their success

Celebrating someone’s success is an incredibly vital part of recognizing their hard work, especially when it happens to be our success. Celebrating a significant accomplishment can provide us with motivation and an even greater sense of achievement. Whether we appreciate the small victories or revel in the big ones, taking the time to reflect on what we have achieved allows us to take pride in not only ourselves but others around us. Honor your victories by celebrating– you’ve earned them!

How to Celebrate Others’ Success

Here’s a quick and friendly bulleted list of ways you can celebrate others’ success:

  • Give them heartfelt congratulations with a big smile and a pat on the back (metaphorically or literally, your choice).
  • Send them a thoughtful message or card to express your joy and admiration for their accomplishment.
  • Throw a mini party or get-together, complete with confetti, balloons, and maybe even a personalized playlist to celebrate their success in style!
  • Take them out for a celebratory meal or drinks at their favorite restaurant. Who doesn’t love good food and good company?
  • Share their achievement on social media, tagging them and adding a heartfelt caption. Let the world know how proud you are of them!
  • Offer to help them celebrate in their unique way. Whether it’s planning a surprise or organizing an event, let them know you’re there to support and join in the celebration.
  • Treat them to a small gift or token of appreciation that shows you’ve thought about their interests and what makes them happy.
  • Take the time to listen to their stories and let them share all the exciting details of their success. Show genuine interest and enthusiasm!
  • Be their cheerleader! Offer words of encouragement and motivate them to keep reaching for the stars.

Remember, celebrating others’ success is all about spreading joy and lifting each other. So go ahead, be their biggest supporter, and party like there’s no tomorrow!

Be happy for yourself too

Let’s talk about embracing your journey and celebrating those wins of yours, no matter how big or small they may seem. Seriously, don’t be shy about giving yourself a little dance or treating yourself to something nice because you’re amazing! When you radiate happiness and positivity for yourself, you become a magnet for all that good energy, and you’ll be shining like a beacon of support for others too. So keep on embracing your uniqueness and rocking those victories.

Ready to unleash positivity and fulfillment in your life? Celebrate others!

how to celebrate others' successWe all experience moments of joy and sorrow, but by taking the time to appreciate our current situation, focus on the positives in life, do something kind for someone else, find common ground with those around us, and celebrate success when it comes to our way we can make the most out of each day. Life is a journey filled with ups and downs; however by approaching these experiences mindfully we have an opportunity to be truly happy no matter what circumstances come our way. So today take some time out of your busy schedule to pause and reflect on how you can bring more gratitude into your life!

11 Decluttering Tips For Hoarders

11 Decluttering Tips For Hoarders

Are you a hoarder and looking for ways to help manage your anxiety? Controlling the need to collect items and reducing stress can be challenging, but it’s possible with proper techniques. Hoarding is an uncontrollable desire to save things that are mostly useless or unusual. It’s an issue many people face worldwide and can be triggered by anything from anxiety, trauma, or even just collecting small items over time.

Hoarding can quickly spiral out of control when unchecked and can create a pile of clutter everywhere at home. It’s an issue that only gets worse over time, as the hoarder accumulates more and more items without taking steps to reduce their collection. As things get worse, everyday activities such as cleaning become difficult and uncomfortable for those with hoarding tendencies.

Whether grandiose collections have been established in your home or you’re taking initial steps into learning how to declutter better, these 11 tips we have put together will keep difficulties at bay while also giving you room to breatheDecluttering Tips For Hoarders again.

11 Decluttering Tips For Hoarders

Being Open and Honest about Your Hoarding Problem

This is the first step to successful decluttering. Acknowledge that you have a problem and start to voice it out, either by speaking to family or friends, or seeking professional help.

Start with small goals and work your way up to bigger ones

Isn’t it amazing how small victories can lead to monumental successes? When we start with small goals, we’re not only setting ourselves up for achievable results, but we’re also building a strong foundation for bigger accomplishments. Just think about it: when we accomplish something small, we naturally feel energized, motivated, and excited about what’s to come. In this way, we fuel our drive to keep pushing forward, creating a positive snowball effect that allows us to confidently tackle bigger and bolder challenges. So, just remember that sometimes starting small is the perfect way to jumpstart your journey to grand achievements.

Declutter Checklist

Decluttering a hoarder’s home can be daunting, but taking small steps can lead to a clutter-free home and better mental health. Here’s a checklist to get you started:

  • Begin with one room or section to feel accomplished and motivated.
  • Tackle living rooms first to create a relaxing environment.
  • Set a timer for 15-30 minutes to keep from getting burnt out.
  • Identify items you no longer need or use.
  • Create a pile of items to keep.
  • Do the same for any unwanted items you could donate, sell, or throw away.
  • Consider designated storage for sentimental items.
  • Involve family members to make the process enjoyable.
  • Invest in storage solutions to keep your space organized.
  • Seek professional help for hoarding disorder.
  • Celebrate progress, no matter how small.

These are just some of the top decluttering tips to help you start decluttering and achieve a clean and organized home. Remember that the decluttering process is tedious, so take your time and be patient with yourself.

Working on the Underlying Issues

Hoarding is often a coping mechanism for underlying issues such as depression, anxiety, or trauma. It’s important tocounseling session hands focus recognize what’s driving the need to hoard and address it with professional help.

Get Rid of Trash First

Start with the obvious. Go through your home and throw out anything that is trash like old food, newspapers, or other items that can’t be reused or repurposed. This will help you start to make a dent in the clutter and also provide some much-needed motivation to keep going.

Make a list of items you wish to keep, discard and donate

As you’re going through the process of decluttering your space, it’s essential to have a clear plan so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Now, imagine yourself holding three different containers labeled “keep,” “discard,” and “donate.” As you sift through your belongings, think about which items give you the most joy and have a functional purpose in your life; those belong in the “keep” pile. Next, consider the things that are broken, expired, or no longer useful – these are destined for the “discard” bin.

Finally, take some time to ruminate on the objects that are still in good condition but not bringing any value to your life. Instead of tossing these away, place them in the “donate” container, knowing that they’ll find a new home with someone who appreciates them. By adopting this simple system, you’ll transform your space into an organized and mindful haven, filled with items that truly matter to you.

Create a sorting system – like color coding – for the items you’re keepingDecluttering Tips For Hoarders

Have you ever thought about creating a sorting system, like color coding, for the items you’re keeping? Not only does it add a splash of vibrancy to your space, but it also makes locating things a breeze! Imagine opening your closet and instead of being overwhelmed by a pile of clothes, you’re greeted by beautifully coordinated hangers showcasing your wardrobe. Or how about walking into your home office and finding all your important documents neatly arranged in folders according to their relevance?

Trust me, incorporating a color-coded sorting system will not only enhance the visual appeal of your space but also improve your overall organization skills, saving you time and reducing stress. So, what are you waiting for? Grab some colored labels, dividers, or bins and start sorting your items – your future self will thank you!

Another one of the most popular methods for decluttering involves breaking your space into four boxes: keep, donate, sell, and toss. This allows for quick decision-making about which items should stay and which should go.

Set aside time once a week to go through your belongings

Imagine for a moment that it’s Monday evening, and you’re finally settling down after a long day. As you cozy up on the couch, you remind yourself that it’s that special time of the week. That’s right – time to go through your belongings! There’s something magical about dedicating just an hour or two once a week to sort through your possessions, rediscovering forgotten treasures, or realizing that maybe, just maybe, you don’t need to hold onto that collection of hotel shampoo bottles after all. When deciding what to keep and what to throw away, take less than 15 seconds to decide. It can help make it go faster and easier.

Plus, by consistently going through your things and decluttering, you’ll begin to cultivate a cleaner, more organized haven that you can be proud to call home. And the cherry on top? Stepping back at the end of the process, admiring your newly tidied space, and feeling the satisfaction of knowing that you did, indeed, make Marie Kondo proud.

Ask yourself questions about each item before deciding to keep it or throw it away

When it comes to decluttering and organizing our personal spaces, it’s important to ask ourselves some critical questionscluttered kitchen about each item before deciding whether to keep it or throw it away. Consider starting a friendly conversation with yourself, pondering on the usefulness, sentimental value, and condition of each object. For instance, ask yourself, “Do I use this item regularly, or has it been collecting dust?” or “Does this hold a special place in my heart, or is it just cluttering up my space?”. Evaluate the item’s condition, too – is it still functional or has it seen better days and ought to be replaced?

Taking the time to engage with yourself in this way can work wonders in making our surroundings more spacious, bringing clarity when making decisions, and promoting a healthier and happier environment. The power of decluttering lies in saying goodbye to those objects that are no longer serving us. It can be a liberating experience and one that will certainly leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for the next chapter in your life. So don’t be afraid to give those items the boot – believe me, you won’t regret it!

Use storage bins for items that are too important to get rid of but don’t have much use

Isn’t it funny how we all have those items that hold such sentimental value, but we can’t find any practical use for them? Well, I’ve found the perfect solution for those keepsakes we just can’t bear to part with – storage bins! By using these handy storage space containers, we can neatly organize and store anything from old photographs to childhood stuffed animals, while still keeping them safe from damage. It’s a great way to declutter our living spaces without losing precious memories. Plus, it’s easy to locate and reminisce on those tucked-away treasures whenever nostalgia strikes. So next time you come across something too important to toss but not quite useful enough to keep out, remember that storage bins are your best friends.

Declutter One Area at a Time

When it comes to decluttering your home, the most important thing you can do is to take it one area at a time. Trying tomessy garage tackle too much at once will only overwhelm you and might cause you to give up before even getting started. So start small – pick just one room or corner of the house and focus all your energy on that. Once you’ve conquered it, move on to the next spot, and so on. This will help you keep your momentum up and makes decluttering more manageable and less daunting of a task. With this approach, before you know it, your entire house will be neat, tidy, and clutter-free!

Hire a Professional

If time, energy, or motivation are an issue for you, don’t be afraid to enlist the help of a professional. Home organizers and stylists have the expertise and know-how to whip your place into shape in no time. They can also offer valuable advice on ways to declutter and stay organized that you may not have thought of. So don’t be afraid to give them a call – it could make all the difference in transforming your living space from cluttered chaos to heavenly harmony!

Is Hoarding An Addiction?

Hoarding is a complex disorder that can be difficult to understand. While some people may view it as an addiction, it’s actually classified as a mental health disorder. People who struggle with hoarding disorder have persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, regardless of their actual value. This can result in cluttered living spaces that can be dangerous or unsanitary. Hoarding disorder can be challenging to treat, and people who struggle with it may need the help of a mental health professional.

Benefits Of Decluttering Your Home

Decluttering your home can have a variety of benefits for your mental and physical health. First and foremost, it can help reduce stress and anxiety by creating a more organized and peaceful living space. It can also help you save time and money by making it easier to find things and reducing the need to buy duplicates. Additionally, decluttering can improve the air quality in your home by reducing the amount of dust and allergens that accumulate in cluttered spaces. Finally, decluttering sessions can help you let go of the past and move forward, especially when it comes to sentimental items that may be holding you back. Overall, decluttering your home can be a great way to improve your quality of life and create a more comfortable and enjoyable living space.

Take action towards a clutter-free life today!

Hoarding is a serious problem that can take over your life, but it doesn’t have to. By breaking the process of cleaning up and organizing your home into small manageable tasks, you can slowly start to build good habits. Start by setting achievable goals, making a list of things to keep, discard, and donate, creating a sorting system for items you want to keep, dedicating time each week to organize everything, asking yourself questions about each item before deciding what to do with it and using storage bins wisely. Taking these steps will help you declutter your space and give you back control of your life. It’s possible to tackle hoarding; it may take some time but if you stay focused and consistent good habits will become second nature. Small changes make a difference – work on one task or area at a time – it’s doable!

Toxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life

Toxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life

When we talk of happiness, we usually base it around a condition or circumstance in the future. We often tend to forget that happiness can be found in the present moment as well.

For achieving happiness and being content with what you already have, you have to make changes at the grassroots level. The small things that we do every day – habits, beliefs, and thought processes matter a lot. The change must be made at the micro level to see results in the macro view. If you are struggling, remember it’s all about the long run, not the short gain. 

By letting go of certain practices which have become a die-hard habits for us, we can achieve peace of mind and happiness. With New Year’s approaching quickly, leaving these habits in 2022 will help you achieve your goals, and get you want you want in the new year. 

Toxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life

Read on to find out what those habits are and how to quit them.

10 habits you need to get rid of to attain a positive mindset and lead a happier life

1. Negative Thought Patterns

bar cart

Negative thought patterns stemming from self-doubt, insecurities, anxiety, criticisms, etc. are immensely harmful to our mental well-being.

People who harbor these negative thought patterns often project low self-esteem and a glum state of mind.

These negative notions eat into us until we lose sleep at night and start obsessing over them. To lead a happier life, we must accept ourselves as we are and quit spending too much time on these harmful thought patterns.

Personal growth happens when you are willing to stop the negative feedback first between your own two ears, and then you can start removing the toxic people and patterns from your life. Change those negative emotions to positive emotions starting from within.

2. Blaming Oneself

No human being is infallible in this world. We all make innumerable mistakes in the span of our lives, and it is easy to get caught up in a cycle of guilt and self-loathing, thinking of them as a punishment for what you did. It’s so easy to talk and feel bad for yourself because you live in your mind and body. 

Forgiving yourself is harder than forgiving others. But it is indeed one of the most important habits you should form. It is essential to acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them, and equally important to forgive yourself and move forward with the lessons you have learned.

Wallowing in guilt and self-pity does not right your wrongs, instead makes them worse. You owe it to yourself to forgive and speak kindly for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Then, practice gratitude for all your body and mind do for you. 

3. Procrastination

This is one of the most common negative habits that we harbor. Putting off work or responsibilities until theToxic Habits To Quit To Live A Happier Life very last minute is a trap we get into often. And it never makes us feel good, even when we do get everything done. 

However, procrastination has a very negative impact on your well-being. It leaves you feeling stressed and more often, it leaves you feeling frustrated with yourself for doing it again. Not to mention that it affects the quality of your work and creates a bad impression on others. Being more proactive and productive is essential to leading a happier life.

Starting today, spend those extra few minutes to take care of and check off the list of things you don’t want to do. Or even start thinking more about starting a morning routine. Either way, it will help you have a happy life in the long term and have less stress.

4. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle

When we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, we put our physical as well as mental health at stake. Spending money too much, eating too much sugar, not drinking enough water, smoking, bad dieting for weight loss, and consuming intoxicants are just some of the bad habits to break in our lifestyle. 

Fast food is one of the modern conveniences which has gotten us into so much trouble as a society. Not only does it cause unneeded stress for our digestive system and contribute to high blood pressure, but also added weight and fat onto our already heavily strained bodies. The more you can eliminate fast food from your diet, the better off you will be overall. Especially when it comes to preventing sickness and heart disease as we age.

5. Comparisons

Another poison we drink too often. Constantly comparing yourself to others means waiting for others to fail to realize your self-worth.

It’s easy enough to get caught up in this day-to-day cycle of compare and contrast and to forget that each of us isplants shopping unique and valuable in our ways. Being secure in yourself and confident of your capabilities irrespective of where others stand is a deciding factor for your happiness and peace of mind.

In the day and age of social media, this is one of the ways to fall into this trap so easily. Studies show if you can take days or spend time off the platforms it will be best for your mental health. So, take a social media break and get into your comfort zone. The crazy will world will be there waiting for you.

6. People Pleasing

When the only standard you have to meet is your own, and not someone else’s, you truly achieve peace of mind. Happy people are not happy because of other’s opinions, they are happy from within. 

We often become too dependent on what others are thinking of us, so much so that we often trade our health for their approval. This can lead to some real negative emotions. However, who ends up losing each time we fight for someone else’s approval? No one but ourselves!

7. Being Lazy

woman stretching outdoors

Like procrastination, laziness also hampers our productivity. A whole day of doing nothing will leave you feeling more tired and sick than a day of too much work.

And at the end of the day, we sit to blame ourselves for it. Laziness is a disease that can only be cured by fruitful work done on your part. Much like procrastination, a daily routine can help you break this habit.

But, to be honest, there might be days when you don’t want to do anything, and your body and mind want to fall asleep. And that’s ok. It can’t be every day or every week though because that’s where being lazy comes in.

8. Perfectionism

Perfectionism asks you to do the best in all aspects of your life, but that is not beneficial to your state of mind, though it might seem so.

When you try too hard to be too perfect for some external standard, you sell yourself short. Your confidence level takes a hit and you are unsure of your capabilities and potential. Treat yourself with the same compassion with which you treat others.

9. Giving Excuses

Making excuses is just another bad habit you might be struggling to get rid of. There is always an excuse not to do something, not to act in the present moment. It could be as simple as giving excuses not to perform your daily physical activity.

Excuses prevent positive change and stop you from being a better version of yourself. Stop making excuses and start being more proactive.

10. Holding Grudges

When you work on forgiving yourself, you must work on forgiving others as well. Forgiveness and acceptance are the keys to attaining daily happiness.

And whether you believe it or not, what goes around comes around, like karma. You don’t want to hold the grudge so long that it manifests or creates disharmony in your own body and world. It’s better to forgive and forget for yourself and others.

Final thoughts

Accepting that certain situations are beyond our control, and learning to let go can lead to a better life. Remind yourself through affirmations that everything happens for a reason, and try to see the silver lining to every cloud.

These habits are difficult to give up, as they are embedded deep in our personalities, sometimes working more like a reflex action. However, when you learn to retrain your mind and identify the problems in your thinking pattern, you can slowly relinquish these ill habits and attain a positive mindset, ultimately living a healthier, happier life. 

Was this helpful? What are your tips to live a happy life? Do you have any good habits to share? Let me know in the comments below.

How To Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out

How To Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out

If you follow along on Instagram, I talk a lot about Celery Juice and how it helps hydrate your skin from the inside out. It does this among many other things. I highly recommend you eat the items below organically as they will serve your body best. But if you can’t get organic, do the best you can. I can tell when I need to increase the healthy items in my diet and lifestyle as my skin gets very dry and cracks. Hopefully, even though there are so many different skin types, this isn’t something you deal with. But I’m excited to share what I’ve learned along the way!

Much of the information below was obtained from Anthony William’s books, and his direct connection to Source and Spirit. I am not a doctor nor do I have this information readily available. If you would like to learn more about fighting dry skin and dehydration, the links will take you to the books referenced, and I may receive a small commission on the purchase to help continue this blogging journey 🙂 

How To Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out

Avoid inflammatory foods.

I have always struggled with dry, irritated skin, and then moving to the desert was a whole differentcelery juice | How To Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out struggle. I believe it starts with the diet, and ensuring you don’t eat foods that cause inflammation. Inflammatory foods cause your body to swell and store water, making it unavailable for other natural processes. We all love steak, bread, and sweets, but foods rich in fat, carbs, and sugar can hinder your skin body from hydrating properly.

Drink plenty of water.

Along with diet, drinking lots of water is absolutely key. With the dry air in the desert, dehydration happens much faster than anything else. Try to drink between 2 and 3 liters of water each day to maintain hydrated skin.

Exercise regularly.

Exercising is a great way to detox anything needing to get out of your body affecting your skin. You may not believe this, but exercise helps you stay stress free and helps your skin get the hydration it needs. But, you have to drink enough water when you are exercising and most people don’t think they will have dehydrated skin when working out.

Just remember to always wash your face immediately after working out to prevent buildup and breakouts. I recommend using a gentle product that contains hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid works within your skin to help water molecules bind to collagen better. Thus, trapping water within the skin. And, always follow up with a moisturizer.

Take Cold Showers.

It’s hard to imagine anyone not enjoying a hot, steamy overly long shower. But what if I told you hot showers can be detrimental to hydrating your skin? It’s true, hot showers and baths can inflame your skin, making it difficult for you to get the natural oils, fats, and proteins needed to promote healthy skin. In fact, showers or baths that are too hot can cause redness, itchiness, or peeling… almost like a sunburn.

Eat hydrating foods.

Other than drinking plenty of plain water, you can also give your body water through food. Try and incorporate hydrating foods into your diet to prevent signs of dehydration. In fact, there are tons of fruits and vegetables contain water that can add to what you already drink, further promoting skin hydration. Plus, most foods rich in vitamins and minerals also very hydrating and promote even better skin health.

Dehydration Effects On Skin

  • Dry/cracked skin
  • Itchiness
  • Dullness
  • Under-eye circles
  • Sunken eyes
  • More noticeable fine lines
  • Facial inflammation
  • Increased breakouts
  • Dark urine
  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Lightheadedness
  • Weakness

Hydrating Fruit And Vegetables

Celery Juice

I learned this from Anthony William, otherwise known as Medical Medium. Celery Juice is key tomedical medium anthony william helping reduce inflammation, detox the body of unknown toxins that cause trouble on the immune system. It has so many anti inflammatory properties. And, it helps to create healthy skin from the inside out. It’s recommended to consume 16 – 32 ounces of fresh celery juice on an empty stomach every day.

The celery salts in Celery Juice help retain moisture and help you stay hydrated more than anything else available to you nutritionally. Skin’s natural function is to provide a moisture barrier that the celery juice helps to keep working properly. Skin is our largest organ, so it’s super important to keep your skin cells hydrated properly. So aside from drinking plenty of water, try drinking lots of celery juice too!

Iceberg Lettuce

I think we can all agree that iceberg lettuce tastes a little bit like just plain water. That’s because it is! In fact, this lettuce variety is made up of 96% water, making it one of the most hydrating vegetables out there. If you’re in need of an extra boost of hydration, grab a iceberg salad. The best part is that you can add other ingredients to your salad that also improve skin health or that are extra hydrating. Think red or yellow bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, apples, cucumbers, and more. Since I do deal with dry skin, I try to incorporate salads as often as possible.


Growing up, my dad always called cucumbers, pickles because that’s how he wanted them made. I didn’t know then that they were actually cucumbers and how good the fresh version actually is! If you want to hydrate at the deepest possible level in your body, cucumbers are the ticket. They also have a cooling effect on the body, making them the perfect summer snack.

If you eat cucumbers on a daily basis, they can help cool and reverse liver damage dating back 10 to 15 years — many people who have this damage don’t even know! If you can’t eat cucumbers whole, fresh cucumber juice is the best rejuvenation tonic in the world. It contains electrolyte compounds. And can help reduce fevers in both adults and children. If this wasn’t enough, cucumbers are rich in vitamins A, B, and C, and support digestion. Fruits and vegetables are the best things you can have to help increase hydration as they are made of mostly water.


It only makes sense that if cucumbers are super hydrating, that zucchini are too. Just one cup of zucchini contains around 90% water, plus a plethora of other healthy nutrients as well. Including but not limited to, plenty of fiber, vitamins B6 and C, and protein. The most effective way to add zucchini to your diet is by steaming it. While baked zucchini is very delicious, baking the zucchini literally bakes the water right out. Leaving less for you get when you eat it.

Sweet Potato

So many people shy away from the sweet potato because they think it’s a starch or nightshade that will hurt them. In reality it’s so great for your skin. This beautiful root is full of vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, beta-carotene, lycopene and other nutrients. Which makes it perfect for daily consumption to improve skin health and glow from the inside out. Sweet potatoes are also abundant in amino acids, which can help draw radiation from the body. Along with fighting off skin cancers, breast cancer, reproductive cancers, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, esophageal cancer, and rectal cancer. (Medical Medium Life Changing Foods book citation)

Sweet potatoes are especially important for women to include in our diets to ward off anything we don’t want in our bodies. As well as for our skin. If you have trouble sleeping, try eating a sweet potato to help increase neurotransmitter production, thus helping you prevent signs of dehydration from the inside out.


Citrus fruits, such as oranges, clementines, and lemons, are all water rich foods. For example, oranges are 86% water and clementines are 87% water. If possible, try to incorporate a citrus fruit into your diet each and every day. Either plain, in your yogurt, or in a smoothie. I can always tell a different when I follow this advice and make citrus a grocery staple. In addition to water, citrus fruits contain tons if vitamin C. Which is great for the skin and supporting the skin barrier as part of the immune system. Citrus fruits also contain good amounts of vitamin B6, fiber, and calcium.


The skin is the first place to look when you have something wrong in your body. So ensuring your skinBest Foods For Hydrated Skin | How To Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out health is a top priority is something I work on daily. In addition to these suggestions, it’s important to use a sunscreen to protect your skin on the outside so the inside has its best chance to thrive. Apples are the ultimate toxin and debris cleanser in the colon. Which is where most of the skin inflaming irritants hide.

If you want to hydrate and make your skin better from the inside, apples are the first step to making that happen. Apples are also hydrating on a deep cellular level. They provide trace minerals and electrolytes which are helpful in the body rehydrating after exercise or any stress. They help ensure the natural barrier function of skin stays working properly, or helps support it when it is working extra hard.


Yum. Who doesn’t love a good handful of strawberries every now and then? Strawberries are great for both hydration and skin health. And if you can, you should keep them stocked. Strawberries are super sweet snack, and are made up of around 90% water. In addition to water, they also contain fiber and a slew of antioxidants to fight free-radical damage. Even better, they are very low in calories. Eat them plain, dip them in dark chocolate, or add them to your next salad or smoothie. There are really so many options with strawberries, making them the perfect rehydrating snack.


All melons are basically purified sugar water. But the good kind of sugar that helps your body get back electrolytes and replenish the water loss we experience daily. Melons of all kinds are especially beneficial if you are like me and struggle with dry skin year-round. I know when I need to consume more than 1 cup of melons a day, because my skin will get very dry and itchy. Melons are predigested so they make a really great option when you are in dire need of something to nourish your skin. Or, if you are on the verge of dehydration.


Made up of 88% water, peaches are an excellent snack that can help you stay hydrated. Plus, what’s better than a nice, ripe peach on a hot summer day? This yummy fruit also contains skin-supporting ingredients. Like vitamins C, A, E, and K, and even some potassium and phosphorous, too. Like strawberries, peaches are really easy to add to any diet plan. Eat one plain, add them to your next yogurt or salad, or make a delicious peach salsa with chips.


Imagine making a soup. You start with almost all water, right? Then, you add in everything else. This is why soups are one of the most hydrating foods to consume. If you can stomach a warm soup in the summer that is. When making soup, keep in mind that extra ingredients like salt, bouillon cubes, and certain types of salsa, can add too much salt to the soup. And thus, reduce the hydrating effects.

Instead, add natural spices and ingredients that support skin health. Soup ingredients that contain vitamins and minerals that support skin health include: bone broth, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, red or yellow bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, and more.

Coconut Water

While technically a drink, I’ll include it anyway. If you’re feeling dehydrated and you want to rehydrate as quick as possible, grab some coconut water. Coconut water is more than just water, its water + electrolytes. And, its much healthier than the typical sports drink. Plus, coconut water contains vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and vitamin C, all of which support skin health. Especially when it comes to reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and improving skin elasticity. In this case, its very important to make sure the coconut water is organic, or else it may contain added sugars and salts that will do you no good.

Mainstream foods for hydrating skin from the inside out

You may be asking why I didn’t include olive oil or flaxseed in my recommended foods to hydrate skin and there’s good reason. I personally have tried to use olive oil but find it ends up clogging or causing more issues than I started with. I also found I relied too heavily on the oil. I found I didn’t include the other good foods more in my eating. Flaxseeds are a great filler and good for your hair and nails, as well as skin. But again, we want to add more hydration. And the foods listed above are very hydrating and not dry. I also want to point out that my recommendations are based on my own skin type, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work for yours!

If you want to follow in the mainstream foods, you can add in healthy fats. Good fats like avocado, seeds and walnuts, and fatty fish like salmon to still get some of the hydration. Herbal teas like hibiscus are best remedies if you wanted to have some sort of hot beverage still but not get the dehydration of coffee or caffeine. There are also natural oils like soybean oil or avocado oil that you can also use to help battle skin dehydration.

As summer starts here in Arizona, I will be listening to my own advice and increasing my intake of Mainstream foods for hydrating skinthese wonderful, skin hydrating foods to ensure I am able to hydrate from the inside out.

I don’t want to put a bandaid on the situation and then be embarrassed when I can’t wear sandals or my skin is flaky from the dryness. You shouldn’t either.

If you are super serious about avoiding dry skin and dehydration, I invite you to check out Anthony’s book, Cleanse to Heal, to really get all of the issues addressed once and for all. Skin’s moisture starts on the inside and I hope you have learned a few new foods to incorporate into your diet. To help increase the water content in your body and to not wear yourself out with the number of glasses of water you should drink daily. Give yourself some options and let me know which were your favorite in the comments!


5 Eco Friendly Curtains

5 Eco Friendly Curtains

We all love the feeling of coziness curtains bring to our home. But did you know that most conventional curtains today are made from synthetic fabrics and artificial dyes that are not always eco-friendly or healthy for your family? Never fear, because there are also several eco-friendly solutions out there so you can enjoy the comfort of a beautiful curtain without any guilt! In this blog post, I’m diving deep into 5 amazing environmentally friendly curtains perfect for moms living a more conscious lifestyle. Learn about some sustainable materials and inspiring designs – including unique ways to hang & style too!

Why Eco-Friendly Curtains are important

Eco-friendly curtains play a vital role in promoting a greener and more sustainable living environment. EmbracingEco Friendly Curtains environmentally-friendly materials and practices in our home decor not only contributes to the well-being of our planet but also significantly benefits our personal health. By opting for eco-friendly curtains, we reduce the amount of harmful chemicals and toxins released into our homes from conventional, synthetic materials. This, in turn, promotes better air quality, reduces allergens, and creates a healthier living space for ourselves and our families. Moreover, eco-friendly curtains often feature energy-efficient designs that help in maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures and reducing energy consumption, effectively lowering our carbon footprint. By making this conscious choice, we become an integral part of the global movement towards a sustainable future while transforming our homes into safe and nurturing sanctuaries.

Benefits of using Natural Fabrics for Curtains

The benefits of using natural fabrics for curtains extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal; they provide several environmental and health advantages. These eco-friendly textiles, often derived from renewable resources like cotton, linen, and silk, offer unparalleled versatility, durability, and airflow characteristics. By opting for natural fabric curtains, you not only contribute to conserving our planet by reducing the demand for synthetic materials, which require fossil fuels for production, but you also improve the air quality within your living space. As natural fabrics are not treated with harmful chemicals or artificial coatings, they tend to be hypoallergenic and kinder to those who suffer from allergies or skin sensitivities. Elevate your home’s charming appeal, promote sustainability, and take care of your health by embracing the many benefits that natural fabric curtains have to offer.

Different Types of Eco Friendly Curtains that you can ChooseEco Friendly Curtains roundup from

In recent years, people have become increasingly aware of the significance of environmentally sustainable practices in their lifestyle choices. One easy way to bring eco-friendliness into your home decor is by choosing the right type of eco-friendly curtains. Various sustainable materials and designs are available, ensuring that your choice aligns with both your aesthetic preferences and your commitment to the environment. For instance, consider selecting organic cotton or bamboo for a naturally breathable and durable curtain fabric. These materials not only utilize fewer resources during production but are also biodegradable.

Alternatively, you can opt for curtains made from recycled materials to further reduce your carbon footprint. Aside from material choices, look for curtains with energy-efficient features such as thermal insulation or UV protection to control the temperature within your living spaces and reduce your reliance on air-conditioning units or heaters. Ultimately, choosing eco-friendly curtains allows you to effectively blend style with sustainability within your home.

Tips on How to Care for Your Eco Friendly Curtains

Caring for your eco-friendly curtains is an essential task that allows you to prolong their lovely appearance while preserving our environment. A homeowner might feel overwhelmed by this challenge, but with a few well-chosen techniques, you can master the art of maintaining your environmentally conscious draperies. The key is to be gentle andsustainable curtains to make use of all-natural materials and cleaning agents. One helpful tip is to vacuum them regularly, using a soft brush attachment, to remove dust and allergens. When it comes to washing, opt for a mild detergent made with plant-based ingredients and avoid bleaches or harsh chemicals.

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper washing and drying methods, as various eco-friendly fabrics have different requirements. If your curtains need ironing, choose the lowest heat setting and use a cloth between the iron and fabric to prevent damage. By adopting these straightforward strategies, your curtains will stay vibrant, fresh, and ready to accentuate your home’s eco-conscious atmosphere.

How to Incorporate Eco Friendly Curtains into your Home Decor for a Cozy Space

Incorporating eco-friendly curtains into your home decor not only contributes to a healthier environment but also creates a cozy and comfortable space. When selecting eco-friendly curtains, opt for natural and sustainable materials such as organic cotton, hemp, or bamboo. These environmentally responsible fabrics help reduce the negative impact on our ecosystem while providing an appealing aesthetic for your room. Furthermore, consider choosing curtains with built-in insulation qualities or ones that are energy-efficient as they help maintain the desired room temperature throughout the year, ultimately saving you energy costs.

One must also pay attention to the production process and certifications, ensuring that the curtains are made ethically and sustainably. Experiment with light and vibrant colors as they can transform the aura of the room while maintaining the theme of sustainability. Adding eco-friendly curtains to your home truly brings a sense of warmth and tranquility while showcasing your commitment to preserving our planet’s resources.curtain design at home

In conclusion, eco-friendly curtains offer a wide range of benefits that are great for the environment and your home. Natural fabrics help keep your air clean and also last longer than traditional synthetic options. From bamboo to recycled cotton, there is a variety of eco-friendly options available to choose from. And with a few simple maintenance tips, you can keep your eco-friendly curtains looking beautiful for years. What’s more, these curtains complete the look of just about any type of home decor and create a space that is as cozy as it is stylish. No matter what type of curtains you decide to hang in your home, choosing an eco-friendly option can help ensure that your home looks great while also helping reduce its environmental impact.

What Is Social Media Envy and How to Deal with It

What Is Social Media Envy and How to Deal with It

Do you ever feel like you’re falling behind on social media? Like everyone else is doing something amazing and you’re just not keeping up? If so, then you might be experiencing social media envy. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This is a very common phenomenon, but it can be tough to deal with. I find when I take a break from social media, I feel one of two ways: I feel jealous and envious of what I missed or I reflect on the time I spent doing something else. In this blog post, we will discuss what social media envy is, and how to overcome it!

What Is Social Media Envy

What is social media envy and what causes it

It’s easy to scroll through social media and feel like everyone has a better life than you. The photos people postWhat Is Social Media Envy of themselves on vacation, enjoying a delicious meal, or being surrounded by friends and family can make you feel envious. This feeling is known as social media envy, and it can have serious consequences. Social media envy can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and even anxiety disorders. If you find yourself feeling jealous regularly, it’s important to take some time for self-reflection. Why are you comparing yourself to others? What is lacking in your life that you hope to find by looking at other people’s lives?

Once you’ve identified the root of your social media envy, you can start to work on dealing with it. There are several ways to do this, including unfollowing accounts that make you feel bad about yourself, focusing on your own life and accomplishments, and seeking professional help if necessary. Social media should be enjoyable. So don’t let envy ruin it for you. Remember, comparisons are rarely accurate, and social media is often an unrealistic portrayal of reality. Don’t let the highlight reel of someone else’s life ruin your happiness!

Symptoms Of Social Media Envy

  • Comparing yourself to others
  • you’re feeling inadequate
  • feeling like you’re not good enough
  • feeling behind
  • FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

The effects of social media envy

It’s no secret that social media can be a breeding ground for envy. We compare ourselves to others, scrollingHow to deal with social media envy through carefully curated images of people’s “perfect” lives and feeling inferior in the process. But what exactly is social media envy, and how can we deal with it?

Also known as FOMO, social media envy is the feeling of jealousy or insecurity that we experience when we see other people’s lives online. According to a recent study, nearly 60% of millennials say that social media makes them feel worse about their own lives. And it’s not just young people who are affected; we all seem to be susceptible to the negative effects of constantly comparing ourselves to others.

How To Avoid Social Media Envy

How to overcome social media envy

Social media has become such an integral part of our day-to-day lives that it’s hard to imagine a world without it. Although social media can be a great way to connect with friends and family, it can also be a breeding ground for envy. If you find yourself constantly comparing your life to the “highlight reel” of others, it might be time to take a step back and evaluate your relationship with social media. Here are a few tips to help you avoid social media envy:

1. Approach social media with a different mindset: Instead of looking at social media as a competition, try to see it as a source of inspiration. There’s no need to compare your life to the highlight reel of others – everyone has their own unique journey.

2. Count your blessings: It’s easy to get caught up in what we don’t have, but try to take a moment each day to appreciate what you do have. Whether it’s your health, your relationships, or your accomplishments, be grateful for what you’ve been able to achieve.

3. Avoid comparisons: Comparing yourself to others is only going to make you feel worse. Instead of looking at what others have, focus on what

4. Seek professional help: If you find that social media is negatively impacting your mental health, it might be time to seek professional help. A therapist can help you work through any feelings of envy and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Dealing with this problem can be tough, but it’s important to remember that everyone’s life is different.Tips to avoid social media envy Comparison is rarely accurate, and social media is often an unrealistic portrayal of reality.

How To Deal With Envy From Others

Whether your on social media platforms or not, you will likely experience envy from others at some point in your life. Here are some tips for dealing with it:

  1. Don’t be quick to anger – that’s what your opponent wants
  2. Don’t take their insults to heart – what they think doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things
  3. Be true to yourself – don’t apologize your just doing you
  4. Be patient to respond – quick angry responses are exactly what the other party wants, a reaction
  5. Don’t retaliate – instead, build up your opponent so that they realize you are not the enemy

When it comes to social media jealousy specifically, simply remove them from your profile. You DO have control of who can see your social media, even if its a close friend. Limit the time you spend on social media, set boundaries, and make sure that your social media makes you feel happy.

Additional tips to help you deal with social media envy

Take a break: It’s important to remember that the images we see on social media are often edited versions of reality. If you find yourself feeling envious of someone’s life, it can be helpful to take a break from social media. Maybe set a rule for yourself where you only allow yourself to check social media once a day, or better yet, take a couple of days off altogether. This will help you to remember that what you see on social media is not always an accurate representation of reality.

Reassess the positive things in your life and your goals: It’s easy to get caught up in what we don’t have, but try to take a step back and reassess all the positive things in your life. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for, no matter how big or small. This will help you to refocus your attention on the good things in your life, rather than what you’re lacking. Additionally, it can be helpful to revisit your goals and remind yourself of why you’re working towards them. This will help to motivate you and keep your envy in perspective.

Social media envy is a common problem that can be difficult to overcome. However, by following the tips we’ve outlined in this article, you can start to develop healthier coping mechanisms and avoid comparing yourself to others. Remember that everyone’s life is different, and it’s important to focus on what makes you happy. If social media is negatively impacting your mental health, it might be time to take a break or seek professional help.

What tips do you have for dealing with topic? Let us know in the comments below! And don’t forget to share this article with your friends if you found it helpful.